Kuan Yong.
Yun Ling.
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Ok. Today will have a lot of photos. Haha..
Ok. This is like a big news in Singapore. But how did this happen?
JI detainee Mas Selamat Kastari escapes from Singapore detention centre
SINGAPORE : A massive police operation is underway in Singapore after the leader of the Jemaah Islamiyah network here, Mas Selamat Kastari, escaped from detention at 4.05pm on Wednesday.
A statement from the Home Affairs Ministry says Mas Selamat walks with a limp and is presently at large.
He is not known to be armed and is one of Singapore's most wanted men.
Extensive police resources have been deployed to track him down after he escaped from the Whitley Road Detention Centre.
Anyone with information about him can contact the police at 999.
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Gosh.. I just read this off a forum.
China woman lets son pee in the train!This is plain disgusting. It also makes me wonder why NO ONE actually voiced it out immediately. This is the most astonishing thing that I've seen so far... I guess.. Haha..
This woman, says a STOMPer, let her child pee on the floor of an MRT train, and unwitting commuters stepped on the puddle of urine, creating a huge mess.
On the incident, Chelsea, in the email sent to STOMP, said:
"On 18th Feb 08, I got onto a east-bound train at Commonwealth MRT.
"When the train was going towards Tanjong Pagar Mrt (time around 9pm), a China woman sitting opposite me brought her son to the door of the train to PEE.
"At that time, two passengers were standing near the door and nobody said anything.
"After peeing, the woman brought her son back to the seat and continued the journey as if nothing happened.
"It was just so disgusting! Took a photo of the mother with child back facing me.
"When the train stopped at Tanjong Pagar Mrt, more passengers started to board the mrt.
"Not knowing about the pee, the passengers just stepped all over it, causing a mess in the MRT.
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Okay~ this entry is due to Shu Yin's narcissistic post. :P
Some interesting stuff. Man, learn these well! :P
Things a Man Should Never Do in the Company of a Woman
Reveal how much your car cost.
Polish high school trophies (which you still have displayed).
Refer to your mother as your best friend.
Check out our assistant/roommate/the baby-sitter.
Question our footwear.
Impressions of us.
Scream—at the dog, at the guy who just stole your parking spot, at Bill Belichick. Because, no matter how much Belichick deserves it (cheater!), when we hear you raise your voice, we have an idea of what we're in for.
Use the words bitch, slut, tramp, or whore, unless referring to another man.
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10 Things You Should Never Say to a Woman
1) "What did you do to your hair?"
Unless we've cut our own hair—this is not common—someone else did something to our hair. It wasn't us. And most likely we've gone to a lot of trouble and expense for it. "I like your new haircut" is infinitely better, and shows you're paying attention. It's also far superior to the generic "You look different," which tells us you're as clueless as ever.
2) "They both look the same to me."
We understand you care a lot less than we do about the outfits or the registry dishware we're asking you to compare. But they can't possibly look exactly the same, can they? Give us something. Anything. Mentally roll the dice and pick one, so we don't worry about your vision—or worse, that you don't care.
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Just read this article. I myself feel that this article is rather biased and the author is making sweeping statements. Indeed, Singaporean do have a lot of room for improvement in terms of dress sense, but somehow this article is just too...
Oh, just throw on a camisole
I once identified a stranger in the lobby of the illustrious Beijing Hotel as a fellow Singaporean, just from the clothes she wore.
It was a cool autumn night in China's capital and she looked like she had been teleported straight from the Land Of The Under-dressed. She had on a light jacket over a knee-skimming shift dress. It revealed bare legs and the kind of strappy open-toed sandals that Singaporean women wear with everything from jeans to party dresses. In the century-old hotel, which counts state dignitaries among its guests, everyone around us was in leather or wool jackets, pumps or boots and accessorised to the hilt with scarves and tights.
There was not a trace of exposed flesh in sight. Having spent the last three years in Beijing and shopped my way through East Asia, I have experienced that kind of sartorial culture clash in reverse.
On a Saturday night out during one of my breaks back home, I remember feeling like a prude in my dark-brown Tokyo sheath dress that fell below the knee, while other girls flounced about in plunging, thigh-baring numbers.
I could go on with other examples of how Singaporeans think less is more when it comes to fashion, and dress that way all the time compared to residents of other Asian cities.
... continue...
OMG. Am I old or what? I feel so tired after a day out shopping. Or did I lost my stamina? LOL.
It's finally the start of the recess week. It'll be a week of mugging and mugging.. Even though I'm only left with the final 2 modules, they're 2 killer modules.. *sigh*
There's Total Lunar Eclipse today!!!!
It was Audit Quiz yesterday, and it was totally horrible+terrible. I wondered why I bother to turn up for the quiz (and even tried studying for it..) when I knew before-hand that it would be terrible. And it was.
Been so long since I last updated.
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