Saturday, December 31, 2005
6:46 PM
It's those time of the year again. Today is the last day of 2005. Omg.. Another year gone.
Let me see.. What happened in year 2005?
Well.. From January till Mid June, I was working in MCS. A very different kind of life. I can't say I love those kind of life cuz I'm someone who sleeps a lot, and during the period of time, I was seriously lack of sleep. However, it was an experience of a life-time. I believed that I'd caused some trouble around there due to my blurness.. During my stay there, I learnt a lot from the people there.. Thankz to Jeraldine, Erica, Xiao Bai, Ah Bao, Yi Ling.. And many more.. They had been so nice and understanding to this newbie here.. =)
Then.. School reopened. My first year in UNIVERSITY! OMG.. A brand new start for me.. Went to Union Camp under the persuadsion of Yanto. Really glad I'd gone cuz I got to know a whole lot of wonderful people.. Jamie, Jac, Joel, Alex Long, Alex Lim, Jon, Yu Zhe, The M Group people! Then.. When lesson started.. Got to know a lot of great tuitorial mates. Before that, I feared of how school will be cuz its like.. I knew no one from Accountancy.. As in.. None of my friends go into Accountancy.. But I'm lucky.. I met Bin Lee, Clara, Alvin, Sami, Kim Liang, Cora, Yun Heng... etc. You all make school days great!!!
Then.. Other than school work, I joined UOC Com and Students' Union.. Met more wonderful people.. Holly, Jiahao, Steve, Zixiang, Charles, Crystal, Ian at UOC.. Kaixiang, Alex Yeo, Weihong, Mel, Avanti... more in SU.. Thankz..
2005 had been eventful. What will 2006 be?
2005.. It comes, and goes like that. Sometimes, I think time passes so fast.. *sigh*
Happy new year.
Friday, December 30, 2005
2:17 AM
song buzzing: GeSANG - Eternal Wind (Mugen no Kaze) --> Ayashi No Ceres OST
I'm so in love with this song!! Its super nice with superb lyrics..
English Translation:
The light of the sunset spreads,
coloring your profile
Oh sky, don't lose
those enchanting colors
I guess everything fades
and changes with time
You to, will wave "bye"
as you walk on.
But there are some things that don't ever change,
that can't ever be put into words:
the feelings that fill your heart.
Pain, come now,
become an eternal wind.
Keep blowing,
to wrap around your stooped-over shoulders.
I am always watching you
Even if
you're in a far off place.
If we are reborn,
I will be born as myself.
Then I will find you,
once again...
Even though all things that have a shape
have limits,
I want to tell you that there are some things
that never fade.
Just because you were nearby
That alone enabled me
to walk even this steep a road.
Loneliness, come now,
become an eternal wind. From now on,
keep blowing,
pushing at your back as you walk alone.
I want to save you with love unseen
Until we meet again someday.
Now, unchanging things are nothing but
continually glittering emotions
that have gone unspoken.
Pain, come now,
become an eternal wind.
Keep blowing,
to wrap around your stooped-over shoulders.
I am always watching you
Even if
you're in a far off place.
1:33 AM
Had a nice evening with my sistas. I went to meet up with Valz and Yunz at Tanjiong Pagar and walked down to Chinatown to eat dinner. We ate this really nice hor fun from this stall with a super scary aunty. haha.. Great time chatting.. Nice... After that, we headed down to the market nearby to eat this really nice Stingray and Sotong. NICEEE~ hahahaz...
Love to go out with my sistas.. After that, we just walked and walked and talked and talked.. Walked till City Hall, to take train home.. hahaha.. We can really walk ah.. Walked from China Town to City Hall.. hahahz..
How time flies. We had been sistas for 7 years!!! OMG OMG!!! haha... So glad to be able to find such great friends in this life.. We don't need a lot of friends. All we need is a few great friends. Feel so bliss.. Cuz its not easy to find great friends.. Some people went through all their life without finding one..
Tomorrow is my registration date for my subjects next semester.. I hope I can get my Japanese slot.. Please please please....
Oh yea, Yunz was "teasing" about my new year resolution of finding "true love". haha.. But isn't that true? I think everyone should just aspire to find true love instead of just for the sake of finding love. OMG.. I think I watch too much movies and animes.. Quite impossible to seek for something so perfect, in this world.. haha... Oh well...
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
9:08 PM
I'd been sick for the past few days. Been having block nose.. sneezing bug, and slight cough.. I felt miserable okay..
