Sunday, April 30, 2006
10:15 PM
*Listening to: Raine Yang - Shi Mian De Shui Mei Ren*
I like this song a lot a lot a lot! =)
Today had been a weird day. Think a lot. haha.. That's what happen when you have too much time on hand. =\ I suddenly hope that blogspot has emoticons too. I'm too addicted to emoticons. Haha~
Anyway, went tuition.. She didn't do her work again. Her parents complained to me that her Maths test got 16/30. Well.. Sometimes I really think if its really my fault? Its so weird when her mom actually told me, "Aiyah, you talk to her la. You know how teenagers are like." I'm puzzled. Why am I the one educating their daughter instead the parents themselves? I'm just a tuition teacher. It's the parents' job to communicate with their daughters. Argh. I hate modern parents. As her tuition teacher, I am actually quite ok with her 16/30 for Maths cuz she's a Normal Acd. student. There are times whereby she scored top for Maths.. This time she just didn't get top... It ain't that bad.. Well.. We have to know each child's limitations right? ArGhHh... What kind of parents are this!!!!! Her dad, my ex-colleague, requested that I go again tomorrow. I agreed cuz I'm free. But if the kid don't do any of the work... I just don't know how I am going to proceed. =(
So, it will be tuition for me for tomorrow, Tuesday and Thursday. Yup. Will be working on Wednesday and Friday. I hope work goes well too. The boss, Winston, seems like a pretty easy-going person. Hope job will be fun, especially when I'll be working with Lena, Alicia, Hui Min, and Alex. Glad to have people with me though... Won't feel so lonely. *smile*
Planned my week already!!!! Movie for tomorrow, pool for Wednesday, S13 girls night out on Thursday!!! WeEz~
Going back to school tomorrow to clear bookings though. BoO~ "Life of an A.Hon Gen". =\ Thank goodness I live so near school.
Please note that I'm blogging random thoughts already. No specific agendas. =D
I think I miss school already. I miss those mugging sessions cuz it had been fun. I feel bored at home. Need to get somethings to do. I feel super intellectual cuz I'd been reading. haha..
Sort of miss school la.. But I know that school activities still goes on.. Such that EXCO MEETINGS will resume soon... I suppose... *Sigh* More late nights... But clever me proposed a great day for meetings to my dear boss. HEH~ *winkz* And there will be UOC meetings, and Senior Camp!!! WeEzz~~ Looking forward to it. Heh.. Hope its fun, and pray that it doesn't fall on my birthday, my Lin Jun Jie's concert, and council chalet!!!!! =D
Heh. Enough of random stuff. That's all, for now.
9:48 AM
*Sigh* Going for tuition soon.. Dread tuition!!! ArGh...
I dislike my tuition kid's mom.. That's why I really hate going for it.. Feel so stress.. I think parents nowadays are mad. I do think so. ArGhHhHhHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh~
Updates later..~
Friday, April 28, 2006
6:46 PM
Me like this song. =)
Thursday, April 27, 2006
10:49 PM
Been spending my holidays well nowadays.
Yesterday, I went KTV-ing with Lizhen and Kolay, then dinner with them, Yong How, and Jean.
Today, I went town with Yu Zhe. OMG.. I feel like a mountain turtle cuz I haven't been going to town for a long long time. I've this thing about cowboy hats now!!! I think they look really nice!!! GeEz... Saw so many nice clothes today!!! Really feel like buying them all.. NO MONEY.. So must CONTROL.. haha..
Just learnt this voice clip trick of MSN... Then realised that its an old trick... *sian diao* But its super fun!! hahahahahaz~
Okay... Jiayouz to all who are still having exams...
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
1:47 AM
Sherwe just forced me to watch this 45mins show of "Kang Xi Lai Le". Its damn funny.. Its about Ah Niu looking for his MV female lead. OMG... All the guys in the show damn "wolfy" la... Cannot take it... Conclusion: All guys are wolves! OmG... I laughed for a good 45mins.. At the hour.. How to sleep!!!
