Wee~ I feel like a total pig today. Guess what time I woke up!!! YES!!! I woke up at 11.40am. LOL. But I think i over-sleep, as in sleep too much. Yea.. Woke up feeling as sleepy as ever. =(
Yesterday was my last day of work. My collegues bought me a lot of presents.. So weird to receive presents on the last day of work.. hmm...
Went to shop for things with Weide. Didn't actually get what we wanted la! haha.. I went to buy this Bleach Lucky Toy.. Something like you won't know which character you will get... Just a lucky pick.. And Weide helped me get my Toshiro!!! WEEEEE~~~ Its terribly cute!!
Going to Yan Yan's house for over-night mahjong with S13 girls soon!!! Wee~~~~ I suck at playing mahjong, but I still want to play!!! Must practice, so that won't need to give too much school fees~~~ heez...
Yay.. Going to prepare~ Ciaoz~
Friday, July 14, 2006
10:41 AM
Today is my last day of work!!! Wee~
Happy!!! I can sleep till as late as I want for the whole of next week, and store sleep before the camp!!!
Activities are pretty much planned...
Monday will be going to school to settle Union stuff...
Tuesday will be majonging with Zixiang, Kolay... and don't know who...
Wednesday will be going to PJ!!!! SO EXCITEDD!!!!
Thursday will be tuition day...
Friday will be meeting Hui Ting, Shu Ling ,and Kolay for dinner~~~
Saturday.... Don't know if anything...
Sunday = CAMP!!!!
Yessssss~~~~~ Excited about everything!!!
Last night was selection day. Idiotic Jiahao... Bully me.. He kept me out of the GL meeting when I was there to rep Joel... He asked me to come at 8pm, and kept me out of the meeting, and asked me to wait and wait and wait... They only start selection for the people at around 10.30pm. *ANGRY* Wasted my evening, and made me damn sleepy there cuz there's no one to entertain me, and made me stuck with someone guai guai de who talks about guai guai de stuff...
Anyway, m grp freshies 06/07 are out... (alert! at least I got some... ok-looking guys in.. AHAHAHAHA... hope they are not juz nice-on-photos). =P
But I want my Shawn Yu look-alike.... why don't have!!!!!
Heh.. K la... Excited to see them!!!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
9:36 AM
Poor me is now in office with nothing to do again... As usual...
Poor me was stuck in SAC printing 150+ application forms alone till aroud 8pm.
But poor me had "huai ren" Weide who taught me a faster way to print them all.
After printing, poor me had to meet Sherwe to hear him nag about things, and over fuss over the application forms till near 10pm.
Poor me had my dinner at around 10.30pm...
Poor me didn't want to sleep right after that cuz scared to turn into a poor pig.
Poor me is feeling very sleepy right now...
Poor me still have UOC meeting at night today.
Poor me is feeling very upset over my screwed up subject registration..
Poor me is scared that I can't get my Japanese 2... I think I'll cry if I can't add at add-drop period.
Poor me emailed STARS to ask them if I can change the numbering.. Hope I get a positive response.
Oh... Poor me...........................
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
2:42 PM
And since I'm so bored.. I've gone to look at what movies that I thought will be nice to watch.. Since I haven't been keeping up with movies.. a lot of "want to watch" become "didn't watch" cuz no time..!! Don't know why too.
I'm browsing through those movies that are coming out soon.. Wonder what will be nice..
Boo! (13th July)
http://sg.movies.yahoo.com/Boo!/movie/13611/Mortuary (20th July)
http://sg.movies.yahoo.com/Mortuary/movie/12899/Stay Alive (20th July
http://sg.movies.yahoo.com/Stay+Alive/movie/13352/Looking for new adrenline rush.. Don't know which of these horror movies will satisfy me. Saw the thriller for Mortuary and Stay Alive yesterday, and both looks not bad.. Kinda gruesome though. I thought the name "Boo!" sounds funny. hahaha...
Oh, saw the thriller for Dragon Tiger Gate (28th July) yesterday too! Looks good too.
http://sg.movies.yahoo.com/Dragon+Tiger+Gate/movie/13679/Lady in The Water (27th July) by M Night Shyamalan looks interesting too..
Can tell how bored I am...? Good.
Monday, July 10, 2006
11:25 PM
It's still that question: WHY ZIDANE DID THAT?!?!?!
Totally clueless. Even though I'm glad that Italy won, I'm kinda upset that Zidane was actually sent off in that manner. It's kinda sad you know!
