Tuesday, October 31, 2006
10:26 PM
Only had a company lecture for the day, so I stayed back in school to mug. Met up with Eileen at the canteen, and she joined me in my mugging. We were actually grumbling about how ridiculously stress Uni life is. Come to think of it, I haven't mug so much in my life as compared to the Uni days. The vicious cycle just repeats every semester. Siraj had lied about the easy life. Argh. Is it us, or is it that we really mug a lot in Uni? Hmmm.. I'm so totally sick of mugging.
Eileen's friends joined, and we drifted to the topic about the recent track sucide that happened at Clementi. A lot of these kind of sucide cases happened this year. Scary. This is the most ugly way to die. You get yourself chopped up into pieces. And imagine how traumatised the MRT driver will feel. We were all on the topic of sucide, and one of Eileen's friend actually mentioned certain incidents which left me saying "OMG". Ahh.. People.. Can't really understand why so many people resort to sucide.. CHILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL~ There's nothing on earth that you can't solve!! =)
And yes, there's nothing on earth that we can't solve... And since exams are coming... How? Study lor.
Went to watch The Guardian in the evening. Geez. Please go and catch the show. It's REALLY GOOD. Well, it is about the US Coast Guard.. BUT IT'S NICE. Just catch it. More importantly, it has the super droolable Ashton Kutcher. YES! He's super cute in his US Coast Guard uniform. Hehe... Watch the trailer at
http://theguardian.movies.go.com//Sian.. So many movies that I want to catch, but it's going to be examination time soon.. HOWWWWWWWWWW... Probably study really hard, and let movie be my only entertainment? Hmmmm... I wanna watch DOA: Dead Or Alive!!! I played the game before.. So I want to watch the movie! Haha.. Oh! I want to watch The Covenant too.. Saw the trailer a couple of times..
OK... Enough of me.. I'm off.. Need to get some stuff done!
Oh, I changed my blogskin! As you all can see.. Haha.. I'm kinda bored of looking at black backgrounds, and a tiny square for my blog. haha... So I changed! Wee!
Monday, October 30, 2006
8:11 PM
It's that dreadful Monday again.. I really hate to drag myself out of the bed on a Monday morning cuz the bed just loves me so much on a Monday morning.. haha..
School was fine, but tiring.. Today is the last lecture of accounting 2, and this means that EXAMS ARE REALLY COMING. Sian.. Benkyo benkyo benkyo!!
I've a lot of things to do by tonight.. I've planned to do all my Japanese homework by tonight, and then do up my CSR slides.. Tonight is going to be a long night.. Gambatte ne!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
10:37 AM
AHHH!!!!! I'm watching this Taiwan variety show now, and they are like promoting this shopping area in Taiwan!! AND, it makes me want to go shopping, and buy lots and lots of stuff!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~
Saturday, October 28, 2006
12:01 AM
Just woke up from hibernation not too long again. Was just wondering if I should go out somewhere to study tomorrow..
Maybe I should go to Coffee Bean tomorrow morning to study.. I know it will be productive compared to studying at home...
Waiting for mugging khakis to study with me... Hates studying alone...
Friday, October 27, 2006
7:39 PM
Hmmm... Before I go into hibernation, I thought I should let everyone know that my CHRISTMAS WISHLIST is up!!! Pls contribute in everyone you can to "shuting's xmas wishlist 06" in all ways you can! hehehe...
No la.. Just kidding... Those are my wishlist of the things I'm going to get for myself.. You all can contribute by dating me out for shopping, KTV, or mahjong sessions. =)
Okay.. I'm off for hibernation.. Don't miss me.
6:34 PM
An accomplishment for the day: Woke up early enough to meet Lena at the bridge at 8.15am to have breakfast, and studied in school.
Though I studied for practically the whole day, I only managed to finish my Japanese homework, and accounting tutorial.
Ahh................. I hate exams period. Everyone's all so stressed up.. So am I.. I hate to mug.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
9:16 PM
Ah.. I'm quite sick right now actually.. I got block nose, and a bit of bad throat out of the blue. I just within hours got infected by it.
