Yup.. I just went to check out my timetable online... Sian sian.. I have lesson everyday.. for Week 2 and 3.. After that, I'll have my Mondays off! WeEz...
I'll be taking these modules for Sem 1..
1. Organisation Behaviour & Design (AB105)
2. Principles of Economics (AB106)
3. Business Law (AB107)
4. Information Technology (AB113)
5. Communication Management Fundamentals (AB114)
Hmm.. Time table still seem alright la.. Just that I've to be in school everyday... Ahh.. I want to join something happening to brighten up my Uni days..!!!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
8:55 PM
Winamp buzzing: Evanescence - Missing
Yup!!!!! I'm back from Union Orientation Camp (UOC)!!! And I tell you, IT'S SOOOOOOO FUN FUN FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really enjoyed myself a lot a lot during the camp. My seniors, Jasmine and Vinci (it's such a cool name right!) actually brought along digi cams and actually captured some really GREAT moments of my group, Moogle during the camp!!! I'll post them up for everyone to see once Alex (my AGL) compiled them!
Let me talk about my camp!!
Day1Even though its only Day 1, the action had already began! We changed into our 'dirty attire' and got ready for games. Well, the games were those usual team-building games. Its just that its filled with water and flour. Aiyoh! Its the first time I actually got carried on the shoulder by a guy.. Some of the games required that, and I WAS SO DAMN SCARED.. We ate dinner in our wet & filled with flour attire.
After which, we proceed to our next game, which was called 'Team Fortress'. It was actually quite fun cuz we went around the north and south spine of NTU in pairs to solve certain stuff about the clues that we were given, and at the same time hide from the 'police' who would spray water / paint on us.. haha.. Very fun. Really had a LOT of fun running away from the seniors armed with water guns and sponge. haha.. After that game, it was still not the end!
We were blind-folded for 'Initiation Night'. It was quite funny and at the same time stupid la.. We were given funny stuff to eat / touch. haha.. Our seniors really like to use chilli sause.. Everything also filled with chilli sause. haha.. There's one station that was SUPER STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know, the seniors kept telling us that we all would be thrown into the Nanyang Lake. I was SO SUPER SCARED.. Jamie (my GL) had to bring me away from the group to talk to me so that I'd not be so scared. Even though I was SUPER scared, I still had to try the station.. Ming Xu (M group senior) was at the station too, and he was also trying to tell me not to be scared. ANYWAY, I were to lay flat on this ground sheet and slide into the water... The slope was SUPER steep!! So scary can... And the ground sheet was so filled with DETERGENT WATER. Guess what! The 'throwing into Nanyang Lake' was just something to scare us.. We were actually made to slide down this slope that's all... LAME RIGHT!!!!!!!! Stupid la... I was like on the verge of tears lor.. After the station we were all so filled with detergent foam lor! We went to wash off those foam, and moved on to next station in that attire!
More blind-folding.. One of my M group senior was so lame! There's one point I was the last one of the que and I didn't have a partner next to me. I only held on to the one in front of me. GUESS WHAT! He came up to me and said, "Eh, you let go your hand." Since he's a senior, I listened to him and yet he left me all alone there after that!!! Purposely one!!! Stupid la... Alex called him the disrupter. haha.. Stupid la.. After that while we were guided down a fleet of stairs, he also stood near and said stupid things la.. He super lame la! Bully me for nothing!! I also don't know him!
The whole thing ended at around 3.30am, and we walked back to our hostel. I slept at around 4.30am.. Cool eh...
Day 2We had to be in common hall at 7.30am for breakfast!!! *sOb* Day 2 morning was filled with pool games. Moogles (my group name) only had 3 girls with swimming suit, me included. So, we had to take part in ALL the pool games.. As a non-swimmer, you can guess how freak out I was in each game la.. Luckily we didn't have to play the "confidence jump" thingy that was 5m above the pool.. That one looked SO SCARY.
That night, we had some more team-building games then FRIGHT NIGHT!! Moogle waited for super long for our turn at the game.. We all just lay on the floor along the corridor of south spine and slept. haha.. When it was our turn, it was around 2.30am.. Initially, I was feeling 'stoned'. But after the first station, I was super awake! The first station was in this female toilet. DAMN SCARY!!! haha.. Its hard not to be scared. Everywhere was SO DARK. Fright Night was fun!!! heez...
Slept at around 4am again..
Day 37.30am at Common Hall again! Day 3 was SUPER FUN!!!!!!!!! We all headed down to SRC for field games!!! But before that, our seniors actually took A LOT of mud water and pour on us!!! All the games was really fun. Filled with mud. haha.. It was so filled with mud and water. Ming Xu was really sadistic!! He was like having so much fun looking at us kana mud water. When we were playing this game called "Making the Burger", he actually came up to me and pour this pail of mud water on me!!! AHHHH!!! But it was really fun la.. haha.. After that, we had this 'finale' whereby there was this HUGE water bomb fight among UOC. FUN!! haha.. Had fun bombing people.. hahaha..
