haha.. Someone was saying I didn't mention the joke I made during chalet. So I shall share the joke, and bring happiness to everyone!! Heh!
Well, the joke is "huan yang". I used this word wrongly while speaking, and someone thinks its very funny lehz!!! And he kept using it in his speech... Right Mr Kon? hahaha... Don't know why Mr Kon thinks the word "huan yang" is so funny lehz!!!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
10:01 AM
I was tagged!!!!! So here's it!!!
=My Perfect Lover=
Qns 1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 points about his/her perfect lover
Qns 2. Mention the gender of the perfect lover
Qns 3. Tag 8 victims to this and leave a comment on their blog
Qns 4. If you are tagged a second time, there is no need to do it a second time
Qns 5. The most important part is having fun doing it!
hmm.. Since its PERFECT LOVER... I shall name all the perfect criteria!~
1. Tanned complexion : sunshine feeling..
He has to love the beach. At least, he has to like going to beach with me cuz I love going to the beach and sun-tanning!!! I'm already very tanned so the guy has to be as tanned as me! =D
2. Taller than me
This is SO EASILY attained. Everyone seems to be taller than me!
3. small eyes
Me like small-eyed guys. haha~ I think small eyes are cute. =D
4. humorous!
I'm someone who loves to laugh, love to entertain people, but I also like people to entertain me! hahaha~
5. nice voice
I don't like guys with pointy and sharp voices. It's so.. weird. The best is Jay's kind of voice..!!! So that can sing songs for me.. And also go KTV with me!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA~!!!
6. Inamoto's smile~!!!
How's that!!! What a perfect guy!! HAHAHAHAHA~
7. & 8. Love me, care for me, treats me like a princess, sensitive, understand me, able to tolerate me... etc.. and the list goes on!!!
If you have any friends of the characteristics above, please let me know. Cuz I think there's no such guy on earth. LOL. Guys around are just too imperfect. =D
Oh!! By the way!!! I dunno who to tag.. HOW!!!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
3:08 PM
Well!!! Let me talk about the chalet first~
It's was fun basically. I took half-day leave for it. Met up with Kolay and Weide to go down to the chalet first.. We were the most 'free' around mah.. hahaha~ Weide taught me how to bet soccer!! haha.. I still don't really know how to shade the paper la.. I just told him what team I wanted to buy, and he shaded it for me. lalala~ But its funnnn~
We waited for the rest to meet up with us.. Aili, Sid, Eunice, KY, and Gavin joined us for supper at Changi Village!! We did the "usual" activity of "sight-seeing" at Changi Village. Aili was like so super excited. LOL. First night was funnnnn~ Sheng Qiang and Xiao Hui came afterwards, and we played Asshole Daidee and Indian Poker. LOL. Indian Poker so DAMN funny la.. With all the funny forfit. We got complained twice. It was so weird. Everyone around us seem to be SLEEPING. It's like... sleeping during chalet?!?!?! LOL..
We all didn't sleep at all!! Went to eat breakfast at 6am. After that.. Some of them K.O. Tried playing majong, but soon everyone K.O. I ended up sleeping on the floor!!! I was so cold that I snatched away Kolay's towel!! HAHAHAA~ It was actually quite funny cuz I didn't know. Perhaps cuz she wasn't sleeping so I actually snatched it away. Sid was so kind to actually take out another blanket for me. It was so funny..
2nd day was great too. Shu Yin, Edward and Theresa came!! They celebrated my birthday for me!!!! THANKS!!! Cuz I didn't really slept a lot, so I was stonning when they were having lunch. Then, Weide just came from the back and shouted "BOO!" He was holding a cake, and the rest of them came over. SO NICE OF THEM!! GAVE ME A FRIGHT!!! But its nice.. They made me do a damn disgusting thing!! They put the candle stand INTO the cake and expect me to pick it out of the cake using my MOUTH!!! Ahhh~~~ End up I got chocolate all over my face!!! *pout!* But thanks people!!! Heh~
2nd day was also JJ Concert day! I shall talk about the concert some other day!! hahaha~
After the concert, went back to chalet.. End up playing majong with Kolay, Eunice and Weide. It was then when Weide took out volka and start mixing it with ribena and spite. I was sooooo suay!!!! I got the one with the most amount of volka!!! After drinking it, I was like so red, and feeling so blur la!!! I couldn't tahan through the game of majong, and we just stopped the game.. I instantly crawled up the bed, wanted to watch the soccer match. But the instant I was on the bed, I just fell asleep. hahaha! The rest of them also K.O soon. I guess only Edward stayed up to watch the match bah? Cuz only 8 of us stayed over the 2nd night, most of us ended up sleeping on the bed, except Weide. haha~ It was kinda funny cuz idiotic Weide snatch away half of my blanket!!! zzz~ and I didn't know!!! I was totally K.O-ed.
We slept till around 9am.. I was soooooo tired.. But was woke up by LOTS of phone calls.. People just kept calling to ask me where am I, and why am I not at Senior camp!! I don't even know who called! LOL..
Kolay, Eunice, Weide and I were damn "onz" la.. We went for K Lunch for our lunch. Then we went for lunch again after our K Lunch. LOL.
Chalet was funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn~ I love you people! =D
Chalet photos taken from Eunice's blog!!! Waiting for them to send me..!!! Why no one send me...!!!! SO SAD!!!

