Just a stupid update. Let me tell you all one insane incident. I was sleeping last night, when I suddenly thought of the solution for my Econs tutorial. This is a symptom of econs overdose.
It's raining, and I've to go for my lecture soon. Time to go prepare.
Monday, August 22, 2005
10:11 PM
Winamp buzzing: Utaka Hikaru - First Love
Free day for me. Been reading and reading econs for yesterday and today. I sound very studious ah? But nothing was very much done la..
Went for tuition today, and the kid actually told me that she topped her Maths common test. I was like 'wow..'. Somehow feels great to hear that. It's afterall, her first time topping Maths test, and I revised Maths with her. However, it's always a drag to teach her Science.. As you can tell, tuition was a drag today cuz I need to teach her Science.. Her Science paper will be on Wednesday, and she asked me if I can go down tomorrow.. Somehow or rather, I think she thinks that I only have 'teach tuition' to do, and nothing else. It frustrates me a little.. Cuz she kept requesting for tuition at odd timings.. I told her that I couldn't turn up tomorrow, not because I've something on, but I want to use the time to catch up on my readings la.. haha.. Wednesday is my Biz Law tutorial day... Have to read my stuff up.. *SiGh* And, my kid always request for odd weekend timings like 2pm-4pm? *diaoz* My weekend... I turn it down again and push it to morning...
Okay.. Some of my random grumblings... Decided to take a breather from the econs textbook.. Well, seems like school started for almost a month already. So fast. This 1 month had been a total new experience.. New way of life..
Thank goodness the Moogies are always around to brighten the life there. Even though I aren't very involved in some of the stuff some of those hall moogies had done, I'd even fun and laughter. Clubbing night with moogies at Penthouse to KTV session to Potluck at Joel's to Joel's bday surprise to the lame lame 'stone rock and pebble'. Love the Moogies, and the M group people LOADS. Even though I wasn't there for several stuff like Moogies supper, you people have to know that I'm always there for you people ok! And there's the M group seniors.. My GL Jamie, AGL Alex Long, seniors like Sherwe, Huiru, Jac, Jasmine, and Vinci.. Always there to guide this lost moogie of theirs. hahaz.. I'm always 'lost', whether in literal sense or not.. Thankz lot seniors, love ya all too.
School.. I come into NTU Accountancy ALONE. It totally sucked initially. Know why? The school is so big, yet none were your friends. The only Acc people I know are probably the moogies only. A big big THANK YOU to my dearie STONE, Yu Zhe. She's my lecture buddy. Lecture will be so boring without her. Going to tutorials alone to knowing my tutorial-mates. It takes me 1 month to do this. Pretty long ah.. Grateful that my tutorial-mates are so nice, and helpful, and friendly to me.. Even the tutorial that I dread most, Business Law, doesn't feel that bad afterall.. People are actually friendly.. Oh well... I should try not to be so cynical about things.. Another thing.. seems like all my tutors are.. nice? OB Prof is super funny.. Like him.. Econs Prof.. STRESSFUL but seems good too... Biz Law... everyone says she's good, so she has to be.. IT.. no comments.. Communication.. bubbly Prof... Oh well.. Guess I'm quite lucky.
1 month in Uni, yet to join any activities.. Been procastinating.. Not knowing what I want.. Following suit and all.. Guess it's time for me to get myself together, and do something productive... Like getting some stuff that interest me.. Hmmm.. My first 'mission' will commence this Thursday.. Union interview... Hope all go well. I can always remember how 'malu-ating' my council interview was, and how I totally screwed it up... Hope all else go well...
Been thinking.. I really wonder how I would have not survived this 1 month without the great people around me.. Moogies, M group seniors, tutorial-mates, and of course.. my dear PJC friends. Being Lena's part-time roomie is not easy. I've to be her Maria and mop the floor. *sObz* Lena, Kolay.. Always there to listen to me grumble and whine. Many many other JC pals... Love ya all loads too...
Oh well... Many more things for me to look forward to...
Sunday, August 21, 2005
11:08 PM
Winamp buzzing: Hoobastank - Disappear
Accomplishment for the day will perhaps be the Biz Law tutorial, and having eaten so much junk food in a day. I'm getting so bored of the econs tutorial. I stared at it, and it stared back at me. I've no idea how to proceed on with it. All those words are latin to me. Weird wordings that I don't understand. *sigh*
Anyway, the good thing is, Weide just offered me a 24hour-econs-helpline. How great was that!!! So nice of him right!! haha.. He actually said his helpline is 24hour.. Which makes me wonder.. He can answer calls when he's in army mehz?! hmmm...