It's also SP Night + Clubbing Night. My SP is a Year 3 senior actually.. Quite sian to get a senior, but he's alright la.. Clubbing was at Cocco Latte. It was alright. Jac bought us this drink that Kolay recommended, and it turned out really awful!
Finally able to sleep earlier.. around 2.30am.. haha..
Day 4Day 4 was Sentosa day!!! We all applied LOTS of sun block. Had beach games, and it was super fun though the sand was super hot!! haha.. One of the game was actually rolling on the sand, and it actually worsen my abrasions on both my knee. Ended up I was sent to the medic.. Jac also, and both of us were like sitting on the beach with both our knee bandaged with Ye Jie and Kelv (seniors). But we had fun burying Jamie's flip flop and Vinci's bracelet.
That night, the whole UOC headed down to Aloha Changi chalet! The chalet had a funny layout, and we all had 'fun' rearranging the beds and covering the mirrors. haha.. The guys were all drove crazy by us.. haha.. After that, we all sat down and talked crap. So 'on' right!!! It was so fun la.. We only slept at around 3am.. It was our senior who asked us to sleep somemore.. We were all so hyper active that night. haha..
Day 5Day 5 was AMAZING RACE!!! DAMN FUN!! The group just can't stop running!!! haha... When we drew lots, we got the LAST to set off, so we just kept running when we set off. The seniors were like all running after us. Vinci was trying to take photo of us, but we kept running. In the end he gave up. haha!
Our second location was like the usual prata place where I always eat prata with the council friends. Moogle was so so so funny. We were supposed to finish 10 cups of dinosaur, and.. I a lot of prata.. When the people served the S group their prata first, we all actually 'OIE!!!!' haha.. We reached there first! So, they served us the prata, without folks and spoons and plates. When we got the huge plate of prata, we actually passed them down, and each took a piece of prata by fingers and just ate like that!!! hahha.. Our seniors were like O_O! at us la.. hahha... Damn funny.. We looked like a bunch of barbarians. lol... The seniors were speechless. After that, we rushed down to the next location, and the seniors had to keep telling us NOT to run.. haha.. So funny..
Our third location was at harbour front.. We had to buy this bag of stuff from supermarket, so everyone was like crowding the Cold Storage.. We got our forth task, which was to find out the location of 10 photos and take photo of it with us inside.. haha.. But before that, Ian our programmer asked us to finish the stuff we bought at Cold Storage. You know what we were supposed to buy?!!?! 5 bottles of BABY FOOD, chilli sause, WASABE, maggii mee, thousand island dressing.. and a lot more... Finishing those stuff CAN DIE!!!!!! So gross.. I was trying to finish this bottle of Baby Food which was SUPER GROSS. I ended up passing it to Vinci to finish it. Vinci was SO PRO la.. He finished 2 bottles of Baby Food.. wonder how he did that.. haha.. We shall buy him Baby Food next time as present!
The most exciting part was the finding ofthe 10 locations. It was SO FUN. We KEPT running. haha.. Vinci and Jamie were the seniors following us around to take the photos. They were like kept telling is to slow down cuz we just kept running! It was so fun. Vinci later showed us the photos in his digicam, and GUESS WHAT! The time interval between photos of 2 different location was just like 1 min to 2 min.. It was so CRAZY! haha.. Really funny.. Should have hear how Vinci narrate the whole thing. Damn hilarious.
We had cheer fight too. Group M won the championship 3 years in a row, so we were expected to keep up the standard. Really 'stress'.. Seniors kept feeding us water, honey and 'pi pa gao'. In the end, we didn't win.. We were quite upset.. haiz.. Seniors were like comforting us too.. Oh well..
That night was supposed to have BBQ but it rained. So, some of the people went to cook. It was quite funny. I don't know how, but Vinci and I were like talking about cooking food. So funny.. Vinci was like 'Eh, go learn cooking la!' I told him the 'smoky' incident of me frying the eggs. Stupid la.. Ye Jie and him kept having doubts about how edible was that egg lor..
That night, the seniors and some of my OG mates were drinking, and I didn't. End up, they had this tradition of splashing ICY COLD water on people who were sleeping.. Stupid la.. haha.. Flooded our room..