Group photo inside the chalet!!!!

Me, Eunice, Aili and KY!!! Eunice and I acting cute!!

Me, Eunice and Aili with the Sesame Street!

Omg~ We're acting cute!!! Can't take it!
Monday, June 26, 2006
9:03 PM
I don't know how to update. Maybe I shall update at work the details. But in all, CHALET WAS GREAT!!!! heh~
Senior Camp was fun too!!!! Wee~ Happy~
Friday, June 23, 2006
11:31 AM
Sayonara Japan.
Feeling kinda upset, though expected, that Brazil will win. Tamada really brought the hopes high after scoring that beautiful first goal. I was so elated. But subsequently, Brazil scored 4 goals... *sigh* I don't blame Kawaguchi at all!! He's still MY MAN! hahahaha... He did well enough.. You see him calming his team-mates and all... Kinda cool eh!
Sayonara Japan... Sayonara to Zico too.. He's stepping down...
Sadded, but its ok. I'll find a new favourite team.. but definitely not Brazil. Actually, sight of Ronaldo annoys me. I think Argentina has more potential. =) heh!
I want to go buy that Blue Samurai jersey!!!!!
Photos of match (from fifaworldcup.com)

Thursday, June 22, 2006
9:25 PM
I'm a happy girl! I just satisfy my craving for Subway, all thanks to Xiao Hui who 'summoned' Sheng Qiang and Kolay to eat Subway with me. He was also having "Subway craving".. That's why! haha.. He ate a 1-foot Tuna sandwich himself. Some applause please!
Please pray for Japan.. Japan needs a miracle. They needs a 3-goal win for the match later.. and also a draw for Croatia and Australia... Please pray for Japan!!!!!
My dear Kawaguchi!!! Please don't fail me!!!
*praying hard*
10:55 AM
Kinda feel like blogging this down.... My UNHAPPINESS about someone.
ArGh.. I really don't care who is reading this cuz I'm ANGRY.
This particular person (I guess those who know me will know WHO I'm feeling so angry with) absolutely didn't plan for the things that he intend to do. EVERYTHING so DAMN last minute, expecting people to be readily to render help out. ArGh...
When THAT person came and asked me to get people to help him out cuz he's desperate, I was already flaming angry, and rebutted back my unhappiness of all the last minute work, and expecting people to go down to help him. I made no promises or anything, and only agreed to pass down the message. Naturally, I'll inform the GLs about it cuz they can get their subcom down to help out. That Jiahao was NOT being helpful at all. He actually rang me up and questioned me WHY I asked the GLs to do such thing. WELL WELL WELL! I'm REALLY ANGRY when he asked me that.
Firstly, I didn't WANT to do this kind of shit job. Secondly, if you think about it, if we didn't send down people to help, we're at the losing end too when the package is not send out ontime to the freshmen. Thirdly, any unhappiness with regards of how THAT PERSON do his stuff, and about him skipping the top people and get to me directly to contact the people, DON'T VENT IT ON ME! I'm so totally disgusted already.
I'm feel totally disgusted with everyone. And, I always have to be the "BAD PERSON" who has to go and ask the people to send people down, and they will grumble to me how last minute and unorganised the whole thing is. I sympathise with them totally!