Oh, and just now, I went to watch The Maid with Kolay, Weide, and Kuan Yong. Actually, its not bad... A bit different from those typical long-hair-ghost-in-white show.. hmmm.. Weide and I still kept laughing throughout the show. Kolay must be so irritated by us cuz we just kept laughing, esp me.. aHdOiz... I think Weide and I cannot sit together when we go and watch horror movies... Someone has to separate us cuz we'll keep laughing. Just like the other time, when we went to watch The Eye 2, we kept laughing again. hahaz...
No, don't get me wrong, The Maid is not a comedy. It's horror. Its quite nice. Worth the watch la.. Not sure if its worth $9.50, but as the very first Singapore horror movie, its not bad. Support local!!! hahaz...
I want to watch A LOT OF MOVIES... I'm movie-deprived okay... I want to watch Bewitched... AHHHH~ And I still haven't watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, though I said I want to watch it since very long ago.. And The Island too... Guess I'll only watch when someone finally has the show, and is kind enough to lend me... Ahhh... Movies movies...
Waiting patiently for Harry Potter movie in November... Lalala...
Saturday, August 20, 2005
10:12 PM
Winamp buzzing: Jay Chou concert remix!
One word to describe me today ---- STRESSED.
Well, I went to meet Lena at her hall before heading down to NTU to studyyyyyy... It rained.. Really heavily. Sean met up with us, and we studied at the LT20 area...
I was trying to read up my econs textbook for the relevant chapters, and I did.. I tried the tutorial questions, and was stuck in between for super long. No choice, I called one of my tutorial mate, Kim Liang for help. HE FINISHED HIS TUTORIAL ALREADY... I seriously think that the tutorial is SO DIFFICULT.. Maybe I'm not thinking. HAIZ.. DON'T KNOW LA.. I put my econs away already though I didn't finish the last part.. Gonna hit Biz Law later... Suddenly, I feel that Biz Law is so much more interesting.
Should be watching The Maid tomorrow!!! Hope will be able to watch it.. AH!!! NO TUITION TOMORROW!!! WEEE... I'm feeling so mentally drained...
Seriously, I'm feeling sian of studying la.. Hopefully my Union interview next week will be a breeze, and let me get into the special project that I want.. So that I can keep myself busy with some other things other than STUDYING... Pray for me ya!!!
12:10 AM
GeEz... I'm dosing off.. I was initially studying Econs and MSN-ing.. But now I'm like dosing off..
Today is Union Day!! haha.. Nothing much too.. Just some booths set up in school, and no lessons! haha.. I really made the effort to be early for lesson today.. As in I really left my house earlier etc.. I wasn't late at all!! ahahaz.. Met up with dear stone Yu Zhe for biz law lecture. We were literally having picnic there.. I brought 3 packets of Hello Panda cookies, Yu Zhe brought along packet cakes, and biscuits. Cool ehz... Econs lecture was as boring as ever. Lesson was supposed to end at 11.30am, but obviously the Prof didn't know, or didn't want to let us off. So, end up some of us just left there on our own. In other words, PON.
Moogies were suppsed to meet up outside Nanyang Audi to que for the goodiesbag together, but it was too long so we didn't bother. Today was NBS, ABC voting day.. Voted for Jamie and Sherwe!! ahahaz... After which, we all went for lunch at Can A together.. Quite fun la..
I'm really dosing off onto my keyboard.. I'm sending Jean something.. Hope it ends soon.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
11:20 PM
Winamp buzzing: Bowling for Soup - Almost
I don't think I've anymore brain juice to do any other things.. I came back from tuition not too long ago.. Geez.. I'm feeling DRAINED. It's been a long time since I did Maths stuff for a good 2hr+.. My dear tuition kid will be having her Maths common test tomorrow.. Oh well.. I think I exercise my brain a lot today..
Today was.. fine. I actually put in effort not to be late for my 9am IT Sem. haha.. Arrived early at the interchange early, but ended up being caught in the mad morning rush again.. The que for 179 was till the MRT station. I was stunned. Geez.. I wasn't late anyway.. IT was boring.. Enjoyed OB lesson totally. My tutor ROCKS. ahaha.. He's so funny. My OB group ROCKS too. Our presentation ROCKS too. Basically, my group is so filled with entertainment la.. Jane, Karen and I are very well-entertained by Li Lu, Wei Yang, and Sami. Jokers...