Day 6Woke up early to pack stuff. Moogle WON THE BEST GROUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOO HOOO!!!! Everyone was so happy!!!! The seniors were so happy with us!! We brought glory to M group!!!!!!!!!!! haha.. After that, the whole group went for lunch at Tampines Mall together. Nice! Took train home with Vinci. The rest either lived really near or take cab.. Vinci lives in the hall, so we were heading down to Boon Lay together. We both slept on the journey there, and only woke up when we neared the station.
UOC ROCKS!!!!! Confirm going back to help UOC 2006 as Senior Attach. M group!!! Still considering if to join Union... M group has quite a number of people in Union.. So quite tempted to join... Shall consider... hmmm...
Sunday, July 10, 2005
9:49 PM
Winamp buzzing: Jay Chou - Ge Qian
Firstly, I want to say: LIN JUN JIE IS MINE!!!!!!! HE'S MINE MINE MINE!!!!!! Omg omg.. I love his singing.. Absolutely love his performance on that NKF show.. Though its simple, but I still love it!!!
Okay, now is about my pre-camp. I THINK THE WORLD IS DAMN SMALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all are not going to believe this... Xiao Hui's elder sister is actually my OG mate!!!!!!!!!!
*wait for all the 'WHAT?!' and 'HUH?!' to stop*
Yes! Unbelievable right! Initially, when the group first gathered together, I saw this familiar face in the group but I don't exactly know who's that. She introduced herself as "Xiao Wei", and I didn't think much. It's a common name afterall. We all chat for a while, and realised that she lives in Choa Chu Kang. I still didn't think much of it. (to me, Xiao Hui lives in Yew Tee, not CCK.. haha!) Then, when we all reached this open space for ice-breakers and paint flag, we did this re-introduction and my AGL actually made fun of her name using the song 'Xiao Wei'. That was when I'm "enlighten".
I just went, "AHHH!!!! You are Xiao Hui's sister right!!!!!!!!!!!" haha.. Then, she actually went, "Yea! Ah!! From PJ ah?!!" I nodded, and she went, "Amelia ah!?!?!?!!!!" LOL.. I really can't stop laughing. I 'explained' that I'm not Amelia, and can't stop laughing. (Amelia! Are you reading this?!) I messaged Xiao Hui and told him about it. haha.. He was like, 'SeRiOuS?!!' haha.. What a coincidence la... Omg... The world is SO SMALL....
Anyway, we played some ice breakers, and did up the Moogle flag.. Well, my OG has 2 other Accoutancy girls, and 2 funny Business guys.. Cool ah! Xiao Wei was quite ke lian! Cuz she's doing the NIE course, so we all call her "teacher!" and "Miss Chye!".. Aiyoh.. So hard for me to call her "Miss Chye" cuz I always call Xiao Hui "Mr Chye".. Suddenly must change "Mr" to "Miss".. Can't do it.. I'll laugh out.. haha.. So I keep calling her "teacher".. We asked her to help us draw out the banner cuz according to us, she's the future teacher, and must learn.. haha..
Anyway.. Painting of the flag was alright.. Just that I feel as if I've forgot how to be an OG member... Feel quite weird not being the leader of the group.. haha... I miss council.
I'll be MIA for the next 6 days. Don't miss me!!!!!
9:05 AM
Winamp buzzing: Maroon 5 - She will be Loved
Here's one good thing about being the same size as your mom: We can share clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahahaha.. Yes, me and my mom are about the same size. I'm the one who always wear her stuff.. WAHAHAHA... Know why I mentioned about this.. Cuz I'll be going to meet my GL and OG people at NTU for some briefing about the camp, and also PAINTING our flag.. So I figured it will be dumb to wear JEANS... Wanted to wear shorts but I packed them into my bag already for the camp.. So, I went to my mom's wardrobe and grabbed a pair of cargo shorts from her, and VOILA, problem solved!!!! HEE......
Anyway, Kimberly showed me this ABSOLUTELY drop-dead shuai Prince of Monaco, Andrea Albert Pierre Casiraghi. Sharing some pictures of him here... Kimberly said she's going to blog about him.. So check out her blog for more okay!

This photo was when he was 14 years old.. Dashing isn't he!

This is my favourite photo of him among those that Kim showed me.. He looks so dreamy!