Conclusion: Don't laugh too much before you sleep.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
11:15 PM
After thinking much, I've decided to take up the Aye Rajah job. The NIE job needs to work till 8.45pm.. So late right.. So I don't want..
Anyway, just realised that my freshie year in university had ended! So scary right... 1 year come and go like that. Everything started off from UOC, and everything just went like a rollar coaster ride! My plan of leading a slack year 1 life failed, and I ended up leading a busy busy year 1 life!
Got to know quite a number of nice nice people... =)
I think my year 1 is quite well-spent. Thanks people!
5:24 PM
Currently in Ops room again. Blogging using Zixiang's lappy again. Heh.
I'm disturbing people. Went to do mail clearing for our Union mailbox just now.
I'm bored. And I've bought FiRST mag for this month! Wee~
Please look at my wishlist ok!!! =)
11:47 AM
How how how how?~?~~~
*Sigh* I really hope that I can get the NIE job that Kolay had been helping to ask her friend about. =( Lazy me don't like to travel alot. NTU/NIE is still the best place!!!! Don't wanna be out of my comfort zone... *pout*
Last night, I was having fun applying for holiday jobs using NTU's Career Mall.. This morning, this guy (whom I realised is actually the CEO of the Aisa branch of the company) called me up asking me if I want to take up the job.. The company is Pulley Ascent ( I actually applied the job as a Voice Communicator.. But they offerred me this job to maintain database... Need a lot of Excel work.. Told him that I can only start on the 15 May, and that I've tuition scheduled already.. And he said that I can go for 2 days for those 2 weeks for trainning.. Then start on 15May.
Remuneration is $6/hr. hmm.... Can help me think?
Monday, April 24, 2006
11:54 PM
Sometimes, I wonder why people enjoys doing the WRONG thing.. As in.. They still continue it even though they know that its wrong.
This is the million dollar question: Why?
3:23 PM
Its the end of exams already. Currently blogging using Zixiang's lappy. Now in SAC with Kolay, Lizhen, Aaron and Zixiang. They are all studying for IT now... While I'm just surfing around the web for stuff to put in my wishlist!!! It's sorta out... but I don't exactly know how to go about doing it. I don't know what I want.. haha.. So actually.. The wishlist is for show.. Maybe I should go and think of what I want.. haha...
They are still studying... I'm bored...
Everyone is still having exams...
I'm currently entertaining Xiao Hui over MSN. Or rather, he's entertaining me. LOL. He's still in camp, and is doing some stuff, and I'm right here disturbing him. Haha.. =)
Did I talk about my stats paper? I guess I didn't.. Okay.. I shall talk about it now...
It's a goner. I didn't have time to complete.. Just briefly wrote some crap for the questions.. And didn't know how to do also.. haiz.. Actually feeling quite sad. I hope I don't BAO statistics and FM.... Please pray alot for me ok. =(
For those who are still having exams, jiayouz okay!
I think I will still go to school these few days for fun cuz I've nothing to do at home. Except sleeping, I suppose.
From tomorrow onwards, I'm going to sleep for 12hours per day! I'll only wake up when I've fufilled that 12hours of sleep. For people out there! Please be consideration and NOT call/sms me anytime before 10.30am! =)
Well.. They are STILL studying... Seems to be quite stressed out over ERD. And I still don't know what to do.. Maybe I shall go surf some blogs, and then read my New Paper. hmmmm....
Update later! Please read my wishlist ok!!!!
8:04 AM
This is it! I'll be heading for my last paper soon!