Nights without soccer to watch feels weird.
Anyway, went to watch "Re-Cycle" or "Gui Yu" with Weide and Kolay. NO KICK! ZzZz... Barely not many ghost films scare me anymore, but I still like to watch them. Heh. People who don't understand the film can come and ask us... We understood it totally... I think? LOL..
Ending work this week!!! *overjoy* I can sleep till 11am soon!!!
And I love eating Subway. *yumz* And I adore Double Chocolate cookie~ =D
Sunday, July 09, 2006
11:19 PM
Today is a niceeeee day!!! *beam* Its a day whereby I ate alot and sang alot. =D
Met up with Weide before KTV to eat "tang yuen". *yummy!* So nice..!!! Then, KTV at Clementi KBox with Weide, Gavin, Shu Yin, Eunice, and Kolay. YAYNESS~ Nice!! It was a funny session.
Dinner at Bukit Timah cuz Gavin was driving. Wee!!!! We ate SO MUCH such that there was some left overs, and we need to clear it using 'cai quan'. Weide and Gavin forced me to eat this thing with weird weird greenish sauce.. SO NAN CHI!!!! *pout*
It was a fun day with them... =)
Saturday, July 08, 2006
8:36 PM
Yesterday was subject registration day. I think I'm kinda lousy cuz I actually put my electives choices on the waitinglist wrongly. I'm so blur... once again. An ideal time-table for me will be as follow:

Actually this is not the most ideal kind.. Notice that I've to go to school on Wednesday and Friday just for that same lesson? Hope to be able to change it to some other days.. There's no slot for the ideal slot that I want!!! *pout* But I'm still quite glad that I got to make my timetable such that I start my day at AT LEAST 1030. =) That means I get to sleep more. Wee!!! NO 0830 lesson for me!!!!
Like I've said, I put my elective choice kinda wrongly. I've chose this prescribed elective called Effective Interpersonal Communication (cuz Sherwe asked me to.. and cuz there's no exams for that!!!).. I hope to do Japanese 2 for my General elective!!! but I put it as my 3rd choice. So screwed up. I kinda want to do that Linguistics module.. Cuz my cores are kinda alright.. So I'm like filling up blanks in my timetable with electives... I WANT MY JAPANESE 2!!!! Haiz... Hope I manage to get it during Add-Drop period... ZzzzzzzzzzZzz...
So much for 1st-time planning of my own timetable. ZzZ~
This time round.. I don't wish to deliberately change my timetable to be with people I know.. This time round, I'm with Bin Lee for Accounting 2 tutorial only.. Cuz I think we'll all end up with sucky timetables if we want to stick together.. Which is pointless.. Well.. I kinda hate the idea of stepping into a class with people I do not know.. It's such a sucky feeling.. But I guess I'll have to get used to it, and step out of my own comfort zone.. Had a chat with Holly with regards to this, and I'm glad I'd this chat with her.. =)
Tonight will be Geremany VS Portugal!!! It will be a match of Kahn VS Ricardo!!! Yes, Oliver Kahn will be playing tonight. It will sure be a great match. I don't want Klose to win the Golden Ball award!! So let's pray that he don't score. =P Yes! Go Portugal!
Sleeping soon! Get enough sleep so that I won't fall asleep during the match later!!! =)
Thursday, July 06, 2006
5:22 PM
Another post at work. Actually, I'm waiting for knock-off time. There's quite a lot to do at work today actually. In addition to that, I stayed up for Portugal Vs France this morning, and so I'm quite sleepy and sian right now.
I feel sad for Portugal. There shouldn't even be that penalty kick. People who watched the match, and saw the re-play will know that it wasn't a deliberate trip. Stupid referee. Ricardo did his best, I know.. We know.. *sigh* He's damn cool ok.. Especially when near the end of the match.. He actually ran forward to help his team. This is what we call team spirit. Well.. Can't doubt that the French played well too.. Just that I don't think that they are better than the Portugese. French are just luckier.. And I'm talking about that penalty kick. zzzzzzzzzz~
And addition to my Coaches list is Raymond Domenech (France).
The Most Weird-Looking Coach - Raymond Domenech (France)
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
11:27 AM
Who would have guessed? (or maybe its quite predicatable) Germany had lost to Italy once again, and this time round at their own home ground.
I wasn't supporting anyone actually.. Just wanted to watch the 2 strong teams in action. I thought Germany would have won, but considering the fact that they had never beaten Italy, its tough to predict the result.