Haven't really blogged stuff down.. Only boring daily stuff.. Well.. Nowadays been feeling really weird.. In the sense that I think I'm weird.. I don't feel like myself.. Get what I mean? Somehow or rather.. Apart of me seem to have disappeared. Don't know if its the natural thing that happen to me whenever there's a transition period.. like from sec sch to jc, from jc to uni.. Don't know.. Hope to find the missing me back soon... Nowadays, I just feel pretty lost... As in lost of directions.. I don't know what interest me anymore. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm becoming an introvert.. haha.. I know.. Some people will be like "Sook Theng? Introvert? No link!" But I really feel that way.. Cuz sometimes.. or rather, these days, I seem to have bottled up everything that I see, I feel.. Somehow.. Feel there's no need to tell anyone.. Or maybe I just think there's no one suitable for me to tell..
AHHHHHHHHHH~ I don't think I'm making sense at all..
Okay.. I think that's all for my trashy thoughts.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
9:41 PM
Winamp buzzing: Sixpence None the Richer - Don't Dream Its Over
Okay.. Basically, today started off GREAT actually.. Hmm.. Not that GREAT considering I was late for my first AB114 seminar.. ahaha.. Couldn't find the Communication Lab somemore.. Aiyohz.. Luckily bumped into Sami.. If not I think I'll continue looking for it for like super long.. ahahaz...
Well, AB114 sem was FUN. heez.. Love it.. Basically, I think I like lessons whereby I get to hear people talk crap la.. lolz.. My prof... I don't know her name cuz I'm late.. remember? Well.. She's so bubbly.. ahahaz.. We had to do this 3 min presentation of ourselves.. I was like kinda nervous cuz I really don't know what to tell the people? ahahaz.. But it all worked out just fine for me.. Hope I wasn't talking too fast? Just told the people about COUNCIL and my job at Mediacorp lor.. ahahaz.. The guys kept talking about their ARMY DAYS... Geez... Cannot tahan them... And they actually debated on whether army food was nice... diaoz... lame diaoz.. Anyway, it was a nice bunch la.. Funny people.. Looking forward to the next seminar.. ahaha.. Don't want to be late anymore!!!
hmm.. The only lesson that I've problem in is ECONS!!! AHHHH!!!! Someone please be kind and teach me!!!! haiz.. I was like so stressed out during the tutorial la... My prof was like so super fast... haiz.. God help me.. I don't understand a thing for my tutorial... SIANZATION~
K la.. That's all.. Having OB presentation tomorrw.. Think it will be quite funny, with Sami joining my group.. ahaha.. He and Wei Yang are so gonna bring so much entertainment to the team. LOL..
3:28 PM
Winamp buzzing: Eminem - Toy Soldiers
Feeling 'wu liaoz'.. Going back to school soon to meet Kolay to STUDY. ahahaz... Carrying over the 'studying programme' we used to have in PJC over to NTU.. Today is one happy day! Actually things went on quite smoothly for the day, perhaps only that horrifying Econs tutorial was bad cuz I don't understand a thing. Someone please be kind enough to teach me Econs...
Oh well, I'm happy today. Hope I'm happy everyday. haha... Update more later~ ^_^
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
10:19 PM
Winamp buzzing: Corrinne May - Little Superhero Girl
wahaha.. I'm so happy!!! I finished all my tutorials!!! I feel studious!!! I feel like Smarty from Bookworm. *grinz*
Okay.. I'm talking crap.
Anyway, today had been rather nice. It started off with a funny note. I realised that we actually had a seating arrangement for OB lecture today. I brilliantly sms-ed my groupmates the info, thinking that they will not know about it.. ahahaz.. It ended up they all knew about it already except Li Lu.. Guess I'm always SO SLOW.. As you can guessed, the 5 of us sat together during the lecture. We did this personality test today.. Quite interesting.. Something like what I took in PJ.. Wonder how my personality changes... According to Mr David Chia, our personality changes as we experience new stuff, see more stuff... Oh well.. I think he's right afterall.
Rushed off for Econs tutorial.. I tell you.. I'm like SUPER STRESSED during the tutorial.. My dear Prof just lovesssss calling people up to the board to answer questions.. Aiyoh.. As someone who's super lousy at econs.. You can tell how scared I was la.. Always praying that I won't kana any super duper difficult questions.. But so far.. I'd been lucky la.. ahahahahaz...
Guess that's all..
All I need is a good disguiseOne where nobody can recogniseThat I'm feeling so small
Monday, August 15, 2005
11:55 PM
Winamp buzzing: Lin Jun Jie - Jiu Shi Wo
Hope I can make this fast.. It's rare that I actually feel studious ya know.. haha.. This week offically starts my '4-day week'!!! *grinz* NO LESSON ON MONDAYS FROM THIS WEEK ONWARDS!!! *yay*
Actually.. Nothing much.. Just spent my day at home completely my undone tutorials. Thank goodness for the free day.. I managed to finish up my Business Law tutorial and Econs tutorial.. Going to hit the OB tutorial later.. Aiyoh.. Spending so much time merely trying to finish all those work.. I'm so dead la.