Last night was a tough night. The 3 chapters on Linear Programming had been hard to swallow. I just DON'T GET IT! Feeling frustrated with myself, I've decided to just go and sleep and "heck care" and pray that it won't appear on my exam question paper.
This morning, after snooooooozing for an hour (I've decided to wake up at 6am to read Stats!), I sat up and read the 3 chapters of Linear Programming! Wee~ Finished and tagged.
I don't know what's in my head now. It still feels kinda empty. Don't know... Decided to just go there and wack. Its open-book! It can't be that bad.... At least I've my books with me.. =)
Can't wait for 12pm!!! =D
Sunday, April 23, 2006
11:51 PM
Taking a break from Statistics. Seriously, I don't know how to study for statistics.... It feels that my brain is empty, which is extremely scary.
Statistics is causing me to me in a very foul mood. PMS-ing sucks.
I'm currently reading 3 chapters which I'd skipped previously. I don't know what these 3 chapters are talking about. Argh. Just feel like just going to the exam hall, and just "anyhow crap". zzzz~
I'm really feeling very frustrated now. Don't know how... Maybe I should just burn my stats books.
On a happier note, tomorrow is my last day of exams. Time to think for my WISHLIST FOR 20th BIRTHDAY. Everyone out there!!! Look out for it alrighty! =)
Well well well... Stats God please grant me the wisdom to understand and conquer all the different scopes of Stats. Peace.
7:37 PM
I think I'm having mood swing. In a totally disgusting mood now... =\
Saturday, April 22, 2006
4:02 PM
Been trying very hard to study Statistics. Heh. Studied a bit!
Wated 2 eps of Flame of Recca today. Went to download the series again, thanks to Kuan Yong. I finished the series long ago when it was telecasted on AXN. Its really nice though! heh. There's no weekly dosage of Bleach this week.. Sadded... =( Wonder why....
Going out soon!! I'm really in holiday mood now... HOW!!!! Going to watch Reincarnation with Zixiang and Kolay. It was actually a last-minute plan. Zixiang just suddenly suggested that we go and watch Reincarnation cuz he will not be watching Ice Age this evening. Haha... He's also in holiday mood lor!!! (So am I!). As someone who really wants to watch Reincarnation, I agreed! Heh. Going to meet them at 5pm at JEC... And I'm still at home! Haha...
Been donkey years since I last watched movie... Wee... So excited! LOL. I sound so mountain-turtle-fied. I think I better go get change before I really run late!
I gonna study late tonight so that I won't feel so guilty for going out!!!! =)
To all who are still studying for exams, please "FA FEN TU QIANG" ok!!!! Or rather.... "Pang Sai Koj Piak"!!!! Heh.. I'm highly amused by this saying still... It's so extremely funny. Best joke of the week... I know I'm a bit slow in knowing this... HAHA~
11:31 AM
*Yawnz* Just woke up.
You can say that I slept alot, cuz I did. Initially, I wanted to take a nap for a while last night and do some serious studying. Didn't manage to wake up at 1am. Instead, I slept till 4am when I suddenly jumped up. My laptop was still on with everything still running.. My downloads, MSN.. etc.. haha.. Tried to study but can't!!!! Ended up sleeping again, and I slept all the way till 11am. Wee..
I think I'm complacent. HOW!!!!!! Need to do some serious studying...
Well... I think I won't be going for Moogies' KL trip... *sadded* No money to go cuz I'm going Lin Jun Jie's concert!!! haiz... *pout* Unless I manage to get a job!!! =) My $108 ticket!! haha...
Not feeling well lehz... Sian.... ArGhHhHh.... =\
Friday, April 21, 2006
11:14 PM
Anyway, I really think that I'm obsessed with my blogskin. I
really think that its absolutely pretty. =) Don't you all think so!
Well, woke up at 1030am today. SO HAPPY! Love sleeping... Went to have lunch at JP with mom, and guess what! I bought a pair of pretty sandals! Geez... Now I know why I suck at Financial Management... I really can't manage my finance well... Heh.