Saturday, July 09, 2005
10:31 PM
Winamp buzzing: Wang Li Hong - Xin Zong De Ri Yue
Ahh.. I feel like vomitting. I think I ate a little too much.. Feel quite bloated right now.. Need to work off those extra bit that I ate later. haha! Been a doing some simple work-outs at home these days, for the past 1 week plus.. I actually managed to work off 3kg. That's pretty surprising ah! Becoming really 'into' the working out thingy.. haha.. I think my 'determination' will last me till... tomorrow.. Lets see if I'll still continue with it after the camp.. haha!
hmm... Went to get sun-block just now.. I guess that's all I need for camp.. I'm not going to use that 130 SPF sunblock.. It's toooooo strong for my skin.. haha.. My tanned skin had sort of faded off a bit already, and I'm quite ready to give it a tan again. wahahaha... Just A BIT... haha.. That's why I got myself a 30 SPF.. hahaz... Hope to get a nice tan.. =)
haiz.. Actually, with all those maddness around the world... Those bombing and such.. I actually worry for my guy-friends in NS.. Don't know why lehz.. Just worried for their safety.. Everything is so crazy around the world right now.. haiz.. Also, no where seem to be safe anymore.. Seems like you may get blow off anytime anywhere.. Haiz... Those people are just toying the life of the normal civilians who are absolutely innocent.. I hate it when they say that this bombing or this war is in God's name.. What's this world becoming?
Oh well...
There's a pre-camp thingy tomorrow.. Meeting my GL and Moogle group at 1.30pm to head down to NTU.. Hope everything goes well... *keep fingers cross*
9:25 AM
Winamp buzzing: Backstreet Boys - Never Gone
Yup!! Been wanting to post up this picture that Yunz and me took during the dinner a few days back. Not bad eh! heez..
Friday, July 08, 2005
11:16 PM
Winamp buzzing: Five For Fighting - Something about You
hMm... All a sudden, I don't know whether to be looking forward to the camp not.. Don't know la.. Even though my GL and AGL both seem rather nice, I still don't know what to expect for the camp.. AhHh.. Don't know.. Also about the activities that we're going to have in camp la.. I'm a NON-SWIMMER.. So I'm going to stay away from swimming stuff as much as I can!!! Also, my mom a bit 'se bu de wo' cuz its the first time I'm away from home for so long.. haha.. I think she quite worried about me.. haha.. I'm still that little girl in her heart.. that's why she's quite sad.. AhHh... Make me sad too.. haha..
Maybe this is pre-camp depression... ahahaz!
6:09 PM
Winamp buzzing: Jay Chou - Piao Yi
Ok.. Because I'd registered a
6days-5nights camp, I'd to bring super lots of clothes and other things... This is the list of things I'd to bring...
SUPER LOT... haiz.. I'm seriously having problem getting my stuff into my bag... I NEED A
BIGGER BAG!!!!!!!!! AHHH!!!!
1. at least 5 sets of clothings + 1 set of clothings w/o any sch logos
(that makes it 6 sets of clothings)2. 2 sets of dark coloured unwanted clothings - prepared to be thrown away
(that makes 8 sets of clothings and counting...)3. 1 yellow top - it's our group colour!
(haha.. my only yellow top is the "How to impress a girl" tee... Its going to be quite funny...)4. 1 set of beach wear
(that makes 9 sets of clothings...)5. swimwear + goggles
(I don't have goggles, and the only swimwear I've is my bikini.. My GL actually said its ok to wear bikini.. I figured it will be dumb to go and buy a swimsuit that I'll probably not wear anymore after this.. SO.. I'll have to stick to bikini... ARGH!!!!! SO, I'll have to go tone myself up so that it won't be so embarrassing.... haiz.. But I still think wearing bikini is over-exposing myself.. Don't know what I thinking.. hahha.. I dare to wear it at the beach but not now!!!)6. 1 set of clubbing wear (smart casual) including footwear
(AhH... Figured what to wear already so alright.. And it makes 10 sets of clothings...)7. sandals - compulsory
(going to wear on the feet so alright..)8. toiletries + towel
(that will be quite a lot of things too... toothbrush.. toothpaste.. shower foam... shampoo.. facial cleanser... AHHHHH!)9. at least $10 value in ezlink, at least $50 in cash, NRIC
(money.........)10. HP charger
It doesn't seem like A LOT of clothes when I list it out here.. But howcome it seems so much when I was packing? Maybe I'm OVER-packing... hmmm...
I seriously hope this camp will be fun.. Don't disappoint me!!!!!!!!!!!
1:31 PM
Winamp buzzing: Michelle Branch - 'Till I Get Over You
AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm totally SHOCK.. I just received a news regarding someone from CTSS... GUESS WHAT!!!! Derrick He Wei Jian was actually from CTSS.. He's my senior in school..... HOW INTERESTING.... No wonder he looks familiar to me when Project Superstar first came out.. Initially I thought I was thinking too much cuz he's quite cute. But then, I just received a message from Jeremiah about supporting Derrick for the Wildcard session.. It was then that I realised that Derrick was from both my primary school and secondary school... OK... No wonder he looks familiar...
Just received my GL's email regarding the stuff to bring.. hmm.. A LOT to bring.. Don't know can squeeze them into my bag not.. haiz..
