Kuan Yong.
Yun Ling.
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
Wow.. Haven't been blogging..
Wasn't feeling too happy just now due to certain issues... Had some talk with some people, and felt better now. Arigatou. =)
I slept my whole Saturday away!! YAY! I woke up at around 11+am, had my breakfast, and went back to sleep at around 1+pm. LOL. And I slept all the way up to around 5pm. COOL.
I reached home at around 3+am last night (or rather, this morning). A record breaker. I thought I'll be able to go home early since I thought there won't be much of a fight anymore.. But I was kinda wrong. There's still fight. =
*sigh* Something to ponder about right now..
Union Day is finally over. Elections is finally over. This is the first election that I witness and was involved in.. So exciting!
Finally time to update.
Just some updating for the day...
It was the battle between the cockcroach and shuting just now.
Another Sunday dedicated to Union. This is perhaps the last Sunday I'm going to spend doing Union stuff. haha.. Omg.. So fast.. It's ELECTIONS this THURSDAY. Though I'm not in the elections, I'm sort of like managing the elections.. haha.. Need to get myself to start doing workkkkk~
The guys... so dark! Can't see!
Nothing much for yesterday other than Wilbur Pan's campus concert. Met up with Kolay, Eileen, Eunice, Weide, and several other Mambo girls to go. Omg.. The girls just went CRAZY. But! I must say that he's quite cute. =) He was sick for the day so didn't really sang a lot of songs..
M Group female seniors with the fabulous background!
Mambo freshies dearies!
To the person who provided "entertainment", "problem sharing", and "apple theory",
Feeling very sleepy right now.. Going to find "Mr Zhou" soon.. Slept at 3am the previous night due to this "crazy, emotional girl who kept stressing herself, and loves to anyhow think". It feels good talking to people about problems.. But I find it so hard to tell people.. Don't know why..
Firstly... Happy Birthday Shu Yin!!!!! Tanjyobi Ometeto!!!!! Welcome to the 20ers Club!!!! =P
Why is it Monday AGAIN... =(
Today was Union DND. It's at GardenAsia, which is a SUPER ULU place.. It's like in the midst of Lim Chu Kang and Kranji.. Took the charter bus from school to that place, and we were like "WHERE ARE WE..?"
ARGHHHHH~ I feel extremely BROKE right now. I just spent over $100+ on TEXTBOOKS. Those textbooks are SO EXPENSIVE. I just bought 2 textbooks for CORES only... Not forgetting that I still have to get a novel for my elective.. Not that it's very expensive.. BUT it will add on to the total cost I spent on TEXTBOOKS alone... Studying is EXPENSIVE. I hate it even more when they will have to CHANGE TEXTBOOK semester after semester.
Pics of 5th Aug!!!!
The bday boy, Weide... Acting cool.. AS USUAL... =P
Today had been such a weird day.
I had a terrible dream last night. Totally terrible.
Happy birthday SINGAPORE!!!! I love the theme song for this year.
誕生日おめでとう Weideさん!Finally joined the 20-ers club!! Haha... You're now as old as me! =P
I feel like a little child if I say this, but I really have to say!! I hate it when school reopens.. I hate it when people just like to fly me aeroplane.. I hate it when I've to do things that I'm not supposed to do..
あたしは大丈夫です。(atashi wa daijyoubu desu.)
I'm very tired. Been out the whole day, literally..
I'm so thankful that I've made reservations at Kenny Rogers, cuz its like ULTRA PACKED.
天空 下起雨了 他撑的伞 在你的身边陪着 可是 我不快乐 因为看见 他脸上的笑 是很勉强的
I'm tired tired tired tired tireddddddddddddddddddd...