Woke up feeling a bit better but still that well.. I had problem getting myself out of the bed cuz I felt kinda sick.. But I was glad I got out of the house cuz I think I'll get even sick-er. Had Subway breakfast today... Subway breakfast rocks!! It's like super nice!!! I'm so in love with Subway.
*Sigh* I think I going to have a short nap before I start with my CSR... I hate being sick..
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
10:21 PM
*Sigh* No more seaweed for me. I feel like I'm going to have a sore throat. I better stop eating them anymore before the throat becomes worse.
Almost overslept today. Woke up at 9+am, when I'd lesson at 1030am. LOL. Went to chiong the last stretch for the BSC report with Bin Lee after lesson. After tomorrow, we'll all be FREE of BSC! Wee! Then, it will be time to STUDY.. Pls stop me from sleeping too much... But I'm always absorbed by my bed...
I simply hate examination period... ZzZzzZz~
Monday, October 23, 2006
7:46 PM
I am so glad that the day is almost over, and that tomorrow is a public holiday. I feel almost brain-dead by the end of the day.
My day started off with a company tutorial which ended early, then a super draggy and boring accounting lecture, thereafter a very brain-draining Japanese tutorial, then a super fast company law lect.
Suddenly very stress.. I saw someone's nick announcing that exams' in 3 WEEKS. Thanks for announcing... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ~
Just to side-track.. I love to eat this:

Bought this pack yesterday for studying, and I'm still eating it. It's super addictive!!!!
Should get to work now.. STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!
Shall end off with a kawaii photo that I took yesterday..

This is Weide's baobei.. Miffy!! I caught her ignoring me!!! =(
For those who are having exams soon, LET'S JIAYOU!!!!!!
9:25 AM
*Sigh* Having my usual Monday blues.. Don't feel like going to school at all. The thought of school today is horrible. I start the day at 1030am, and its gonna end at 630pm. *sob*
Actually wanted to wake up early to study but I just sleep all the way. HOW!!! I kept sleeping... =(
Well.. For yesterday, its was quite productive.. I could say so la.. Weide accompanied me to study for Japanese. Managed to finish my Japanese compo, which sound like a primary school level of composition totally! Managed to look through the vocabs and grammar too.. Finally starting to study for Japanese... Honestly, I'm very regret to admit that I never revise for Japanese before..
Yesterday evening was super funny. Jasper, KY, Shu Yin, Fund, Chih.... etc etc etc... the whole lot of 10 PEOPLE called Weide to ask us to go down to PS to meet them. We were stuck on the phone for near 1/2hr? LOL. It was so funny.. They wanted us to go down, and we kept asking them to come over to westside. LOL. Mad la.
AH!!!! Pls help me get out of my Monday blues... And please DRAG me out to study!!!!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
10:09 PM
Geez.. I'm quite tired.. Been a long day..
Yesterday was a fun day. Met up with the S13 people at Yan's house for steamboat+mj. Didn't want to go initially cuz I need to do some changes to my project. Then, after that, I changed my mind and so I tagged along. It was really fun to meet up with the people again. I kept sitting in front of the steamboat and kept eating! LOL.
Woke up early this morning. Need to meet Bin Lee and Yun Heng at Pacific Coffee Cafe at City Hall at 10am for project. Guess what?! I drank a cup of Cafe Mocha and a cup of Irish Cream Latte.. Craziness.. 2 cups of coffee.. Bad for health!! Did a lot for the report today. Almost done. Wee!
Packed dinner to Weide's after project meeting. He has the anime for Death Note and we watched the 1st episode, and its NICE!!! Me going to continue watching!! Hohoho... It nice!! For those who hasn't watch the movie, pls go watch!
Alrighty.. Need to go benkyo..~!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
12:10 AM
The weather was so bad today. Its super warm, and gives people a headache...
Went to watch Death Note premier with mr. shuai-bao at Vivo City. OMG.. That place is HUGE. I could hardly navigate myself there. A lot of shops are already opened.. So its another shopping destination! HOHOHO!! We spent some time looking for the booth to get our premeir tickets, and spent more time looking for an eating place. That place is really huge.. It also has a nice sky park with great night views.. Just that there's a bit of haze... So its quite er xin..