Been going through an emotional rollercoaster ride.. Feeling really confused.. As in.. I don't know what I want anymore.. Just kinda vexed right now.. Seriously, I don't know what's wrong with me.. Sometimes, I start to wonder if I've split personality you know... Ahh.. Don't know la.. Don't know what's wrong with me also. Just vexed. You know!!!!! Nothing interest me right now... I don't know what I want... I feel stupid.
Well.. Hope it will be a good week ahead.
Oh well.. Sometimes... You do things you shouldn't do though you know its wrong. Sometimes, you hope for things that are impossible. Why? I seriously think we humans are weirdos.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
11:45 PM
Winamp buzzing: Tension - Our Story
AHHH... Today had been a busy day.. I'd tuition in the morning, starting at 10.30am and it stretched up to 2pm.. Cuz my tuition kid's common test is coming, and she asked me to stay longer.. 3.5hrs of tuition... I almost suffer for brain dead.
After that, rushed down to Marsiling for Moogies potluck.. Xiao Wei asked me to go get some sauces from Mac.. So I went round looking for Mac... Almost lost, but didn't! hahaz... Believe it or not, I just walked into the mac (its a small outlet la..), asked from the guy 3 packs of curry sauce, and 3 packs of bbq sauces... Then I walked out... I think I win liao... haha... I took another super long time looking for Joel's block.. Aiyoh.. I got lost in the midst of the blocks.. Stupid me.. Anyway.. There's lots of food, and lots of people.. and lots of laughter.. and lots of fun.. Its nice.. Though I didn't really participate in the fun la.. Cuz they playing blackjack and daidee.. And as a weird person, I don't like to play these stuff la.. I just quitted it... I don't play it during CNY too.. haha.. I'm such a weirdo.
From there, I rushed down to Glasshouse Fish and Co. to meet up with Weide, Kuan Yong, Edward, Theresa, and Kolay to celebrate Shu Yin's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!! haha... After that, we just roamed around Plaza Sing...
Oh well.. That's my busy day... Really busy...
12:37 AM
Winamp buzzing: Eminem - Lose Yourself
Seriously, I think I know A LOT of August babies... AhHh.. Today, or rather, yesterday was my grand senior a.k.a Vinci's birthday!! Happy birthday!!!
More friends' birthday coming.. Omg.. This is actually horrifying.. haha... I feel damn broke. Opz.. Hope no August babies read this!
Anyway, I spent the whole day at home trying to clear up my enormous pig-sty, and I did!!! Threw away LOTS OF THINGS.. Ahh.. This is so fun.. It actually feels GREAT throwing things away.. haha.. I'm mad. I asked my brother to help me to sort out the mess in my room.. asked him to help me with organising my room!! hahaz.. Can't wait to see the outcome of it! lalalaz....
Went to Jurong Point with my brother to shop for stuff for 'organising my room task'. Wanted to get nice nice hooks from the DIY shop, but guess what!!!! Someone just needed SO MANY hooks that all the hooks were GONE. Wah laoz.. I'm so unlucky ah..
Oh oh oh!!! My brother bought me this pink minnie mouse tee!!!!! wEez... Happy...
Another thing!!! Brother also bought me LOTS OF SNACKS... I really mean A LOT la... I can now bring them to lecture so that we won't doze off anymore!!!!! (Rock and Stone!!!! SNACKS!!!!) hahahaha...
Yay.. Going for Moogie Potluck LATER in the afternoon... hahaha.. So looking forward to it... Gonna be funnnnnnnnnn~
K... I've crapped enough.. Haven't studied today.. I should HIT the books now...
Saturday, August 13, 2005
12:25 AM
Winamp buzzing: McFly - Obviously
WeEz!!!! I just finished my Econs tutorial 2 (finally!!!!) after working on it for... like 2 hours? A lot of browsing through the textbook cuz I return all those knowledge back to Dr Teo.. wahahaha...
So happy..
Anyway! I love Fridays too.. hahaz.. I woke up early.. TRYING to be on time for Business Law lecture.. haha.. Supposed to meet Jon, Denyse, and Yu Zhe for the lecture, but obviously, the 3 girls were all late. Nice Jon then reserved seats for them.. haha.. I reached at around... 8.45pm? haha.. 15mins only mah.. =x Jon told me they were sitting in the middle, so I went in via the middle exit, and actually stood there and glanced at the crowd. haha.. It was then I saw Jon wave.. Aiyoh.. So paiseh.. The whole lecture hall must have seen lor.. haha.. I was sitting in the MIDDLE lor.. haha.. Shortly after that, Yu Zhe called, and I answered the phone right in front of the Prof la.. I think I win liaoz... haha.. Went to the econs lecture (i'm so guai.. I didn't skip it though I know its extremely boring..) together with Yu Zhe, Jon, Eileen, Brandon, and Joshua.. haha.. Yu Zhe and I got so bored that we drew on our notes, and started disturbing Jon by sms-ing him stupid things.. It's always Brandon, Joshua, and Eileen in the middle of us.. They must be wondering why we kept giggling la.. So disturbing.. hahahahaz...