10:45 AM
Winamp buzzing: Lifehouse - Everything
Woke up SUPER early today cuz I'm accompanying my parents to "Si Ma Lu" temple. Woke up at... I think 6.30am.. VERY early already cuz its been ages since I last woke up early. Ate breakfast there too.. Ahh.. One of the most tasteless Prawn Mee I'd eaten.. I didn't even finish half of it.. Only ate up the prawns and meat..
For yesterday, I went Orchard to 'roam' around with Kolay and Eunice. Something super 'embarrassing' happened in Coffee Bean at Takashimaya.. haiz.. Cuz Kolay suddenly got out of the queue and asked me to queue for the drink, I sort of whine about it cuz she got out of the queue.. haha.. Then, the guy behind her actually asked me, "Do you want to queue in front of me?" I WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PAISEH that I can feel myself blush instantly.. So embarrassing la....
We went to look for Aili too, and we actually went to 'roam' around again.. haha.. Had a good time roaming around.. haha..
Guess that's all.. lalala..
Thursday, July 07, 2005
12:52 PM
Winamp buzzing: Natalie - Going Crazy
Yup!!! I just received my AGL, Alex's phonecall regarding the camp!! wEez.. My OG name is called Moogle... Sounds quite funny, and also sound like a word you can find in a Harry Potter novel... Get what I mean? haha..
Anyway, going out soon. Update later tonight!
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
10:55 PM
Winamp buzzing: Smash - Talk to Me
Yay! One good news: I'm accepted into Union Camp! WeEz.. That means I'll be away for next week! My GL has yet to call. K-po Yanto had went digging for my form and realised that I'm in this group with a GL whom he says 'she's very pretty.' So typical of him to say such a thing... Kolay is also accepted into the camp! But we're in different OG (according to Yanto AGAIN). haha.. Anyway, it's so nice to know Kolay is going for the camp too!!!! YAY!!!!!
Okay.. I must seriously think of how am I going to pack clothes of 6 days... hmmmm....
Actually I'm quite excited.. Cuz I heard from Kim that there'll be a Ghost Trail.. haha.. Can't wait to 'laugh' at the 'ghost'.. haha.. Nah.. Scarly I got so scared that I kept screaming... Who knows? hahahaz...
Finally no need to rot at home, although I'm enjoying my time rotting at home.. hahaha!
4:22 PM
Winamp buzzing: Avril Lavigne - Fall to Pieces
LOTS OF QUIZ TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take the quiz:
"Who is your dreamy teen guy?"
Chad Micheal MurrayChad Micheal Murray is your dreamy teen guy! congrats!
(*grinz* I know he's my dream guy... wahahahahaha)Take the quiz:
"Which Scoobie are you (a buffy quiz)"
WillowYou are Willow. You are the awsome witch. You have more power then anyone else in the world! You totally rock! You also get really good grades, but dont get to mad when a loved one is killed, or dies, or you can end the world!
(My favourite character!!! wahaha...) Take the quiz:
Sailor MercuryI am the fighter for justice, Sailor Mercury, As Sailor Mercury I use a mini super computer to find out information about the enemy.
(wahahahaha! This is my favourite Sailor Moon character! hee..)
Take the quiz:
"what is your Theme Song?"
Ocean Avenueyou love the color orange and you are totally comfy in whatever.You love the ocean and could go swimming every day!
(WeE!!! I love this song!!! Just that I can't swim... haha!)
Take the quiz:
"Which Teen Celebrity could be ur twin??"
Hilary Duffyour preppy cute hot,and sexy just like Hilary duff. you love your self and are very calm about every thing.
(Me like Hilary! hee..)Take the quiz:
"Which Smallville Character Are You?"
Lana LangYou are Lana Lang!! You are cool on the outside, but inside you are torn up. You try to hide your feelings. Most people don't see it, but Clark does. You try to get close to people, but you're so scared they are going to hurt you, that you can't.
(eh.. ok..)Take the quiz:
"What CSI:Las Vegas Character Are You Most Like?"
Sarah SidleYou are smart and loves animals. You are very observant and a worry wart.
(oooooH! Cool... Love watching CSI, and like her character!)
Take the quiz:
"Which Desperate Housewive Are You?"
Susan MayerYoure a hopeless romantic waiting for that special someone
10:50 AM
Winamp buzzing: Lin Jun Jie - Bei Feng Chui Guo De Xia Tian
Yup! I met up with some of my secondary school pals for a small dinner. Before that, I met up with Felix and Yi Long for pool at Bukit Timah Plaza. hahaz.. (YES Keck Soon! You're RIGHT about it.. haha!) My pool skills went bonkers yesterday. I just suck at it! haha.. And I'm the 'curse' that caused Felix to lose... haha!