As the head of the committee, if you are unhappy with how the committee direct superior do his job, go to him and SETTLE but not come to me and whine. I didn't want that either. He's the superior, and he came and asked me to do that. I can complain one round through, and after that, I still have to do it. And as a superior of the entire comm.. I think he just did some thing that make the comm further lose that respect of him to do things.
ARGH. I want to vent anger. I hate this shitty job.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
11:17 AM
Vinci just made my boring morning more interesting. Realised that its nice to just chat up with someone whom you haven't seen for sometime.
He's over at US working till September, and won't see him in any recent months. Its just nice catching up with him! It just made made me realised how time flies.. One year ago, I was just freshie-to-be regging for camps, and now, I'm waiting for freshies to reg for the camp! So fast.. Becoming a sophomore..~~~~~
9:34 AM
I just want to say... in this early Wednesday morning.. that I'M BORED..
And I want to eat Subway. I woke up with the suddenly thought that I want to eat Subway.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
3:56 PM
I'm feeling extremely bored... I've nothing to do at work. Somehow, I feel kinda useless here..
Thanks Moogies for your lovely card!!! =) Really surprised when Xiao Wei, Denyse, and Joel came up to my office to pass me the card!! Really sweeeeeeeeeeet of you all!! =) Love the Moogies!!!
Xiao Hui was sort of entertaining me at work, though he's "slacking at work too by watching Naruto on youtube. *boo*
I just read an interesting article on CNN. Click the link below:
Monday, June 19, 2006
10:52 PM
Hey~ Just a short update to all!
I've cut my hair!!! Yup!! And I cut fringe!!! =)

Before I cut my hair

After I cut my hair!
Voila~ I look very different right! Some of my friends say I look like a doll.. -.- Oh well.. But I'm quite glad that I cut my hair!!! =D
Sunday, June 18, 2006
11:20 PM
It stinks to be sick on your own birthday you know. =( I went to see doctor again with regards to my high fever last evening. But, I felt much better today.
Japan Vs Croatia match!!! ArGh... So upset that Japan didn't win. But Kawaguchi is my hero today!!! He did such a beautiful penalty save!!!! But he's a big joker too la.. People who watched will know why.. haha.. Really sian when Yanagisawa missed the chance to score.. haiz... HOW TO ADVANCE to top 16... haiz.... SIANZ.... Chances are slim... I think... Guess next Saturday will be my last time watching them.. =(

Kawaguchi Yoshikatsu, my man of the match!!! =)
(pic from fifaworldcup.com)
Saturday, June 17, 2006
11:19 PM
Went to cut my hair today!! Cut a lot, and I cut a fringe!! =) I look slightly different!! =)
I was down with fever just now during the evening. Temperature was 38.6 degrees.. DAMN HIGH ok.. Was kinda shock actually. Felt drowsy the entire evening. Thank goodness my temperature drop to 37.0 degrees during the Portugal match.
Oh, yesterday, I was reading through my opendiary and was laughing at some of my old entries. AHHHH~~~ Some of the things I wrote there are so embarassing.. hahaha..
I hope I get well soon.