Pretty sandals looking pretty!~
HAPPY! heh~
Went to school to study, but end up having an gossip session with Jesslyn. HAHA~ We went to meet Sherwe to fetch van back!!! Oh oh!!! Van has a name!!! It's name is Nova. =) Name is courtersy of Sherwe. Well, the reason behind this name was kinda lame. Nova is a character from Bleach who has the ability of teleporting people.. So... TADA! Van is now call Nova. But Nova sounds cool. =) Here's a picture of our beloved dearrrrr Van a.k.a Nova!!!!

Our dearrr Nova looking good!!!
The van is kinda dusty inside... Was sitting inside today... And my legs got all itchy!!! =( Need to do some inner cleaning soon... I think... *Sigh* And I think I'll most prob be the one who do the cleaning? Heh... Nah... *Runs away* Unless got people employ me to. =)
Heh.... That's all for today.... Having a headache now... I think its BAD WEATHER...
Thursday, April 20, 2006
10:45 PM
Now... What do you do when you have a 4-day break in between your exam papers?
The answer is: CHANGE BLOG SKIN!
Wee~ I didn't study tonight. Instead, I changed my blogskin!!! It's so extremely CUTEEEEE~
Let me introduce everyone to KON!!!! A cute little soft toy from the Anime BLEACH!!!! Give it a kick and it goes "eeeek!". Show him Rukia-san and it will go "nee-san~~~~~~~". It's cute cuz its funny and kinda idiotic. =)
Well... As for today, its a totally sucky day. Know why? Cuz I screwed up my FM paper totally. Period. Enough said. =(
Monday, April 17, 2006
11:32 PM
The song of the is gonna be Lin Jun Jie's "Zhi Dui Ni Shuo".
Lizhen just kept singing the song over and over and over again. She's just repeating the line that reads 'Sarang Heyo means I love you."
Well, I'd my accounting paper today. It's quite "cui"... *sigh* Sian. Really don't really know how to do... Didn't have time to complete this question, worth 4 marks, under question 1... Its the place for people to get marks and yet I didn't do.. haiz... Just remembered how to do at the very last minute... But end up time's up... =(
Stayed back to mug today.. Was kinda brain dead, but was trying to squeeze some Marketing stuff into my head. I think I won't be able to finish Marketing and FM. I'm so dead. *sigh*
Derrick was so nice. He bought us each a bottle of the chrysanthemum tea from the herbal shop of JP. Before that we were all saying that we all are "pu dua-ing", meaning getting very "heaty" due to the chips etc that we had been eating while mugging. I think I'm "pu dua-ing" already... Ucler coming!! ArGh... No more chips!!!! And I don't want to eat anymore!!!!!!! I don't want to gain weight!!!! =( But its quite impossible not to eat... ZZzZzzZzZz.... Everyone must take care while studying ok!!!!!!
Okay... This is dedicated to LIZHEN!!!! Lyrics for your beloved-ed song!
7:52 AM
Ahh.. Having Accounting Paper later...
Meeting Lizhen and Kolay for breakfast at Can 2 later.. Gosh... I'm quite worried that I can't finish on time...
GeEz... Wish me LOTS OF LUCK!
*Sigh* Its the beginning of my hellish week...
Sunday, April 16, 2006
10:47 PM
I think I'm being paranoid, but I'm scared. *sigh*
ANYWAY, on a happier note, my post-exams activities are kinda planned!!!
To Jean Wee: OiEzz!!!!! You are going right!!!! =D heh.
So, I'm NOT going for any Genting trips anymore. Yupz. SAVE MONEY TO GO CONCERT!!!! =) Pls don't kill me.... everyone....
Lizhen offically took up the "Post-exams-activities Chairperson" post today, while me, as the mugging club chairperson is going to go into hibernation soon!!! =) I want to go Queensway buy SHOES so that I can go jogging!!!! Been lazy to go exercising cuz my sports shoes are SPOILT!!!!!! LAZY NO MORE!!!! I going to jogggggggg~ Going to play badminton too!!!!!
We're going KTV too!!!! WEEEEEEE~ Post exams rocks!!!!!!
Not to forget!!!! 12 hours of sleep per day!!!! I'm so gonna looooovvvveeeee it. Just remember not to wake me up during post exams anytime before 10am AT LEAST. I'll BITE you. =D
But before that..... Back to Accounting.... *sob*
1:00 AM
ahh... Taking a break from Accounting. Brain saturation, and accounting overdosed. Signs of this sickness is agitation, impatience, frown a lot...
*sigh* i'm very scared that I'll da bao lehz.. how ah.. I think I'm being paranoid.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
12:43 AM
Today is a rainy day. Such a good day to stay in bed, and I did! I didn't go to school to study cuz I was too lazy, and looking at the weather, I see it as an indication for me to stay home and sleep. =)
What a Good Friday.
I want everyday to be like that. Then, everyday will be GOOOOOOOOD. I love my bed and pillow. I love my TV too. And I'm enjoying my affair with them. I'm divorcing my books and notes soon... in a week's time.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
5:20 PM
今日は日本語試験です。今朝、あたしは Fang Eng さんと Wei Yuan さんと Wei Zhen さんと食堂で朝ご飯を食べました。日本語試験はままです。それから、あたしは Fang Eng さんと Wei Yuan さんとShen Qing さんと Wei Zhen さんと Jun Kiatさんと NIEの食堂で昼ご飯を食べました。あたしは日本語の授業が大好きです!
Well.. I had my Japanese Paper today. Didn't really sleep well last night. I slept with my light on last night. Know why? Cuz I was actually trying to memorise the vocabs on my bed... Kept dosing off now and then... So wasn't really sleeping for the entire night... So I'm like kinda tired now...
The paper was actually alright. Do-able. Just that some of the katakana words I forgot how to write... But its ok la... At least the comprehensio and the composition part was ok.
After the paper, went for lunch with my Japanese classmates. haha... Really like my class a lot! A funny bunch~ heh... =) So fortunate to know them!!! Actually, I'm kinda sad that Japanese class is over... =( haha...
Was actually planning to study after the paper... But I couldn't concentrate... Very sianz about studying... And very tired... So I went home.... Going to sleep soon..... Night....
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
12:22 AM
Came across this really interesting article! The title reads "Why Size Matters…To Women More Than Men". It has such interesting introduction:
The average British man may think about sex every 20 minutes, but the average British woman worries about her body every 15 minutes, and 29% worry about their size and shape every waking minute, according to a new survey. Only one in 50 women is happy with her shape, with an alarming 98% saying they hate their appearance.
hahaha! But to be honest, I think size of woman matters to man too. It's an interesting read. Read on at to blogging.
Studied in school today. Went to buy Can 2 kaya toast for breakfast!!! YUMMMZ~ As for today, I finished 4 chapters for accounting so far... I think it's quite impressive too. But I end up being quite crazy~
Oh!!! Lizhen and I went to buy this promotional pack of Nescafe. ahahaaz! I think the Nanyang Mart auntie must be thinking that both of us are super auntie! hahaha... We actually bought 6 cans of Nescafe to get 6 bottles of Nescafe free. HEH.
It's photos time!! I took some photos of the room when I was like kinda bored from studying...