I really want to post up those photos that we took during Christmas eve.. But then I feel too lazy to go to photoshop, shrink the size, and post it up.. Too much of a hassle.. I'm lazy..
Time for new year's resolution.. My 2005 resolutions are quite crappy la.. I think they are useless.. Let me see.. What should be my resolution for 2005?
1. I want to be able to juggle all my work loads.. My school work, CCAs, tuitions, family, friends..
2. Get enough sleep everyday. Something that I don't find myself doing during school days..
3. I want to lose 2kg!!! haha.. I'm currently at 50kg.. Want to get to the weight of 48kg.. My ideal weight!!!
4. Find my true love who has lost his way!!!!
(haha.. This is funny.. It's a joke I come up with la.. But nevertheless.. Isn't this what everyone is seeking for? Not just love from people.. But true love.. )
5. Be happy and true to myself.. Sometimes, I just think I'd been doing things for the sake of doing it.. Sometimes.. I didn't dare to do certain things, or say certain things for God knows reason.. So.. for the upcoming year, I aspire to be say whatever that's on my mind!
I don't know what else to set as my 2006 resolution.. Any suggestions?
Don't know.. Perhaps be a nice girl and be nice to everyone, and pray that everyone will be nice to me.. Do all job well.. blah blah blah.. don't know!
Monday, December 26, 2005
1:11 AM
Merry Christmas to all!!
I spent my Christmas at home, which had been very fufilling. I spent my day watching the anime which I downloaded -- Ayashi no Ceres. This is quite an old anime. I remember watching it during my craze for anime in secondary school.. Felt like watching it again, so I went to download it. Bravo! It's marvellous.. Still like it a lot.. Though I really forgot some details.. haha.. Nice nice!!!
Nothing much.. Just that I feel like re-watching all those animes that I like.. haha.. How!
Sunday, December 25, 2005
12:44 AM
Yup.. I'd a rather nice Christmas eve.. Spent with Eunice, Kolay, Sheng Qiang, Kuan Yong, and Xiao Hui. =)
It's actually a super-belated birthday celebration for Xiao Hui.. haha.. We went to eat at Secret Reciepe.. Cakes are super nice.. Ate a lot, took a lot of pics, talked a lot..
Then, we went to Esplanade area.. Wow.. A lot of people.. Walked around.. We bought sparklers!! Yayness.. hahaz.. Walked till Merlion Park.. Talked a lot again.. Took more pics.. Played with sparklers.. Super fun!! hahaz..
Photo's with Kolay.. When she sent them to me, I gonna upload them all!! haha..
My legs now are super pain.. Both with blisters, and I broke both of them.. And removed the dead skin, and put a plaster over... Just wondering.. Why blister has water inside??? So strange!!! hahaha...
My legs are really super pain.. AHHHHHH~
Saturday, December 24, 2005
12:44 AM
Today had been a great day.
I went KTV with one of my usual council gang, namely Weide, Gavin, Clara, Eunice, and Kolay. =)
It was fun. I sang and sang and sang and sang. Yayness~ KTV ROCKZ!!!!! I want to go sing again!
After that, we went over to the eat Prata and talked trash at this Muslim coffee shop. hahaz.. Nice.
Then, we head down to West Coast recre. centre for pool. We asked Mr Tan a.k.a Ah Piang out cuz he just lived too near. ahahz.. We talked trash and played pool! POOL ROCKZ!!
After which, went to Piang's house for a while.. Slacked a while.. And we decided to watch King Kong.. Asked Kuan Yong out.. We "biao" down in cab to meet KY at JP, only to realise that there's no tix for the show. AHAHAHAHA... We then just went to Long John Silvers, and eat, and talked trash, gossip, and all..
Somethings about all of you.. That can never be replaced...
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
9:45 PM
I'm happy today. =)
I went shopping today with my mom. I bought a pair of really pretty heels, and a nice top & pants from ESPRIT. My mom bought more! We are shopping Goddess!
I met a lot of people today too! I met my tuition teacher in primary school.. Mr Chee and Mrs Chee.. ahahaz.. Very long since I've last saw them. I also met my ex-colleagues at Mediacorp!! Met Jeraldine and Li Wan.. It was nice to meet them again. Reminded me of those days working in MCS.. hahaz..
I love going shopping with my mom! Mom is my best shopping partner!!! =)
Monday, December 19, 2005
11:08 PM
Results is out!! Well.. I'm quite impressed at the way I've done. I was expecting worser result, but everything turn out otherwise! Yayness.. So happy actually.. Here's it:
Econs: B
Biz Law: B
IT: A-
Communication: B
Not bad ah!