Deco's the Hero tonight!

Caught Ronaldo and his stunts?! Geez! I'm highly impressed and amused by it!
Friday, June 16, 2006
9:43 AM
MC for 2 days, so I didn't go work today too.
Took temperature in the morning, and its 37.8 degrees... hmm.. Didn't feel as if I'm having fever.. Hope it can subside.. Planned to go Queensway with Eunice later in the evening.. Hope I will feel fine to go!!!
Guess that's all for now..!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
4:46 PM
Didn't go for work today. I'm down with fever.. This morning, its at 38.1 degrees...
I hate falling ill... Flu bugs are everywhere. Take care everyone..!
Hope I can get well soon..~ It sucks falling sick on birthday!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
3:22 PM
Haiz... Feel like I'm falling sick soon. Must go and drink a lot of water and have lots of sleep.. Feel as if I'm going to have a sore throat soon.. CANNOT!!!! Going to have chalet and senior camp soon...!!!!!!
ArGh... So sian.. I hate sore throats....
And falling sick at this kind of time somemore.. So unlucky..
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
11:31 PM
Korea sent the Africans home! CHEERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3am is Brazil VS Croatia. Don't think I can wake up to watch.... Trash Croatia!!!!! =)
Woohoo~ I got the Sentosa picz too!!! More picz, pls refer to Jocelyn's and Kolay's blog!!

Lena acting cute, me posting as potato chips model, and Joy looking good

Me looking normal, and Kolay acting cool

The June babies!!! Me and Yin Chong!! We look like siblings!!!

Jean and me!!
12:37 PM
Waiting for lunch... Kolay pon work today!!! Maybe I should pon someday. But then again.. When thinking of the money I'll lose... It's not so worth it la.. haha!
Waiting for lunch time... Was talking to Xiao Hui about the matches. Feel so sian about the lost for Japan. Idiotic Xiao Hui!!! He actually predicted the outcome.. Made me so angry... But I predict that Japan will be able to small win Croatia, and draw with Brazil. Know why? Cuz the ball is round!!! Haha.. My own wishful thinking. I want to continue see Japan plays!!!!
I started the day with nothing to do... And I still have nothing to do... And will have nothing to do... I'm paid to slack here.
Monday, June 12, 2006
11:15 PM
I'M VERY SADDDDDDDD..... HOW CAN JAPAN LOSE??!!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!? HOW CAN?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?
WHAT'S WITH THE LAST 8MINS CRAP?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!!? HOW CAN THAT HAPPEN?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!!??!
My dear Kawaguchi Yoshikatsu!!!!!! 何でよ?!?!?!
8:02 PM