Now, for the movie. I shall recommend everyone to go and watch DEATH NOTE!!! Hee.. It will easily get 4stars. Shalln't say about the plot! Just go watch it yea!!!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
6:25 PM
I feel totally unwell today.
I woke up with a running nose. It has to be due to the haze.. Kept having running nose recently.. zzz..
On top of that, I've BAD BAD BAD CRAMPS. Argh.. I almost not want to go to school for my lesson today.. But I still went anyway.. Hope it goes off soon..
Didn't eat anything today other than a piece of bread in the morning.. Lost all my appetite.. Just don't feel like eating at all.. I should grab a bite during dinner..
The haze makes people feel sian.. I hope it goes off soon. GO AWAY.. STOP BURNING FOREST.. zzzz... Irritating...
Monday, October 16, 2006
9:32 PM
Went to school to meet my Accounting tutor early in the morning today.. Suddenly, she seemed quite nice. Some people must had evaluated her badly during the mid-term evaluation such that there's this 360 degree change in attitude.
Stayed in school to study after that while waiting for my lesson at 1030am. Hmm.. Canteen B is quite a nice place to study in the morning.. Perhaps I can go to school early in the morning to study before my lessons.. This can prevent me from lazing on my bed too.. hmm..
I absolutely dread examination period...
Japanese is getting harder. My classmates and I just went all confused and blur at the end of our Japanese lesson. ahh.. It's TIME TO BENKYO...
The haze is getting irritating. It gives me a headache.. Argh.. Hope it will go away soon. It makes stepping out into the open feels so unhealthy..
I wish... I wish.. I wish the pace of my life can just slow down for me to catch a breathe...
7:50 AM
Geez.. Need to go to school early today to meet my accounting 2 tutor.. Changed my appointment with her from Wednesday to today 9am.. Kinda sian cuz need to wake up early.. But here I am.. Already woken up. haha~
Hope I don't get Monday blues.. But I end school at 5pm.. The first thing I want to do when I get home will be a nice shower and drop onto my bed and sleep. =)
Sunday, October 15, 2006
4:00 PM
Still not feeling ok today. Went for project meeting in the morning. Initially going to suntec, but ended up at Pacific Coffee Cafe. I kept sneezing at the cafe there. Argh.. Felt terrible.. And the sneezing added on to the PMS, and I felt totally frustrated!!
Ah.. Nvm.. Think I should be studying.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
9:31 PM
Ah.. Think I'm having PMS.. Not feeling very well, and no appeitite at all.. =(
Anyway.. I went out today AGAIN. Went to sing KTV today.. haha.. We sang for full 2-7pm. The 3 guys almost KO near the end. Only SY and I still survivng. Fund and Jem just dropped onto the sofa sleeping.
Ahhh.... Need to get some work done before I sleep..
Went to Queensway with mr.huang yesterday. Saw this super kawaii adidas beach cap!! I almost bought it!! mr.huang was so lucky! He won the exclusive premier tickets for Death Note at Vivo City!! Who says all Friday-the-13th is bad? I even saw an OWL on Friday-the-13th!! Hohohoho~
Okay.. The haze is back.. PSI at 115 now.. Sian.. It makes me feel even worse.. =
I'm introduced to this song 只对你有感觉 sang by 飞轮海 and Hebe!! It's such a nice song!! Go listen ok!!
Friday, October 13, 2006
10:50 AM
It flew passed my room window, and I was like wondering why the bird which flew passed it SO BIG. Then, I realised that the big bird stopped at the opposite block, and I REALISED THAT ITS AN OWL!!!! OMGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! An owl at my window step!!! I just kept looking and looking and looking at it. I tried taking a pic of it but it turns out too far!!! But here's how it looks like... It's WHITE. SO PRETTY!!! Totally awesome.
Do I have a Harry Potter neighbour? hehehehe.. The owl is absolutely pretty!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
11:21 PM
Wee!!! I love this blogskin!!! Hehe..
I know I should be studying but I just want to change my blogskin!! Hehe.. Kawaii desu yo!!!
Let me introduce!! She's Yachiru! Squad 11 Vice Captain of Bleach!!!! =)
Yayness.. I really think this blogskin is super cute!