Well.. I'm quite happy with it.
Other than that... I spent my day at meetings.. UOC meeting, then EXCO meeting..
I love meetings.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
9:34 PM
song buzzing: Jay Chou - Feng
Last night was Alumni Night. Well, my duty was to be the "clicker". Meaning, counting the number of people entering the auditorium. Cool job ah.. I was at the entrance when the whole lot of union representive swarmed up and asked "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS JOB!!!" ahahaz.. Sherwe, Adrain, Kaixiang, and Yu Quan were like super shock. ahahaz.. Their reactions were so funny. After that, helped out with the logistics, and then went down to Yunnan Garden to help Kolay out. Nothing much really. Me and other helpers actually sat down around the table and we started telling ghost stories!!! hahahaz... Cool ehz..
As for today, I went for tuition, and then went straight to Sentosa to meet my council peeps. After that, we just went to eat lunch at HarbourFront, talked trash, and shopped around.
Nice day.. Glad to see the council peeps today.
Super drained out recently. Feel like I've been busy with stuff, but I also don't know what I was busy with. Everyday wakes up, first thing will be to check email, read email, reply email, clear email.. I lost track of what I was doing for the past 2 weeks actually, and I realised that I'd been at meetings, and meetings... hmm...
Really looking forward to Wednesday!! I'll be going shopping with mommy!!! WeeZ~ Then, Friday with be KTV session!!! Saturday will be xmas celebration... *grinz* I love xmas...
Tomorrow will be a meeting-day. Filled with meetings...
Okay.. That's all.. I think I want to write my friends Xmas postcards!!! Till the next time!!!
Friday, December 16, 2005
9:42 PM
song buzzing: Ayumi Hamasaki - End Roll
hmm.. Haven't been updating cuz didn't really have the time to do so..
Yesterday, Kaixiang and I went for the Japanese exchange. It wasn't as fun as the other time.. Quite sad.. haha.. Kaixiang, Joy and I actually left the Music Group to go to the Culture Group cuz Music Group was overwhelmed by locals.. Well.. It was quite alright even though the Japanese students were generally quieter.. The Japanese actually let us wear kimono!! Cool ehz.. I wore.. But don't have photo.. haha.. Photo in Kaixiang's HP. The kimono part was fun. I went to wear the guy's also. LOL.. We drank Japanese tea, eat Japanese snacks.. Nice!
I went to watch The Promise yesterday too.. with my secondary school friends.. OMG.. I totally regretted going.. It's such a lame show.. Haiz.. I actually don't watch Chinese movies.. But for the sake of meeting my friends.. I went to watch.. Shouldn't have watch that la!!! Should have watched King Kong...
As for today, I went for this secretary briefing with Kaixiang regarding the points.. Dosing off once in a while... I haven't get my 12 hours of sleep!!! Argh....
Tomorrow is Alumni Night.. I have been busy with Alumni Night stuff recently.. ArGh.. AAO is irritating the hell out of me. Seriously!!! They seemed to think that all the student helpers of the event are under Union, and they kept calling me to ask me if I know so-and-so, and if I have the contact number. Its REALLY IRRITATING cuz I already gave them a list, and specifically told them that people OUTSIDE this list of people, we do not know who they are. But they just kept asking. This is REALLY irritating.
In case you are wondering what does AAO stands for, it stands for Alumni Affairs Office.
Can't wait for Alumni Night to be over. Argh.. Its going to be OVER..
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
10:34 PM
song buzzing: David Tao - Ai Shi Ge Se Me Dong Xi
I just got my timetable for next semester!! Monday free!!! heez.. But all my tutorial mates have different timetable.. Actually my timetable is good.. But in order to be with my tutorial mate.. Must change.. Hope to be able to change to the one we want. I'm very scared that I give up my good timetable, and can't get the class I want to change to.. Then end up got nothing.. haha..
I think I better go and sleep. Going for Japanese exchange tomorrow.. hahaz..
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
8:43 PM
song buzzing: Bon Jovi - All About Loving You
Today is the last day of PASRC meeting. Finally!! haha.. Today was my 3rd time there. And seriously, this committee is nice. A bunch of really funny people. ahahaz...
Mr Choo and Mrs Lam treated us for lunch! ahaha.. They bought us Nasi Lemak. So, during lunch time, we just sat in that cold cold meeting room for lunch. They bought champage too. We actually did a "yum-seng" after meeting to celebrate the end of the meeting. ahahaz..