My kind of guy, Nakata Hidetoshi

The Japanese Team!!!!
4:11 PM
Managed to find more interesting stuff. It's ghost stories about NTU online!!! Check this out:
3:15 PM
Pls save me!!!!!
I'm dying from boredom. It's like SO BORING... There's absolutely nothing to do. I've finished all my stuff... And I tried reading ghost stories online, and yet they are boring me...
I was looking at the jerseys of serveral teams.. I think the England, Japan and Argentina jerseys are nicer looking.. hahah!!!
Can you tell that I'm bored?
12:30 PM
Slacking at work as usual... I've nothing to do as usual.. I've slowly mastered the Art of Slacking. Geez... Mastering this art has been tiring.. You know its tiring to slack? LOL.
Anyway, I was doing some net-surfing and reading, and came across this website about this abandoned town in the US. It's pretty interesting. If you all are as bored as me, go ahead and read about it. Its actually interesting. You can still read it if you are not bored. haha!
12:25 AM
Wee..~ Had eventful weekend!!!
Went for sun-tanning on Saturday. I think my complexion is kinda seasoned. I think I didn't get "fairer" so I can't get any darker. LOL... I only manage to tan my front, which was extremely fair. hahaha~ My back nearly got toasted for lying on my stomach too long! LOL. It was fun catching with the girls + 3 guys. LOL. And!! Thank you for celebrating Yin Chong's and my birthday!!! Thanks!!!! Yin Chong!!! Someone who is older than me by 2 days!!! LOL!!! Heh...~ It was fun.. And we made a mess out of the cake, and the table at The Mind Infomation Cafe (did I got the name right?) It was a great place actually.. Something like Settlers. I want to play Cluedo!!!!
Then, I went KTV-ing with my sistas!!! Its was funnnnn and niceeeeeee~ Accompanied Valerie to this shop at Far East for a hair cut. It makes me want a hair cut too!!! hahaha... Maybe soon. I just trimmed. lalalala~
A new working week has began... SIANZ...~
Friday, June 09, 2006
10:14 AM
At work again.
Tonight will mark the start of WORLD CUP!!!! Feel the heat.
I'm pasting labels... Almost done.. Don't want to finish that fast.. That's why I start blogging.. To kill some time..
Well!! I'm going to come up with a list of things that you SHOULD NOT buy for me for birthday...~
1. Earrings... Cuz I've an ear infection.. Can't wear..!!
2. Skirts, jeans, pants, shorts... unless you're DAMN SURE of my size. But I advise not to, cuz I don't want you all to know my waistline!!!!!!!!!!! Once I can't fit into the bottoms that you buy, you'll know my size!!!! *pout*
3. Flip Flops... cuz I just bought for myself a Teva one...
4. Posters... cuz my room wall space is almost full
5. Anything Jay Chou... Cuz I'm not obsessed with him.. haha
Here's the TOP 5 THINGS that you should NOT buy for me... The list will continue...
Thursday, June 08, 2006
11:18 PM
My left eye feels tired.
Well, tuition was actually nice today. Haha.. My tuition kid and I were sort of talking about some ghosty ghosty stuff today. It was so funny... She was telling me an incident that happened during her Malaysia camp when my handphone rang, and she jumped. So funny. She's just like me!!! Love to listen to ghost stories, but will get scared too. LOL. After tuition, I actually stayed a while and talked to her about various camps which I'd gone to. haha.. It's fun actually. Feels like talking to my younger sister.
Tomorrow will be fun too cuz, 1. It's FRIDAY! 2. Stayover at Joy's house with S13 girls~! =)
12:40 PM
Haiyoh... I'm waiting for lunch time AGAIN.
I started off my day with nothing to do too, and I still don't have anything to do. Kolay taught me how to give myself work to do.
For the whole morning, I was busy doing things that are not work related at all. *haha* It's such a rainy day today. Hate to go out on a rainy day... I just want to stay in my bed. I miss my bed already!!! *sigh*
There's tuition tonight... SIAN... But then... Think of MONEY... Yes.. And think of my FREED SUNDAY...
Lunch... when will you come...? I'm bored...
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
9:57 PM
Waiting for my CSI on AXN to start.. Just a serious entry...
The question is once again posted to me... "Am I going to run next year?" I was chatting with Jesslyn, and she posted this question to me. Once again, I avoided it. I've been avoiding it since... donkey years ago! Haha.. Sherwe had been trying to get me to talk about it, but I kept avoiding the topic too. I'm very confused about the whole thing myself. I really don't know if that's what I want or not. I don't want people kept telling me how good it will be for me... Or how good it will be to have me in the committee. It confuses my decisions.. somehow. I don't really know what I want... One thing I know for sure though, its that I want to be a mugger next sem!! Results for this sem had been totally demoralising. Then... I want to try something new...