After all my lessons, I went to get my teritary EZlink!!!!! No more ADULT FARE!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... Anyway, the point was, I didn't know how to get to the Students Service Centre. So, I actually sms-ed some of my seniors to ask them... Clever me.. I managed to find it with just a sms direction ok!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Went to meet up with Valerie after that to do shoppppppppppppping!!! hahaha... I BOUGHT A PAIR OF FLIP FLOPS!!! Yay!!! I'd been telling EVERYONE that I want to get a new pair of flip flops, and I did!!! Yay... LOVEEEEEE IT!!!! I also bought the mickey mouse top that I had my eyes on the other time.. hahahaz.. This proves that me and that top has fate.. So must buy... hahhaha... (talking trash) Valerie was looking for a pair of good running shoes. As a former worker of World of Sports who worked there for 3 days, I must say I learn the stuff well!! I actually recommended a good pair of shoes for her!!! Even the manager there recommended that pair!!!!! WEEEEEEEEE~ hahahahaz...
Ok.. I think I'm a bit mad... Think I'll continue to be mad for a while before heading for my next tutorial... What should I do???? The next Econs tutorial? hmmmmm.... My Biz Law tutorial....? hmmmm.... OB tutorial? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~ hahahaha.. I'm mad.. Sorry.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
4:30 PM
Winamp buzzing: Brian McFdden - Almost Here
SURPRISED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I TOOK CAB TO SCHOOL TODAY!!!!!! WAHAHAHAHA... I feel damn rich la... But I wish I can do that everyday so that I will not need to be caught in the morning rush...
The IT Seminar today had to be one of the MOST BORING one... Its on hardware la... So boring.. The people at my table, namely Cora, Yun Heng, Alvin, and Benghwa were kinda rotting.. So were I.. haha.. We were quite grateful when the Prof gave us a break.. I didn't know that the Prof was actually in the toilet too, so i actually made a comment like.. "AH! How am I going to survived this!" *phew* Luckily I didn't say anything more!!! hahaha...
I was super hungry during the IT Seminar!! haha.. Me PIG!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaz.. Anyway, I went for lunch with Yu Ching and Mei Jie.. We were talking about taking Minors... Seriously, I'm quite tempted in taking one.. HOW!!!!! I need some serious considerations.. Me and Yu Ching were supposed to meet our individual OB groups for presentation discussion at 12.30pm. We were like happily chatting until I received 2 messages from Jane and Karen respectively, and a call from Wei Yang!!!! It was then that I realised that it was 12.25pm!!!! AHHH!!! And I was supposed to meet my groupmates outside at the study corner outside LT19 and LT20... Which is SOOOOOO FAR away. In horror, I hurried off with Yu Ching. She was meeting her groupmates outside MLT, which was ok. I rushed offffffffffffffff and zoomed off to LT 19 area with a really heavy bag and a laptop.. Poor me...
Anyway, I think my OB groupmates are SOOOOO NICE. I really like them!!! We're all the same frequency kind of person! haha.. We discussed the tutorial, and did up the slides.. FINISHED IN an hour and a half!!!!! WeEzz... Jane went home, while Karen and I accompanied Li Lu and Wei Yang to Can A for lunch. They were so poor thing!!! They headed down for the discussion straight after their Japanese lesson.. haha.. It's pretty nice.. We talked CRAP in Can A... Anyway, Karen is from PJC also la.. So lucky of me right.. To meet someone from the same school in my tutorial class... Li Lu was from HCJC while Wei Yang from AJC.. I found a trend.. Once I'm familiar with a certain people, I'll get SUAN... sian sian...
haha.. I going for my CAC interview later in the evening.. VERY LATE!!! haha.. But University is like that.. People DON'T SLEEP.. Don't know why.. haha... Anyway!!! Need to go off!!! Update again!!!!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
12:08 PM
Winamp buzzing: F.I.R - Fly Away
PHOTOS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Post bit by bit.. haha..

Moogle with some seniors with that adorable head-band!!! heez...

Pool games day!!!! With Ivan being the Mr Ah Gua. haha..

Last day of camp, outside Aloha Changi Chalet!