Anyway, we met up with Yun Ling and Mark after that for dinner at the prata place that I always eat with my council friends.. haha.. Felix wanted to go to another one, but due to my consistent dragging, we went to the one I always go.. haha! Anyway, it was a nice dinner.. Lots of catching up.. Digged out some secondary school secrets of each other since it was... around 5 years ago? haha.. Can't believe it was 5 YEARS AGO.. haha.. But its always nice to dig secrets.. LOL.. I miss the rest of 4D1 people too.. Like Terence, Ying Yi, Eugene, Millard, Calvin, Yong Cheng, Keng Hwang, Benny, Jia Jun, Boon Kee, Liwen, Sarah, Xiu Mei.................... and the list goes on... Miss them!!!!! haha..
I love my secondary school life.. Especially secondary 3 & 4.. With such a bunch of great people.. I'm barely in touch with the people of my secondary 1 & 2 class.. haha.. Oh wellz~
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
3:18 PM
WeE!!!! I just watched Shark's Tale on DVD!!!! It's such a cute movie!!!! Really like it A LOT!!!! It's SO NICE!!!! haha.. Super funny. LOVE IT! Love Will Smith and his character as Oscar!!! wahahaha....
I simply love my laptop now!! Its also my portable DVD player now!!! WeEEeEe~
I'll be going on a little reunion dinner with some of my secondary school friends later at Bukit Timah. WeEz!! Miss them!!!
I'll update tonight!
Monday, July 04, 2005
9:59 PM
Winamp buzzing: David Tao - Ai, Hen Jian Dan
I like this song all a sudden again. I heard one of the participants of "Huan Le Dian Feng" sang this song.. End up looking up for this song again.. ^_^
After what happened in the afternoon, I realised I shouldn't be bothered by those really irritating people who actually are not part of my life anymore.. Shouldn't be bothered.. I have so many great people around me..
Anyway, today is the week of the faculty camps. Well, as you all can see, I'm not chosen for the NBS camp. I was quite disappointed initially, but feeling better right now.. haha.. Cuz initially I was quite looking forward in knowing some people from my faculty since I know NO ONE there.. haha.. And to think of some really scary girls are actually in the same faculty as me.. It will be quite nightmare-ish if I'm in their tutorial groups too.. (Howcome when I talk about it, I picture those American college scenes with snobbish cheerleaders walking down the corridor thinking they are so damn great?) LOL... Watched too much of those shows... Bad bad influence! Wahaha.. Anyway, me together with some friends applied for Union Orientation Camp which will be on next week. Hopefully I'll get it.. haha.. Seems like I'll be in, but I'll just keep my fingers cross.. Well.. You see, we're freshman only once and I really want to have a taste of orientation camp as a freshie. haha.. Another reason is that I'm really rotting and collecting cobwebs at home.. I need some activities. ahahahaz!
Now for some movie quick-bites!!! I went to watch the trailers for the movie The Island, and it looks absolutely greattttttttt!!!!! Not to forget that my favourite Obiwan-kenobi --- Ewan Mcgregor is part of the cast!!!! *dRoOlz* heez... It seems like an interesting movie with quite an interesting plot... hMmM... Should be catching it too~ It will be out on 22nd July world-wide! Here's the link to all their trailers:
2:12 PM
Winamp buzzing: Lin Jun Jie - Ting Bu Dong, Mei Guan Xi
Though its not the first time I know that this particular person has this "thing" against me for God knows reason since donkey years ago, I still feel especially hurt when this person said things that seem to oppose whatever I say. That person just HATE me, and the BEST thing is that, that person still pretends to be my friend, and yet backstabbed me again..
Don't know what's wrong with that person... Why does such people exist in this world?
Sunday, July 03, 2005
7:29 PM
Winamp buzzing: Lifehouse - I Try (OST Smallville)
I went to watch War of the World just now with Kuan Yong, Sheng Qiang, Xiao Hui, and Marcus at Lot 1. Yes, I went to watch it with 4 guys. LOL.
The way there was totally tiring... It's one of those rare times when I actually left my house on time so that I won't be late.. But guess what, when I was at the bus-stop waiting for 172, I realised that Kolay actually told me yesterday that the student EZlink that we were using was actually EXPIRE... *cursed* So, I ran back home to get an adult EZlink.. That's when I ended up LATE.. In the end, I went to meet Kuan Yong at Boon Lay MRT station, and we headed down to CCK together..
Well, we were the latest (obviously). Xiao Hui got the 2.45pm tickets, which were slightly later.. The rest of the guys were already at K Pool. It has been like ages since I last stepped into K Pool in Lot 1 ok.. Sort of miss that place cuz I used to play there too.. haha.. The guys played.. I didn't.. Just sat there and talked crap.. Sort of catching up la.. haha..