I don't need someone to talk me into running... I need someone to help me in understanding what I want... I really don't know what I want... Argh. It feels so caught in the middle!
Heck... I'm off to watch CSI...
5:22 PM
I'm extremely bored. Thankfully, Jesslyn came over to my office to return me the union room key, and also to chit chat with me!!! Yayness... If not I'll be so extremely bored... I've been pasting photos for the entire day....
Waiting for the time to knock off...
12:24 PM
Blogging at work again! haha.. It's near my lunch time now.. My colleagues mostly went off for lunch.. Office quite empty, that's why I start blogging!!
Nothing much to do again. I'm actually pasting photographs on their file now. haha..
My job for the day will be to help Kolay and Weide plan out the chalet stuff!! Council chalet!!!! Hope all can go and STAY OVER. No point go and not staying over.. Then have chalet for what right... hahaz.. It's our FIRST CHALET after so many years... So must support ok!!! hahaz...
2nd job for the day will be to help Joy plan tanning session!!! Weez... Time to LOSE SOME FATS.. If not I can't wear bikini cuz too FATTTTTT~
Lala... Lunch....
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
12:09 PM
Currently at work... slacking. haha!
Nothing much to do. Decided to stop doing what I have been doing and wait for lunch time. Lunch is at 1pm! haha... My Prof may not be coming in today, so everything I doing is like stucked there. Waiting to see if he's coming in. There's a set of job that's for me to complete from other department.. But its like super easy kind of job.. Just typing of namelist for the various tutorial groups... They set the deadline for me as 17th June... SO FAR.. And I'm completing it... I should do slower... If not I'll be left with nothing to do.. haha..
Still doing nothing... MSN-ing all the way with Kolay, Valerie and Xiao Hui. Kolay and Valerie are both cyber slacking at their workplace, while Xiao Hui is in his camp and cyberslacking. LOL. We are the cyberslackers.
It's cold in office today... Cuz its rainy..
Well.. That's all for now~
Monday, June 05, 2006
5:25 PM
I want to die, can I? My GPA for this Sem is only 2.87.
My results are stinky. That's the prob for NOT STUDYINGGG... SHITT... I WANT TO CRY.....
Accounting : B-
Stats : C+ (yucks... but thankful for C+...)
Marketing : B+
Japanese: B
I want to cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... My FM............... IT'S A D?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? SHITIFIED OK.....
Thankfully that my previous sem's GPA is slightly higher... At least I had an A- last sem.... Still can pull up my average GPA to a B grade.... I going to "FA FEN TU QIANG" NEXT SEM... I just want to go into hibernation and keeps everyone out...
Saturday, June 03, 2006
11:00 AM
Woo!!!! Bleach is getting exciting again!!!!! Watched episode 81 and 82 this morning, and YES, its getting exciting cuz it's having all the fightings and such!!! Hollow-form of Ichigo actually appeared!!! SO EXCITING!!!! I'm actually in love with the hollow-form of Ichigo. I think it's so powerful. =D
Yay!!! Looking forward to Bleach once again!!! No more boring and stupid episodes!
Going to sing my hearts out later!!!! I'm itching for a good KTV session!!!! Sing sing sing sing sing~~~~~~~~!
Friday, June 02, 2006
9:49 PM
Today is FRIDAY!!! Wee~
Work was okay. Stayed in NIE gym almost the whole day for the registration. It's the 2nd day of registration, and there ain't a lot of people at all. So, my colleagues and I were practically rotting. I was smart enough to bring along my "Angels and Demons". HEH~
Someone from the Finance Department thought I'm a Taiwanese...!!! *diao* Must be my voice...
I think I hurt my left ankle.. It's quite painful when I walk... Sian.. This is so irritating...
Thursday, June 01, 2006
10:29 PM
My cousin sent me an interesting horoscope email, and I cropped out the interesting parts!

I know I am quite emotional~ hahaha~

ooooh~ I'm evil~

wah... LAST LOR...~


hmmm... True~


I'm funny~

Diao.... Get 1st for this kind of thing...

Eh... I'm not a guy~

hahahhaha!!! TRUEEEEE~ I'm KPO!!!!