Front: (from left) Jac (FAKE FRESHIE!), Alex Long (AGL)
Middle: (from left) Kah Suan, Lian Ya, Huiru, Jamie (GL), Chelsea
Back: (from left) Vinci (grand senior), Ming Xu (chief Programmer!)
10:18 AM
Winamp buzzing: Huang Yi Da - Mei Tian De Mei Ye
I'm feeling sleepy.. But don't seem to be able to fall asleep anymore.. Sian.. I slept at around 3am.. *yawnz* I was busy entertaining my grand senior, Mr Vinci.. haha.. Or should I say he was the one entertaining me? Oh well... It was pretty nice cuz he gave advices from a 'grand senior' point of view regarding school, CCAs, and people.. I really feel like a little girl who knows NOTHING.
Oh!!! Happy 40th birthday to Singapore!!!! haha.. Yea..
Yesterday was BBQ night!!!! It's a 'surprise' BBQ for Kolay's birthday that Lena, Sean, and I sort of planned with the help of the rest of the people la.. haha.. It was really nice cuz it also acted as an opportunity for us to get together.. haha.. Nice nice.. They said that the CHICKEN WINGS that I'd marinated were really nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *grinz* (Yu Zhe! Sadly, I only ate 2!!!! hahahahaz!)
We stayed around hall 13 for a very very long time.. Only left the place at around 11.30pm.. Some of the stayed over..
I just got the Moogle photo CD from Yu Zhe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm super happy!!!!!!!!!! I loveeeeeeee it!!!! I think all the photos are so nice.. hahahaz.. I'll post some nice ones up some other time!
K.. I want to be a good and studious girl, so I'm going to hit the notes now!!! *grab my notes and hit it! heez..*
Monday, August 08, 2005
12:41 AM
Winamp buzzing: Huang Yi Da - Na Nu Hai Dui Wo Shuo
AHHHH!!! I feel really bloated.. Feel exactly like a pig right now.. Hope I won't put on some weight due to the amount of food I ate today.. haha..
Anyway, like I've said right.. I went for tuition today.. Like I'd guessed, my dear tuition kid hadn't finish any work that I'd set. I started to think that I'm being too nice. Maybe I should be more strict on her.. I know that she hated Science, and she'll be having some Science test this week on Forces and Pressure, and Work.. So I acually FORCED her to study in front of me... Spent a great deal of time explaining "Pressure is the amount of force that acts on each unit area." to her... *SiGh* Then she started to tell me she's tired.. Suddenly, she just started sneezing real bad.. I figured she couldn't study any longer.. Gave her the Grammar Quiz, and that's it for today.. Sian.. I was actually quite upset that she didn't finish the work.. haiz... What to do?
In the evening, I met up with some people to celebrate Weide and Kolay birthday at Suntec.. haha.. Met up with Gavin, Jasper, Weide (of course), Jeremy, Fan (Weide's CHS classmate... such a funny name...), Shu Yin, and Kolay!!!!! ahahahaz... Been such a long long time since I last saw Shu Yin okay.... MISS HER SO MUCH!!!!!!! hahahaz.... Gavin too... Ages since I last saw him.. hahaz.. Anyway, we had dinner at Pizza Hut.. And walked around.. Treated the 2 birthday King and Queen to ice cream.. Stood around to talk talk... haha.. Jasper had to book in by 9pm, so he left half way.. Jem, Fan, and Shu Yin went off really quickly..
And it was just left with Weide, Gav, Kolay and me. I just suddenly came up with the stupid idea of visiting my "dearie lao gong" Kuan Yong at Clementi cuz he was doing morning shift.. He ended work at around 9.30pm, and he was really glad that we were coming down to meet him, cuz he wanted to meet us for supper, while he ate his dinner.. hahaz.. Super glad to see him!!!! Been so long since I last saw him.. haha..
Anyway, we went to this Malay 24 hours coffee shop la.. I bought chicken wings for us.. Yu Zhe had been influencing me with CHICKEN WINGS!!! haha.. Cuz the moment I got there, and we were like wondering what to buy, my first reaction was "Eh! I buy chicken wings!" LOL.... Well, Kolay nearly "killed" me by choking me lor.. I was happily drinking my bundung when she told me this joke... I was REALLY CHOKED BADLY... OMG... I felt totally terrible la.... Thanks ah Kolay.....
We left the coffee shop at... 11.15pm.. Yup.. I was dragging the guys to take train back home with me cuz we are all the "Jurong West people".. haha.. But we all decided to take 99 with Kolay. Chatting and crapping again.. After Kolay alighted, we actually started to talk about our Fright Night.. I was like telling them how freak out I was by the first toilet station, while Gavin was like telling how he went to disturb the seniors in TP... What a good timing to talk about all those stuff right!!!! Aiyoh.. Goosebumps down my spine...
