GeEz.. I love this song... So nice! Need to go to work today again.. Need some motivations.. I'm going to play badminton with my friends tomorrow!! WEEEE~ Yeah... I may even get my weekly schedule for next week today too... Good...
Got to go... Update again tonight...
Thursday, May 26, 2005
10:57 PM
Winamp buzzing: Lifehouse - You and Me
Changed my blog design yet again.. To something that is plain.. Just want to it to be plain.. No pictures or whatsoever..
Anyway, I'm feeling more and more sian about being unable to turn up for investiture tomorrow.. Just feel really left out for not going to events like this.. It's the very first investiture since I graduated, but yet I can't turn up.. Sian... Okay.. I think I'm thinking too much... haha.. The only thing now is that I'm hoping that I'll be able to turn up for PPD..
I'm missing school so much.. I mean PJC.. I miss council so much.. Just reading about those juniors' school life makes me miss school loads.. Well, but we all have to move on and look forward to the future.. All those memorable times spent in JC will be always in our heart!
Currently really looking forward to University life.. It will be a brand new experience.. New chapter of my life.. So many new things to look forward to.. New school, new friends, new subjects to study.. I'm just so tired of working.. I just feel that I need a break to chill and just rot at home.. Get what I mean..? Been working and working and still working for this half a year.. I just need time to let myself stay at home and maybe pigged out for a while, meet friends for sports and stuff, pack my room to get ready.. Need lots of time for me to make myself ready for school.. Thank goodness work is ending.. Thank goodness...
Been wanting to write about something or rather someone for a very long time.. Just didn't know how to start.. hmm..
This particular person had walked me through more than half of my JC life.. Been a really special person indeed. I didn't find him special to me in anyways when I first knew him. He's just another guy. It was because I had this person of my past with me then.. How weird.. All a sudden, just like with a click of a finger, we just became good friends..
Just like in any teenage drama, girls DO keep personal diaries. I noted that it was October when we suddenly became good friends. It was just weird chemistry.. Just felt really at ease whenever I was with him.
I don't know when it exactly started, but we started talking on the phone It always started off with a serious note of work, but ended up chit-chatting. I still remembered our very first phone conversation that lasted to 2.30am, and I was caught 'red-handed' by my dad. It was weird how easy we can chat with one another on the phone..
It was May, and there was once that I had a bicker with my dad, and I just sent him a sms 'Are you asleep?' He actually called my house to ask if I was alright.. He actually said he sensed that there's something wrong with me.. How smart right..
Many many things that happened were all noted down by me.. Small little things that happened.. Like how he had rushed down to get my calculator for me when I forgot to bring it up for a lecture test.. And how we messaged each other of what to do after school.. I remembered him asking me to meet him after my lesson to decide where to go, but somehow he was dragged off by his friends, leaving me with a huge question mark..
This person is a very special friend to me.. A really good friend, who will and always hold a special place in my heart.
Ah.. Finally been able to blog about this person.. Been wanting to talk about this person for a very long time.. Cuz I realised that I've been thinking about this person.. And the only way to make myself not think so much is to write about him.. haha.. For those who knows who this person is, keep quiet k... And for those who wants to kpo.. I won't tell..
Quiz taken from Eunice:
Take the quiz:
"What Star Wars Character Are You?"
Obi-Wan KenobiYou are a level headed person who uses the Force to compliment your natural talent
Yay.. I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi.. He's my favourite jedi. NO WONDER he's my favourite jedi.. hhaha..
2:46 PM
Winamp buzzing: Backstreet Boys - Incomplete
Kolay and Eunice are bugging me to blog when I didn't exactly know what to write.. I think they are just too addicted to my blog. *crazy laughter*
Tomorrow is the 6th Student Council Investiture.. Ahh.. Feeling so sad that I've to work and I can't go.. Well.. It's alright actually cuz I'll get to see them eventually during other events.. I realised that there are 3 Clementeens in the 6th Student Council!!! Wow... I don't know if there's anymore.. Just know that there's 3 at the moment.. One of them is Kar Mun!!! And, she's the Vice-President.. Cool.. Really wish them all the best for their council term!
And for my juniors in 5th, TIME FOR YOU TO STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't play le.. haha.. Yea.. Guess that's all..haha..
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
10:15 PM
Winamp buzzing: Backstreet Boys - Colour My World
I like working morning.. Feel as if the day passes by much faster..
Did you all catch "Tong Xin Yuan" on channel 8, 7pm? Well, how do you all find it? Like it? Which is your favourite character in the show at the moment? There are more characters coming..
Feeling quite tired.. Feel like doing some reading before sleeping.. Been thinking about how I am to give tuition.. Like how to teach etc.. Feeling quite excited about it..
Monday, May 23, 2005
8:47 PM
Winamp buzzing: Lifehouse - Everything
Did you all watch "Tong Xin Yuan" just now on channel 8? I bet you all did right.. Cuz I've asked you all to.. haha.. Hopefully you all did catch it just now.. It feels so weird to see something that you're actually involved in the production is actually aired. Wow..
I'm off to watch another show that I'm involved in the production, that is "Ying Cha Yang Chuo".. Update later if have time! Working tomorrow AGAIN..
10:16 AM
Winamp buzzing: S Club - Say Goodbye
Okay! Recently I'm having this crazy craze of taking pictures. Here's the pictures I took on Saturday!! Hee hee!
At Pool Factor
Nicely put pool balls.. haha!