This is our exam welfare package!!!! See the 6 cans and 6 bottles of Nescafe?!!?!

SILENCE. Studying in progress...

Lizhen's tissue box... With Jean's fingers.

La Darts Board.

We saw this SHUAI CAR after dinner!!!!

Lizhen with the car. See how small it is!!!
The other paiseh thing that happened to me was that before we went home, Lizhen, Xiao Wen, Wei Ming, and I had a "Darts Competition". It's like NBS vs MSE cuz its Lizhen and I vs Xiao Wen and Wei Ming. hahahaha... THEN... STUPID ME... My first throw reach the styrolfoarm board. ARgH!!!! SO PAISEH!!!! Everyone was laughing at me... sob sob.... Evil Jean made me the winner of the day. =(
Studying tomorrow again!!!! Studying everyday.... ahhhh~ I hate exams!!!!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
6:39 PM
Currently blogging using Lizhen's lappy...
I'm extremely brain-dead. Need to take a break... I finished 3 chapters for Accounting so far. Pretty impressive result...
I'm siannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...
Monday, April 10, 2006
11:53 PM
Studied Marketing for the entire day. Finished 5 chapters. OK LA. haha.. Talked a lot and laughed a lot along with my mugging khakis. Mugging khakis of the day: Lizhen, Kolay, Jean, Xiao Wen, Wei Ming, and Ivan. hahahz...
Went to get my Accounting practice assignment... 53.5/100... SAD... haiz... =\ Got back report for project too... B-... Sianzation... OH WELLL....
Mugging as usual tomorrow!!!! =)
Sunday, April 09, 2006
10:11 PM
Ahh... Having that feverish feeling... Don't know if its lack of sleep or what...
Slept at around 2am last night, or rather this morning. Woke up suddenly at around 6.50am. I don't know why I woke up so early... Maybe its nightmare. zzz~ After I woke up, couldn't get back to sleep.... Sian.
Went to school to mug with Kolay and Eunice. Finished 1 chapter of Accounting only. Sian.
I gonna camp in school this coming week to study... STUDY STUDY STUDY...
Saturday, April 08, 2006
10:25 PM
Ahh.. Taking a break from Accounting. Kinda brain-drained. Feel like sleeping...
Well... I think I'm really quite upset with my performance at my Japanese Oral. The more I think of it, I really think I'm super lousy. Argh. Sian. Totally screwed up la. ARGHHHHH~
Oh... I'm wondering if I should go and find holiday job too. The school kept emailing Year 1 Accountancy students with various internships... Don't know should apply not... I'm feeling lazy... Feel like spending my holidays fufilling my 12hours of sleep to sleep my dark rings and eye bags away. hmmm.. And go exercise!!! Feel so unhealthy. haha... Oh well... Some casual thoughts...
Going out to study tomorrow.. I think. Maybe going back to school.. Hmmm... I need to study study study!!!! *GANBATTE NE!*
Oh... I want to watch movies! I don't want to study...