I had an early night yesterday. I went to sleep at 7+pm, straight after my dinner. It made me feel like a pig, and extremely fat. It's so unhealthy to just eat and sleep.I woke up for a while at 10+pm to EAT Sweet Potato Soup that my mom had cooked, and off to bed again. I really can sleep!
Woke up reluctantly at 2.50am after snoozing for 2 times, and a wake-up sms from Weide. I was glad I woke up for the match cuz it was rather exciting. Both Germany and Italy were good. I went off to sleep after 90mins, thinking that it'd be left with penalty kicks. I was wrong!!! I received sms-es from Yunz and Weide, "reporting" the result to me. Woo! Italy scored 2 goals at extra time! Who would have thought that would happen? Rejoice to all Argentina fans (me inclusive). Italy had trashed the Germans. The same things is gonna happen tonight. The Portugese shall trash the dreams of the French. This shall be the retribution after sending the Brazilians home.
Photos time., featuring the coaches.
The Most Grandfather-ly Coach - Marcello Lippi (Italy)

The Most Good-Looking Coach - Juergen Klinsmann (Germany)

The Most Comical Coach - Luiz Felipe Scolari (Portugal)

The Most Kawaii Smile - Carlos Alberto Parreira (Brazil)
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
2:14 PM
Another entry at work. I think I no longer blog at home. I can leave this to work-time.
Another boring day at work. I'd been covering duties for 2 of my colleagues cuz they weren't here. I was answering phone calls on behalf of them, and busy transferring calls cuz I didn't know what are the answers to the enquiries. Answering to those enquries are irritating, but at least I have something to do.
It's time for another round of food-for-thought entry from me. Just another routined entry about life. It's going to be a short entry though... I think.
Recently, I asked a friend of mine what birthday present he wants for his birthday. He told me he wants "xin fu" and "kuai le". I joked back about his choice of present. He said something that set me thinking. He said, "Well, you didn't want that meh?" Well, he's very true! Isn't that what everyone is looking for in life? Its something so simple, that it has some sort became unattainable to a certain extend. Not that we are all not "xin fu" and "kuai le", but such things is very much up to one's perception about it. And we're always seeking for more.
Maybe I'll wish for that for my next birthday. =)
Monday, July 03, 2006
12:11 PM
Okay! Time to blog at work again!
Well, went to Jasper's new house at Pasir Ris with Amelia, Eunice, Kolay, and Weide. It was like SO FAR.. zzz~ But his house was nice la... At least his dog was nicer. The afternoon was about Tarot Cards, funny Taiwan variety shows on TV, and a lot of photo-takings. Amelia and Eunice left, and it was just left with Kolay, Weide, Jasper and me. We went to Geylang for dinner!! It was quite niceee~~~ Frog porriage and "dou jiang you tiao". Yumz! Not to forget walking in dark alleys. haha... I got scared by it. LOL. I'm weirddddd. I'm scared of weird things.
Went to watch Superman Returns yesterday afternoon with Benny, Felix, Boon Kee, and Yunz. It was niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. The world needs a superman. He's cute. =D
ahaha.. At night, went down to Zixiang's event at Heeren with Weide and Kolay. We went for coffee at Coffee Bean when I bought this weird weird Raspberry Cheesecake which tasted weird. =(
Nothing much for a weekend. Looking forward to Portugal VS France. Trash the France, my dear Portugal!!!!
Sunday, July 02, 2006
10:22 AM
I'm shocked totally. How can the Brazilian NOT send the French home?!
I gave the match a miss, thinking that its a sure-result of French going home. But I was wrong!!! I received a sms from Weide, who said he would sms me the result if he stayed up for the match that the FRENCH HAD WON. I was totally stunned. I thought I was dreaming cuz it didn't feel real at all!!!! BUT ITS TRUE?!?!?!?!?! How can?!?!
What happened?!?!?!?!
So the French will meet the Portugese. Send them home, my dear Portugal!!! The French are a sore in the eye.
2:35 AM
What can I say! Portugal rocks my socks! =) A 120mins match, including extra time, it was still 0 : 0 for England and Portugal. It was left with PK. That's when Ricardo did it again!!! He saves beautiful penalty kicks. I adore him, just as I adore Kawaguchi!!!! Goalkeepers who saves penalty kicks are the most cool.
Okay.. I think I'll give Brazil VS France a miss. I know the Brazilians will send the French home. =) I'm kinda tired after a long day. Shall update some other time...