10:12 AM
Today is Thursday.. FINALLY..
But Thursday is always the day which I dread the most.. Especially today.. It's gonna be a long long day.. Having MF meeting tonight.. Hope won't end too late.. Thursday is also the day which I've my accounting tutorial. I DON'T LIKE ACCOUNTING TUTORIALS... *sob* My tutor even arrange to meet those who did badly for the quiz.. AND of course.. I'm one of them.. ZzZz..
Got to work hard for accounting.. I'm always studying accounting now..
Looking forward to Friday.. A relaxing day.. Had been just merely "going to school, come back home, sleep" for the past few days.. Going out for dinner tomorrow finally!! =) hee..
Back to study!!! JIAYOU!!!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
6:55 PM
Hee.. I finally did my first blood donation!! Feel so proud of myself!!! And its such a good thing to do.
The waiting time was kinda long.. Somehow got a bit bored while waiting, but as my turn drew near, I became more excited. When at the seat, I became kinda nervous. But the nurse was super nice, so I was feeling at ease. Haha.. Dare not look at it when she gave me the injection and poke the needle in.
The nurse was like so funny. She was like saying I'm very small size but my veins are very good!! Meaning.. My veins are very obvious.. Easy to find. haha.. BUT THEN.. I'm not small size ok... The doctor also.. Doubt my weight and even ask for my weight.. ZzZz..

I am suppose to put this sticker on! Be Nice to Me!!
My arm!! Pink band!! Hehe.. I didn't even choose it.. This Red Cross guy just assume that I wanted a pink one.

Little pumkin squeezeball!!!
Blood donation is sooo fun!!! I want to do it again!!! I can only donate again after 2 Jan 07!!! Ask me go donate blood together!!!!
10:14 AM
Be a blood donor!!
I am going to DONATE BLOOD for the first time later in the afternoon!!!! I'm feeling SUPER EXCITED right now!!! This is a resolution I've set myself to accomplish and I'm going to!!! Hehe..
Don't know why I am so excited.. I went to register ALONE cuz NO ONE wants to go with me.. Cuz they don't dare.. So sad.. No mutual encouragement.. But I can brave it myself!!! Hope I don't faint when i see the needle!!
Mom tried scaring me and she told me that I'll GAIN WEIGHT if I donate blood, but I found that it's NOT TRUE AT ALL!! We MAY even lose weight. Cool ehz! Hoho..
Hope I won't be scared later!! I aspire to be a regular donor!!! hehe..
Monday, October 09, 2006
9:06 AM
Why do I have a feeling of being ostrasized? =(
Don't know why. Maybe I should just stop acting weird and feeling weird.
Why can't anyone understand how I am feeling? I guess no one has thought over it in my position regarding how I am feeling.
I wish I can just disappear. Maybe disappearing maybe a good idea. Everything in my life is in a mess.. May it be my studies, or whatsoever. I want to disappear so that I can concentrate on nothing except studying.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
11:11 PM
Went to Fund's house to play mahjong today.. Played 1 round with Shu Yin, Weide and Jem, and I lost $12. Mahjong tuition fees!!! Me only beginner.. haha.. Playing with all the pros.
Next round Chih and Zhen Jie came along to sub me and Jem. I just sat at the side as spectator. haha..
Even though I'm not good at mahjong, I still like to play mahjong! hehe... Pls jio me for more training sessions in future! =P
HOWEVER.. This will be my last outing before EXAMINATIONS.. I shall declare a full-time mugger from now onwards! MUG MUG MUG!!! Pls don't ask me out already yea!!! Just ask me out to STUDY or if you think you can motivate me to study. =)
Realised that there are somethings in life that we will just have to learn to deal with it. No point being upset and ponder over it. There are certain things that we will have to learn to deal with it, especially when its nobody's fault at all. No point crying over spilled milk when nothing can be done other than accepting it, and cleaning up the mess.
Sorry for acting weird (and yes, I want to say a lot a lot a lot of times!). Though I've seriously thought it through, I just can't kept myself from feeling upset.. =)
Saturday, October 07, 2006
11:22 AM
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!!!