Okay, now for the movie. Firstly, here's my grading. I give it 3 stars. Its really not as good as it seems.. The all 5 of us were totally disappointed with it, especially when we spent a good $9.50 on it.. I thought the plot of the movie was quite weak, especially the ending! *argh* I absolutely hated the ending. I didn't really understand it, and Sheng Qiang was like explaining it to us.. Totally weak... THOUGH I don't doubt a possibility to the ending... But.. It's just anti-climax.. Here's Xiao Hui's summary of the plot: A father trying to get his children to Boston. LOL. That's pretty funny.
Anyway, other than the plot and the ending, I actually like the directing ,and effects of the movie, and of course, Tom Cruise. I have to give Steven Spielberg the directing credit cuz I thought it was quite well done. I actually enjoyed the middle part of the movie, with all the suspense and all.. I was actually SCARED. haha.. (I get scared easier in this kind of suspense-filled films than ghost movies!) Those red veins shown in the movie actually reminded me of the infestion by the Zergs in Starcraft. *woah* I don't really like the kind of alien protrayed in the film.. I prefer those gross kind with sharp fangs and saliva dripping.. Cuz.. The kind of alien in this movie seems quite weak.. And its not very mechnical, and not very 'alive' too.. Also, there's this part of the movie which Ray (Tom Cruise), his daughter, and this man used the mirror to trick the alien.. Quite funny, but reminded me of the scene in Jurassic Park.. Remember.. The dinosaur clashing onto this metal cupboard when it saw the girl's reflection.. Yea.. Quite lame actually.. Like all beings other than humans will get trick by mirror..
The movie just ended too suddenly with quite a lame reason. Well, like I've said, the reason the movie gave seem possible, but.. its just anti-climax. It also left me with certain questions like...
1. How come Ray's wife over at Boston seem unharmed? Their houses etc.. And one thing, how did they get there in the first place when everywhere seem to have been in total chaos after they left Ray's house?
2. How did Robbie (Ray's son) get to Boston before Ray? How is that possible?
For those who watched the movie already, and able to answer my question, please do so.
However, after my working experience in Mediacorp, I've learnt to appreciate films better. Overall, I think the movie itself has been well-done with all the visual effects etc. Its just that the story is a bit sucky. I don't know how much is taken out of the book that this movie is adapted from cuz I didn't read the book.. It just seem a bit incomplete.. Maybe they cut a lot of details that can only be found in the book.. Oh anyway, if you all didn't know, the movie is based on a book written by H.G. Wells.
ANYWAY, War of the World is still NOT BAD, though I seem to have written a lot of bad things about it. Go watch it with an open mind, and a lower expectation, and believe what they are telling you. You will enjoy it better. Also remember, answer my doubts when you've the answer to it. =D
Saturday, July 02, 2005
11:31 PM
Gavin DeGraw - I Don't Wanna Be (OST One Tree Hill)
I don't need to be anything other than a prison guard's son
I don't need to be anything other than a specialist's son
I don't have to be anyone other than the birth of two souls in one
Part of where I'm going is knowing where I'm coming from
I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and I have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me
I'm surrounded by liars everywhere I turn
I'm surrounded by imposters everywhere I turn
I'm surrounded by identity crisis everywhere I turn
Am I the only one to notice?
I can't be the only one who's learned
I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and I have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking ‘round rooms wondering what I gotta do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me
Can I have everyone's attention please
If you're not like this and that
You're gonna have to leave
I came from the mountain, the crust of creation
My whole situation made from clay to stone
And now I'm telling everybody
I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and I have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me
I don't want to be
I don't want to be
I don't want to be
I don't want to be
10:11 PM
Winamp buzzing: Kelly Clarkson - You Found Me
SaTuRdAy!!! WeEz.. Stayed at home today.. Sat in front of the TV set whole afternoon.. Really turning into a potato!! *cursed* I didn't know Saturday TV shows are this nice until today.. haha!
Also, I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening figuring out the 4 computers in my house with my brother.. haha.. YES.. I've 4 computers at home.. 2 laptops and 2 desktops.. 1 laptop is the one I'm using now.. 1 laptop is the one my brother uses at work, 1 desktop is an old old computer which is supposed to be our gaming station, the other desktop is supposed to be.. leisure usage..