Oh~ I want to watch this show!! Horror movie!! A Japanese horror movie! Wee~

This one looks funny!!!
Lots of movies coming in May!!!! Looking forward to it!

The Da Vinci Code, 18th May
Ahh~ Really looking forward to it ever since I've read the book. A MUST WATCH!!! In case you all are wondering, it's starring Tom Hanks, Ian McKellen, and Audrey Tautou. Not hard to guess it all, Tom Hanks is gonna be Robert Langdon (though when I was reading the book, I picture Robert as a young super hunk. hahaha!), and Audrey Tautou as Sophie Neveu ( abit not of what I've pictured.. But ya...).

X-Men 3, 25th May
=) Needless to explain.
Yuppp.. That's all for killing my time. I'm sian of studying... But I'm going back to it now. Ciaoz.
9:49 AM
To all my mugging khakis:
As the chairperson of the mugging club, I now annouce the mugging schedule next week!!! (heehee!)
For next week, we'll meet for breakfast at.. 8am (or 9am?)... Is it too early (a bit early for me.. ZzzZz) Maybe 8.30am to 9am la... We'll eat at.... We'll decide then la.. Then, we'll go study till night!
- End of Schedule! -
OMG... This is kinda lame. LOL. But, yea! This is it! Can can? =) JiAyOuZ~
Kinda thinking of my Japanese Oral. ArGh. Feel really upset about it. I seriously think that I flopped my oral. =( How.... Sian.
Off hitting accounting books. Bye.
3:02 AM
*sigh* I think this marks the start of my weird sleeping habits.
I slept at 8pm actually. Was very tired... Then woke up just now at 2.30am.
Hadn't been a good day today. Everything went quite wrong... Like my Japanese Oral.. etc etc. =(
Thursday, April 06, 2006
10:02 PM
歌: SMAP - らいおんハート (Lion Heart)
今晩、あたしはKolayとSheng QiangとCrystal Jadeで晩ご飯を食べました。
Was studying in school for the whole day today. The weather was irritating. Cannot "tahan" the humid weather!!! Luckily I shifted over to study at SAC. Heh! Mugging khakis are welcomed to find me there!
Was studying with Zhen, Xiao Wen, and her friend. Didn't REALLY studied a lot cuz Zhen, Xiao Wen and I kept talking. I think we talked a lot of things la.. We even talked about TAMMY. haha.. I felt so out-dated... (I actually know about the TAMMY incident just last week? hmmmm...)
Went off with Kolay to meet Sheng Qiang for dinner at Crystal Jade. OMG OMG... I think I eat a lot!!!! I feel so bloated. We ate one whole big bowl of Ramen, Jelly fish, Xiao Long Bao, Tom Yam Soup.... Plus I ate the mango pudding too. Argh! FULL!!!!
So nice to meet up with him! Yayness!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
11:30 PM
Mugging session in school today!!! Was mugging in Can B whole afternoon waiting for my mugging khakis to finish lessons.
Moved over to mug at Ops Room. No wonder Kaixiang asked me to go there and study cuz I think it's quite nice to study there! IRRITATING SHERWE sms-ed me out of the blue telling me that ep 75 and 76 of Bleach are out. I'm like (-_-)!!!! all the way. Then, he mms-ed me his screen shot of his Media Player playing the show... Screen shot as below:

Super DOTZ right!!!! UNCLE!!! You very lame lehz!!!!! *Pengz* It's lame until a point it's really funny. When I received the mms, I just burst out laughing. (Nah Uncle... You didn't irritate me instantly!)
Mugging session tomorrow again!!! But will be meeting Sheng Qiang and Kuan Yong for dinner!!!! Yayness~ =D
9:25 AM
Going to school to mug later!!!
Today will be mugging day. I strive to mug from morning till night!!!! WEE~ I love mugging! (-_-)
Slept a lot last night. Went to sleep at 10+pm, and woke up at 8am. Feel RECHARGED. =)
Oh~ Yesterday was happily discussing a Johor shopping trip with Kolay!!! Decided to organise a Johor shopping trip with the usual gang. Heh!!! With Eunice, Clara, Weide, Gavin, Kuan Yong.... etc etc.... YAY!!!! SO EXCITED. Want want want?!?!?!?! I'm going to be the CHIEF-ORANGISER. I'm so "gian" shopping. Deprived of shopping!!!! heh.
Not to forget, M Group's Genting trip!!!! YAYNESS!!! =)
After exams after exams after exams!!!!!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
6:20 PM
ああ… 今日は Listening テストです。少し難しいです。
それから、皆さんは Video を見ました。少し面白いです。
Received an email from Asai Sensei yesterday. She wrote:
G13は とてもいいクラスですね。しゃしん どうもありがとうございます。
今週のテスト がんばってください!
また あした 教室であいましょう。
浅井 美佐(ASAI MISA)
Hi to all Japanese Class G13 students,
G13 has been a very good class. Thanks for the photos.
Please do your best for the test this week!
See you all in class.
Yay.. Really like my Japanese class a lot! I think everyone is so fun.
Listening test was quite hard. I couldn't catch the numbers, and the person speaks so super fast. =( Now can only pray hard and hope for the better.
I want to be STUDY!!!!! みなさんは頑張ってください。(Minasan wa ganbatte kudasai - means Let's all JIAYOU)
Monday, April 03, 2006
11:28 PM
I just want to say.....
I really like the song "Yi Yan Wan Nian" by S.H.E!!!!! SO NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ =)
Sunday, April 02, 2006
9:44 AM
日本語の授業の写真です!!! 写真はきれいですね!

私は Xiao Huiさん と Fang Engさん です。きれいでしょ!
Me with Xiao Hui and Fang Eng! 3 pretty girls!! WAHAHAHAH~

私は Chun Kiat さんと です。
Me and Chun Kiat! My "partner"!

私の 右に 浅井先生が いました。
Whole class with Asai Sensei! She's the one in the middle, at my right.


私は Wei Yuanさん と です。
Me and Wei Yuan! He has RED EYES. OMG. Vampire desu ka.
12:31 AM
Feeling kinda tired...
Just came home from Mabel's birthday party. Its was really really fun. haha.. Idiotic me actually suggested a stupid way of pulling a prank on Mabel. I actually suggested to buy her baby food (yucks!) and put them in her food. I think I'm idiotic.
Well, the moogies were mad. We kept posing for photos. According to Joel, we took a total of 200 over phones. A lot of funny photos. We just kept laughing at our photos. Waiting for Joel to send us the photos!!!
Wee... So many photos... Waiting for Weiyuan to send over photos for Japanese class, and Joel to send moogies photos!! Yay!
Oh, the moogies also planned our Genting trip for May. Hope everyone can go. The girls seemed rather not so confirmed. I think I should be able to go cuz I mentioned to my mom before le. I think the Union trip seems to be "evaporating into the air". haha... If moogies are confirmed on this trip.. Then I think I won't go for the Union trip le.. hahaha.. Rather go with moogies!!! =)
Kinda tired... I hate exams.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
10:35 AM
I finally planned my mugging schedule. It is like longggggggg over-dued. =
Pls drag me out to study if you have to. Really need to. I'm feeling scared. I'm doomed.