Well.. Today's presentations were alright. I was super laggy in the morning. haha.. I hate early mornings!! And I've yet to get my 12 hours of sleep daily!! *pouts*
Okay!! Pictures time!

Front row: Ashley (Hall 8), I forgot her name! but she's from Hall 4, Ruilin (Hall 10), Xiu Juan (Hall 12), Celine (ABC), Dorothy (Sports Club), Yifen (CAC), me! (SU)
Back row: Pramoda (AIESEC), Kelvin (ODAC), ET(Heritage Club), Hon Wai (Chinese Society), Chak How (MENSA), CJ (Hall 15), Zhu Yi (Hall 14), Kai Jie (WSC), this guy I also forgot the name.. From EEE, Aaron (UNSA)

Friday, December 09, 2005
1:41 PM
song buzzing: Sailor Moon Sailor Stars - Sailor Star Song
Okay, let me fill in what happened yesterday.
Well, yesterday morning, I met up with Kai Xiang to go down to St. Francis Med. School for this Japanese Exchange. They are students from Kaishi Gakuen High School in Japan, age between 17 to 19.
Kai Xiang and I were in the Music Group. The exchange programme was quite fun. Got to know 3 Japanese friends!! haha.. Yumi-chan, Sakiko-chan, and Risa-chan. The rest of the class was pretty funny too. There's this guy in the class that plays the guitar, and he's extremely funny. He's Yuta. OMG.. He kept us entertained by singing a lot of songs. hahaha.. He was like asking people to dedicate songs, so I actually passed him my SMAP CD. He looked through, and actually sang Yozora no mukou!! Yay.. Favourite song!!! haha.. His guitar skills rock! He also sang Utaka Hikaru's First Love, despite being unable to reach the high notes. haha..
Japanese exchange had been interesting!! Have to go and brush up my Japanese!! I kept talking to them in bits and pieces.. haha.. They also talk to us in chopped up English.. haha.. But we still spent an interesting afternoon together!!
At the end of the day, we exchanged addresses. I'm going write to them! haha... Going to send them Christmas cards..
One of the students in my group, a local student, thought I'm a Japan fanatic. hahaha.. I'm just someone who happen to know more about Japanese stuff than other people. haha.. =)
But it had been interesting!! Looking forward to next week! =)
After the Japanese exchange, I flew home to prepare myself to go for Queen of Queens at DXO. Met up with a whole 21 people at City hall. Almost die-ed there.. SO MANY PEOPLE!!! The que at DXO was worse. SO SCARY. Argh.. It was super long. Met Yanto and his A Group people there.. He never fail to call me "chiong-ster" which I'm NOT!!!! Well.. The pageant was.. ok. haha.. After that was quite boring.. Went off quite early.
That's all.. I'm helping to compile the list of general helpers for NTU Alumni Night, and I'm going crazy.
1:05 AM
Making this post short and sweet.
Japanese exchange was fun and interesting. Details tomorrow.. I'm tired.. I'll just show the pics... Took pictures with the Japanese students in my group.

Me and Sakiko-chan

Me and Yumi-chan

Me and Risa
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
12:44 AM
song buzzing: Ayumi Hamasaki - Who...
Okay.. As requested from Keck Soon, here's the letter of displease that I wrote, which my mom asked me not to send out.
To: 13th floor neighbour
From: Your 14th floor neighbour
Thanks a lot for storming to our house this early Saturday morning to accuse us of something that we did not do. =)
Just to let you know that we feel very ridiculed by your action. Ever since the first incident, we'd already been considerate to make sure that whatever laundry that we are going to hang out are spinned dry.
We hope that you can be considerate enough to note that there are people who lives on the 15th and 16th floor too. Allow me to refresh your Science knowledge that there are such thing as parallax error. You are using your sight to gauge, and it amounts to parallax error.
We are, afterall, living as neighbours. I'm sure that both of us do not want this to amount to unhappiness between us. We'll just like to let you know that we are NOT the source of your disturbance, and will never be. In event that such thing happen again, we're most glad to help you in investigating the source of it.
Yup.. I'm still VERY furious with my neighbours. I really think that they're ridiculous. ARGHHH... I hope a lot of bird shits drop on their laundry everyday.
Nothing much for today actually.. Stayed home all day to watch CSI!! I've the DVDs for season 1 - 5!!!
I'm getting excited about the Japanese Exchange that will be on this Thursday!!! Really looking forward to it. Its going to be fun.. I hope!