Xiao Hui doing the break~

Me and Kolay nicely taken!

Me and a very retarded and funny Kuan Yong

Me and a "seduced by dark side" Xiao Hui
Eating Prata
The menu

The menu opened with Xiao Hui's hand.

Reading menu... What to eat???

Kolay trying to act cute... haha!

Kuan Yong stoning in process...

Xiao Hui trying to be funny..

Our food all eaten up!
haha.. I realised that those pictures that I tried to take of the 2 people whom we waited like crazy turned out blur... That's Sheng Qiang and Eunice!!! Ahh.. haha.. So it turned out as if it's only Xiao Hui, Kuan Yong, Kolay and me.. LOL...
Sunday, May 22, 2005
9:41 AM
Winamp buzzing: F.I.R - Wo Men De Ai
*SiGh* Need to go to work later.. It's been such a long time since I last worked on Sunday.. OH WELL.. Need to get used to it again.. I really think that it's a very sad thing to have to work on Sundays.. haha..
Last night was the match of Arsenal Vs ManU.. My brother was actually watching, and I was sort of keeping up with the match too.. But fell asleep during the extra time.. And so, Arsenal won with penalties.. Oh well..
*SiGh* WORK... Sian..
Saturday, May 21, 2005
11:38 PM
Winamp buzzing: Howie Day - Collide
Wow.. I really spent a day out, without really know what's the programme of the day like.. haha.. Planned to go down to Jasper's mom's ice-cream shop down at Century Square with Kolay, Eunice, and Kuan Yong. Eunice couldn't turn up cuz she's sick. I wasn't sure if I'll be meeting Kuan Yong cuz when I sms him last night, he didn't reply me.. haha.. But end up he did know what time he was supposed to meet me.. So it's alright.. haha..
So, Kolay, Kuan Yong, and I went down to Century Square. We went to Jasper's mom's ice-cream shop.. It's name is Fresco.. It's located at B1.. Next to the escalator.. Their ice-cream is pretty nice. I really like the strawberry and Rum&Rasins flavour!!! The 3 of us actually ate 6 flavours of ice-creams in all!! We ate Chocolate, Strawberry, Mango, Rum&Rasins, Apple, Hazelnut... WOW... So pro right.. haha!
After which, we rushed down to Bukit Timah to play pool with Xiao Hui.. It was DAMN COLD at that time cuz it was raining. My body was like super cold at that time.. Played pool at Pool factor.. Super funny session.. haha... Took some pictures.. Post them here tomorrow.. haha..
We meet Sheng Qiang and Eunice after that for prata.. haiz.. Didn't know that they will be eating out.. Ended up eating a cheese prata only.. But have to go back home for dinner too.. Feel like a total pig now.. Ate so much... Took some photos too... Post them tomorrow too.. haha...
Need to return back to work tomorrow.. SIAN AH!!!!!!!!!!
2:47 AM
Winamp buzzing: Ewan McGregor & Nicole Kidman - Come What May
I came back home on a mad taxi. The taxi driver actually sped to a speed of 120km/hr. I was like holding on to my seat belt.. Totally scared.
*SiGh* Guess I won't be going back for investiture afterall... I've to work on that day.. I got my working schedule for next week.. Can't change with Winnie for the working day at all cuz she's having some AP class on Friday.. So she can't work.. So.. No choice.. FATE.. haha.. It's ok.. Though I'm a bit disappointed, but I'm still cool with it.. haha~
Work was alright. Ended at near 1am.. Then, I went up to office to do my taxi claims.. haha.. I realised my running stamina dropped. It was actually quite good when I was still having intensive outdoor filming.. haha.. Now, I could barely run.. haha.. I'm exaggerating.. But I seriously need to go for a run.. I want to JIAN FEI!!! haha.. Not that I have a lot of FEI for me to JIAN.. I just want to tone up.. haha.. Talking about JIAN FEI.. Today in studio, Cavin bought some snacks for us to eat.. Kwek was like asking me to eat, and I didn't want. He then asked Boon to bring it up to me and asked me to eat. I still shook my head, and Boon was like saying, "Wah, jian fei ah!" It was then I took a piece.. Aiyoh.. Not eating doesn't mean jian fei k! Though I very much wants to.. haha.. Wanting to JIAN FEI is natural around there.. Everyone is jian-fei-ing.. hahha...