The guys were really nice.. They actually walked me all the way home from the 99 bus-stop.. Which is quite a distance away.. So super nice of them right!!! Council guys are still one of those most gentlemen guys I see around.. Thankz dear Gavin, and dearie "Police Pei Pei" a.k.a "lao gong" Kuan Yong!!!!! hahaha... Shall call him "Jing Cha Pei Pei" from now on.. This name is so funny!!! Thankz to Gavin.. hahahaz...
I really think I eat a lot.. I feel like a PIGGGGGGG~
Sunday, August 07, 2005
8:02 AM
Woke up not too long ago.. I was trying to read my Biz Law textbook last night, but once AGAIN I fell asleep. Wahahaha.. That's only natural.
I took some funny pictures during the 4D1 gathering.. Shall post it up some other time.. I'm just feeling so lazy.. haha..
My Saturday was WELL SPENT. Busy getting stuff, and helping Lena with her resume for JCRC. haha.. I think I wrote too many of those kind of letters for anyone that I seem to know what to write.. haiyoh.. Fell asleep on Yvette's bed too.. I was like so tired.. Don't know why I'm always sooooo tired.. Seem to be able to fall asleep anywhere. haha.. Maybe I'm just toooo "piggy". wahahaha!
Oh.. I now have an enormous blue-black on my left knee due to the GREAT FALL I'd on Friday. Okay.. It's not enormous, but big enough. Super pain, and looks super disgusting. haiz...
Feeling so grumby right now.. Going for tuition later.. Hope my tuition kid had done all the work I set for her.. Hope she listens to me.. haiz haiz.. And I certainly hope she doesn't fail her Science test...
Going to meet some of my JC friends tonight at Suntec for dinner.. So looking forward to it.. Ahh.. haha... Miss the people so much..
I think I'm just bored.. I'm updating crappppppp~ hahaha... Need to go off for breakfast now..
Friday, August 05, 2005
11:40 PM
Winamp buzzing: Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue
I'm in quite a mad mode today, reason being I slept at 9pm last night!!! *wOoHoO* Felt QUITE refresh in the morning. However, I was totally sian diao by that LONG LONG 179 que.. I was irritated by how pack 199 was yesterday morning.. So, I decided to be dilligent girl and travel out to Boon Lay to take 179.. But the que was SCARY... *sianz* I was supposed to meet Jon and Yu Zhe for the Biz Law lecture.. CONFIRM LATE..
When I finally alighted, I was kinda rushing.. So.. I walked.. walked.. walked.. and *BUMP!* I missed a step, and stepped off the pavement and fell down and hit my knee. *pEnGz* There were SO MANY people walking behind me lor.. I was SOOOO EMBARESSED. ArGhz... I was around 5mins late, but that didn't make any difference.. Our dear Prof was crapping the moment I went in, and I realised that I didn't miss out on anything.. I wasn't really paying attention la.. =p Half of the time I was stoning, and the other half I was trying to figure out where Yu Zhe and Denyse were sitting. Yu Zhe messaged me saying that they were sitting at the extreme RIGHT.. Stupid me.. I thought I was sitting at the extreme left cuz Jon actually asked me to go in by the LEFT ENTRANCE.. So, I actually told Yu Zhe that I was at the left side.. In the end, they were just sitting a few rows behind us.. So dumb right me!!! Haiyoh....
We all headed down to our Econs lect.. Well, cuz I'd learnt Elasticity of Demand and Supply before, I was pretty bored. So were Denyse and Yu Zhe. So guess what!!! We kept talking, and laughing la.. We even sent Jon stupid sms-es to 'entertain' him.. haha.. He wasn't very entertained though.. Denyse, Yu Zhe, and I even came up with this lame lame thing about "Rock, Stone, and Pebble".. haha.. It's pretty lame la.. With Denyse being rock, Yu Zhe being stone, and I'm pebble.. So stupid la.. haha..
Okay.. So much about stupid school stuff.. I just came home from a mini-mini "free-styled" 4D1 class dinner.. hahaz.. Not ALOT of people, but enough. The organiser (FELIX) obviously made this a "free-styled" gathering cuz the place for dinner was not fixed.. Basically, the programs were not planned la.. haha.. The turn-out not bad la.. Managed to see Wai Kit, Lek, Eric, Millard, Keng Hwang, Benny, Felix, Mark, and Yunz.. hahaz.. Nice! I told Kit, Lek, Benny, Lix, and Yunz about my "wonderful" happening in the morning, and they just burst into laughter la.. It became the "joke of the day".. Thankz la!!! haha.. But it's pretty funny lehz.. Millard was DAMN DAMN irritating!!! Kept irritating me with his height. Standing at a height of 1.83m, he's REALLY pretty tall la.. So, he kept making fun of me and my height... Just like that YANTO... Same pattern... haiz... All tall guys are irritating.