ArGh... I just download a song that is not what I want.. Sian... Waste of my time..
Anyway.. Got to go...!
Saturday, December 03, 2005
11:43 PM
song buzzing: Cagnet - What will I do
Ah.. Today is a pretty nice day, not to mention about that RIDICULOUS neighbour of mine.. My mom told me that it's pointless to write a letter to him since he's so "pig-brained". haha... No point talking to this kind of person.. Scarly they read it as an guilty act from us. Actually I wrote the letter in mockery. Maybe I'll post it here tomorrow.. Don't want this to spoil my day.
Well, met up with Xiao Hui and Kolay at Lot 1 for lunch, which I didn't eat. haha.. The moment I saw Xiao Hui, I just kept complaining about my neighbour.. haha.. What to do.. Xiao Hui is a police!!! haha.. We bought some drinks and headed down to Xiao Hui's house. Waited for Sheng Qiang to arrive before we start our LOTR marathon.. haha..
It's pretty nice to watch LOTR again!! I'm never bored by LOTR. Just that marathon takes a lot of "watching stamina". Got tired by the time it gets to The Two Towers Disc 1. After The Two Towers Disc 1, we all went down for dinner, and came up again to finish disc 2. haha.. We finished The Two Towers at around.. 9pm. haha.. Cool ehz.. Sheng Qiang and Xiao Hui's going to complete The Return of the King tomorrow, but I can't go! haha.. Nevermind.. I'll watch it on my own.. But Xiao Hui's the extended version!!! SO NICE OKAY!!! So many scenes that I didn't know of..
Anyway.. It's nice la.. haha.. The group of us watching movie.. Nice.. I miss Xiao Hui and Sheng Qiang a lot! haha.. So glad to see them again..! =)
10:42 AM
song buzzing: Fort Minor - Remember The Name
They are damn ridiculous. First time, they came up to us telling my mom that the clothes she hung out were dripping. That time, it was really from us, so my mom apologised to them and took the dripping clothes in.
NOW, they came up to us AGAIN complaining that our clothes are dripping wet. HELLO? The clothes my mom hung out are DRY. WHAT THE HELL... They said our jeans are dripping wet. My mom actually took in the jeans for him to check. He didn't want!! Then? We said he could come in to check if our clothing are wet. He didn't want!!! THEN?! What the hell he's talking about?! ArGh.. Please, can he be reminded that he lives on the 13th floor, we live on the 14th floor, and there are people at the 15th floor and 16th floor!!!!
Argh.. Feel so ridiculed.. I'm going write a letter of displease to them.
Friday, December 02, 2005
8:44 PM
song buzzing: Maroon 5 - She will be Loved
Hey! Finally have the time to update.
Been quite busy yesterday and today. Going to be busy all the way already. Yesterday, I went down to hall 13 to help Lena paint banner! haha.. Helped her draw out part of the banner.. haha.. We finished quite fast, with the help of Bin Lee, Hui Min, and 1 of Lena's subcom.
I went off at around 5pm to go home for shower, dinner.. Then came back to school for EXCO meeting. I made the WRONG choice to wear FBT shorts into Union Conference Room.. Argh.. That place is a FREEZER. I was so cold at the end. Meeting stretched up to 11.30pm..
Got home, and did stuff.. A lot of stuff.. Only managed to sleep at 2am..
This morning, I had to wake up at 7.30am to attend PASRC meeting in place of Adrain. HAIZ... Really.. I dragged myself out of the bed. A lack of sleep person is really an angry person.. Especially when I'm already programmed sleep till at least 10am.
Rushed down to SAO.. Seriously.. maybe they should consider moving SAO to somewhere nearer to the main spines of the school... Or maybe consider having a bus that by-pass that place.. It's so super out of the way.. I have to walk so much. It's only when I need to go down to SAO then I'll feel that NTU is really big..
Well.. initially I felt pretty new.. Didn't know anyone there.. But luckily Lian Ya and Yi Fen were there too! Well.. The meeting.. Nothing much really.. We all sit around the meeting table... Listen to the presentors, and then we all vote for or against the proposal. That's basically what we did for the entire day.. Till 4pm. Well.. People are still pretty friendly.. I think today will be one of the best days? The whole 17 of us went to eat lunch together.. I heard that next week will be very prone to "war". So scary.. but the peace maintains..
But I'm glad that I went. Its such a great exposure. An eye-opener, and a very new thing to me. Sherwe was still scared that I'll be bullied by the people. haha.. I'm lucky.
Gonna be busy busy busy soon! =)