Didn't go to M Group's gathering at Ivan's and Shengjie's afterall. Went for tuition instead.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
6:36 PM
Sigh... あたしはなぜ会計を勉強していますか。分からない。会計がとても好きじゃないです。
*Sigh* The sian-ness that I'm feeling is somehow overwhelming. Can't help but feel really lousy. What's happening to me? =( Sometimes, I really wonder if I at the wrong place. Never felt belonged. haiz.. Maybe I'm just feeling lousy that's why I said this.. Oh well..
Fly me to the moon.. Take me away..
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
9:32 PM
Mid week! Time flies..
Nothing much for today actually. Just AB214 class.. Skipped Astro AGAIN. I'm a bad student. haha..
Celebrated Eileen's birthday after 214 class. CK gave her a surprise by liaising with Radio Fusion, and actually broadcasted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" via the school radio. How cool is that! So sweet of him yea? Haha..
Met up with Lena after that. Been meeting up with Lena a lot lately. haha.. Sean and her broke up recently.. Was kinda surprise.. But glad that she's moving on really well. Perhaps its how life works. "Pop-By" is back in her life, and seems like its going to be quite permanent.
Realised that life is always about looking for things/people who makes you happy. Never dwell in the past, and look ahead. Future is a long road to go. Easy to say, hard to do, but its extremely true. Sometimes, don't you just wish that the things/people who makes you happy will just stay permanent forever. =)
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
10:47 PM
*sigh* Sad...
I thought I'll be able to join M Group for the Mid Autumn celebration at Ivan's and Sheng Jie's... But now I can't... My tuition kid having exams these few weeks.. Then I must arrange more sessions with her.. Initially thought of arranging it straight after my lesson at 5.30pm.. Then end session at 7.30pm.. Then rush down to join the gang.. But then after thinking.. It's like super rush and tiring... So gave up the idea... =(
Initially wanted to go buy one of those Japanese lantern for Friday!!! But guess no need to buy liao since no chance to play.. haha..

Something like that.. Saw some in Daiso before!! It's so cute isn't it!!! haha..
Oh well.. Nvm..~
As for today.. Slacked whole day at home cuz I didn't have lesson today. I was lazing at home.. I'm such a pig. LOL.
That's all.. haha.. I've nothing to blog!
10:30 AM
*Sigh* Recess week came and go just like that. Somehow, it feels as if I got nothing done. =(
Need to get down to do some serious studying, and stop feeling lazy!! wahahaha.. I'm going to be a mugger from today onwards!! No more going out..!!! Only dinner and KTV allow. =P
Time to get down to do some stuff after doing funny stuff for the entire morning.. hehe..
Monday, October 02, 2006
8:14 AM
Went to Istana with Weide, Shu Yin, Fund and Jem to watch Ivan's parade. But before that, we went down to Sunshine Plaza to look at the Bleach stuff... Wanted to buy something from there!!! But then... There was nothing that I really feel that I want to get.. So sad.. I want to get something "Toshiro"!!!!
Anyway.. We had a mass photo session.. These are just a few.. Fund got photo-taking-crazy...

Weide and his "teme" look~

Shu Yin and I looking good~
Ivan marching!
Shu Yin and me (acting cute...!!!! hahaha)
Zhen Jie and Fund acting funny
Zhen Jie trying to be funny
All of us (with Fund as photographer and me acting cute again~)
Sunday, October 01, 2006
1:34 AM
I should just learn how to share my weird thinkings with everyone. Don't know why, but I feel that its super hard for me to just tell the people what's on my mind. I either keep it in my heart or sort it out myself.
Bad habit of mine. I always tell people to tell me their problems, yet I am the one who don't tell people. wahaha..
Me and my weird thinkings and weird behaviours probably drove my dear lion mad. Sorry yea? Think I drove him mad with all the things I said. Plus I think I made him worried too. Shinpai nai!!!! Daijyobu desu!!!!
I think weird is my middle name. hoho.. In fact, I think weird is the middle name for my S.H.E sistas too.. We're all weird, aren't we sistas? LOL.. I guess everyone will agree. LOL.
Alright.. Enough of my weird entry.. I should just stop spreading my weirdness around and stop being weird.. =)