YES! I finally installed the DVD driver for my laptop! I can finally watch DVD on my laptop!!! *jumps around* I can finally borrow shows from people without fearing that I can't watch them!!! My brother and I spent the afternoon and evening trying to fix the gaming station.. Cuz my brother actually took out the hard-disk to format it.. It's overwhelmed with virus... AhHhh! BUT NOW.. We can't find the Windows 95 installation CD!!!!! *curse!* Who has!!! Cuz that desktop is configured such that it recongised it's win95.. It's hard to install winXP for it cuz its too 'high tech' for it.. Understand my lay-man terms? haiz... I need that win95 installation CD!!! *grumblez*
Anyway, I read Yun's note at my tagboard.. Regarding Business
ain't my thing.. Well.. She's not the only one who say that to me.. Even Mr Tan BP also said that to me.. Well, all I can say is that people changes. Seriously, being out there working for half a year make me see the world and understand it better.. What do people mean by it
ain't their thing.. How do they judge one person as whether certain thing is their
thing a not? Its like... This kind of thing is certainly hard to know by just looking at a person.
People who knows me know that I'm those kinda chirpy kind of person.. Sort of free-spirit.. But, one can't be in this kind of state forever. One day, we'll all need to grow out of that state.. If you based me from what I seem to be.. Its certainly wrong. For a very very long time, working towards School of Communication had been my goal. Everyone knows that.. My teachers.. My friends.. I even took up a job at Mediacorp as I think it will look good on me when I go for the course interview. Indeed, I learned a lot of things about job in the Media industry throughout my half year stay. It was then that I realised its not I wanted for my life. There are times whereby in life, we thought something is what we want for our life, but in the end its not. So, why regret later when I can change it now..
No one knows how hard it had been on me when I took myself away from my goal. It's like... All a sudden, something that I'd been working towards to is actually not what I want.. It was so extremely hard on me, but I guess no one actually understood. Sometimes, I think I'm a simple person with simple dreams, but sometimes, I think I'm one of the most ambitious.. Losing that goal is really losing a guiding light.. For a while, I was very lost.. That was when I remembered what Mr Siraj told us.. He told us to have diverse interest.. So, when one fail, there're still others for us to fall on. He's right. Choosing Accountancy is a decision I come up with after thinking for a very long time, and consulting my brother..
Accountancy has then changed to my goal then. Its a funny change, I know. But its something I've decided for myself. It's my life. So please do not doubt me anymore. Seriously, I hate people who questions my decision.
12:23 AM
Winamp buzzing: Backstreet Boys - Shape of my Heart
Yup, I changed my blog skin once again. As much as I really LOVE the previous blog skin that I did, those "click-click" thing on the blog isn't really my kind of thing.. Besides, I sort of NOT like the blog area as one corner of the blog.. I did that to compromise the picture.. haha.. So, I decided to do one that's more of my kind of simple layout with J A Y! wEez...
I watched Extreme Makeover just now. It's one of those rare times whereby I remember to watch.. haha.. Many a times, we are told, or we choose to tell people who are less perfect in their physical appearance that its what the person within that counts. However, people still go all out to do perfect their outlook.. Extreme Makeover is actually there to help people with certain flaws in their outlook to fix it.. In a certain way, it gives them a certain confidence.. OH WELL.. With all the talkings, physical outlook IS still important to a person.
Watched Extreme Makeover a few times, and I never fail to feel that "people who are less 'perfect' in their outlook (or put it more simply... ugly)" tend to be able to find REAL and TRUE love.. You see, its always so touching to see how their spouse comment about them. They have actually looked beyond that physical outlook, and come to accept and love the person within. Its soooooooooo touching isn't it. Nowadays, there's so many shallow people around who "like so-and-so cuz he's cute / she's pretty".. Shallow shallow shallow.. (I admit I am one of those shallow people sometimes.. haha.. Who's not?)
Lala.. Can tell that I've nothing to blog ah.. Write for the sake of writing.. So in the end writing some irrelevant stuff..
Anyway, I'm reading a book right now.. Not really a novel.. Its a business book.. Oh well.. Preparing myself for BUSINESS stuff.. That I seriously.. didn't have any experience in it at all.. I particularly like this part of the book that reads "Today, the most dangerous advice you can give a child is 'Go to school, get good grades and look for a safe and secure job'. Its is old advice, and its bad advice.". Cool ehz.. Its actually true la.. Based on how to author portray it.. haha.. Oh.. The book is call 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' by the way..
Okay.. Crapped enough.. Time to hit my bed.. Nightz..
Friday, July 01, 2005
1:37 PM
Winamp buzzing: Tyler Hilton - Glad
My latest hunk... I'll faint if any other guy looks like him.. He's absolutely SHUAI!!!! But too bad he's married...
1:01 PM
Winamp buzzing: Bowling For Soup - Girl All the Bad Guys Want
QUIZ TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's the quizzes taken from Baofei's blog!!!
The Keys to Your Heart:
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.
Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now.
What are the Keys to your Heart?