Lala... Today was quite a funny day.. I was pretty mad.. Partly due to my "falling down" incident which was totally STUPID.. hahahaz...
Thursday, August 04, 2005
12:23 AM
Winamp buzzing: Five for Fighting - Something About You
Today had been a relatively BAD DAY.. Hear it? BAD BAD DAY... haiz.. Been raining these days.. So I guess my mood had been like the weather.. So gloomy and gray..
Business Law was pure SHIT. I MEAN SHIT... I'M IN DEEP SHIT. Business Law is just like studying part of the LAW stuff... You can see me filled with QUESTION MARKS all over during tutorial... It's like.. I don't understand the terms and stuff... To make the matter worse, my tutorial group was actually closed down, and they splitted us into different groups.. AND, I got split into this group with the peope ALREADY know each other.. You know how terrible that is.. Walking into a room knowing no one, and others just seem to have known each other.. Wah lao.. Totally sianz.. And to make the matter even WORSE, my Prof didn't have my name, and she didn't know that I'm transferred to her class... I feel like such an orphan. In addition to that, they put me in this class filled with Business students.. I mean ALL are in Business, doing the same modules for this semester.. I'm the only Accountancy student in the class.. Fine. It makes me feel totally OUT ok.. Wonder how I am going to survive.. haiz.. Business Law.. Something I hope I'm not going to get killed under...
After lesson.. Met up with Kolay, Jean, Maybeline, Lena, and Sean at Canteen A for a while.. Chit-Chatted.. Oh! Today was a rather funny day too. I bumped into Sherwe 3 times in a row. First time was along the tutorial rooms before my Biz Law tutorial. Second time was outside the NBS Free Access Lab after my tutorial. The third time was at Canteen A, where he was having lunch with Celest. When we saw each other the third time, we were like, "YOU AGAIN!!! 3 times liao!!!!" LOL... He's one funny senior. Really thankful to have met such helpful seniors around. M group seniors ROCKS!!!!!! haha...
Went home to drop some stuff and get some stuff.. Then headed down to Lena's hall. Got kindly requested by her to drop by to slack with her and Yvette. We had this secret conspiracy going on... hahahahaha!!!! We all ended up in Canteen 3, cracking our brains up.. Up till around 8pm.. Aiyohz.. Poor us.. I was almost BRAIN DEAD..
Oh well.. Just tried to finish up my OB&D tutorial.. My Prof won't be around tomorrow anyway.. Wonder how tomorrow will be.. Oh well.. Hope it will go well.. I think I should go and get my textbooks... And I mean BUY my textbooks le.. I'd been procrastinating.. AHHHHH.. Stupid me.
Really frustrated with myself.. Also don't know why..
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
8:34 PM
Winamp buzzing: Maroon 5 - She will be Loved
I'm horrified. I stared at my 11-page Business Law tutorial in "amazement".. HOW AM I GOING TO FINISH IT BY TONIGHT?!?!
Hahaz.. I actually "sacrificed" my time of doing tutorial to go walk-walk at Jurong Point with Yanto.. I was actually quite lazy to do the tutorial, so I agreed to meet him to stroll around Jurong Point. He was ACTUALLY there studying at Mac... WIN LIAO... Anyway, we walked around Jurong Point, and he was disgustingly irritating!!! He kept suan-ing me, but I always stop him by saying that if he continue doing that, I'll not meet up with him again NEXT TIME.. haha.. Stupid. Accompanied him to Fiesta to get dinner.. I ate Chawamushi!!!! *YUMZ*
Well, I started to like school more. Know why? Cuz tutorial is starting!!!!! haha.. I love tutorials... I'm mad right? But I really like it.. I'd my very first tutorial today, and it's Econs tutorial. I thought the 2 hours passed really quickly!!! Omg.. It's like so rare? I remember staring at the clock and dosing off at tutorials back then in JC. haha... I enjoyed my econs tutorial la.. And I made 2 friends!!! haha.. The ones sitting next to me lor... haha.. I love tutorials! haha.. We actually got the China student to be the class rep... Lalala...
Monday, August 01, 2005
11:27 AM
Winamp buzzing: Landy & Jay - Wu Ding
Hey.. I'm overwhelmed with this sudden rush of saddness.. I'm feeling emotional.. sad.. I think life sucks totally.. totally.. I hate my life. Period.