Oh well.. Looking at my working schedule, seems like I can't attend investiture.. The next event that people are dragging me to go is the Past vs Present Day (PPD).. Kenny was practically near whining to ask me to go.. Up to the extend of asking me to take MC, fire my boss, promise to send me home in TAXI. That's really lame.. Well.. Feel like going back.. It's a school event afterall.. haha.. Yanto was also asking me to go back.. Just that he wasn't as scary as Kenny.. haha.. Hopefully I don't need to work.. So that I can go back.. haha..
I'm excited about school.. haha! Ok.. I need to go and sleep le.. NIGHTZ!
Thursday, May 19, 2005
11:01 PM
Winamp buzzing: Matchbox Twenty - Bent
Just got back from watching the newly released "Star Wars Episode III - Revenage of the Sith" with Felix. Man.. What can I say! The Star Wars saga is finally completed with this final instalment of Star Wars Ep 3!!
I won't say out the content of the movie since today is just the DAY 1 of its release. However, I'll say what I feel about the movie.. Before catching the movie, I expect episode 3 to be something more emotional and sad.. Afterall, it marks the fall of the Jedi power, the fall of the Republic, and also the fall of Anakin Skywalker.. Where all hopes are gone. But after watching the movie, I just feel that there's this lack of sadness in the movie.. Too much is put into the fighting and light sabre scenes, though I must say I do enjoy those scenes very much. haha.. Just that I expect more emotions to be injected into the movie.. Well, it is the most emotional one among all the 6 episodes.. I just feel that it's not enough.. Also, there's no sense of desperation when the clone troops were killing off all the jedis.. Not enough impact.. The only kinda sad scene is whereby Anakin actually killed off the younglings.. Those young little jedis-to-be...
The part that I don't like about the movie is that I think Anakin gives in to the dark side too fast!!!!! It's like... There should be some struggle within Anakin.. But I didn't sense it.. Maybe it's the way Hayden Christensen acts.. Don't know.. Just feel that he gave in to Palpatine too easily..
But of course.. This movie is GREAT! It pieces everything together! It is greatly done with all the effects and all.. I especially like the part when Obi-wan fought with Anakin, or should I say Vader.. It's like so sad.. Imagine how heart-breaking Obi-wan is.. Having to kill his own apprientice.. And, Vader actually ended it with a strong "I HATE YOU." OMG... haha.. Also, the fight between Yoda and Palpatine. It was extremely exciting to see Yoda fights. He's impressive!!! hahaz...
And I must tell u something amusing!!! Poor Ewan McGregor actually film Star Wars with this distintive pimple on his forehead. I kept noticing it, to a point that I actually told Felix about it. He was like laughing at my stupid interest on the pimple. haha!! It's really distracting!! And, there're several close-up of OBi-wan, and I really can't help but look at the pimple. hahaha!! When you all go and watch, keep a look out on that pimple. hahaha!
Basicaly, I love the movie. I'm really glad that I watched it today!! It's absolutely worth the movie to watch!!! All the actions, story.. It totally links the whole saga up! I want to watch episode 4, 5 and 6 now!!! Anyone can lend me?? haha...
10:12 AM
Winamp buzzing: Sting - Desert Rose
Okay.. Now for some updates...
Well, what can I say! May is the month of investiture. Yesterday on my way to work on bus 157, I saw4 RJ councillors (obviously) in full council uniform, namely long sleeves white shirt, blazar, and black shoes broading from the bus-stop of HCJC. Maybe it's HCJC investiture yesterday.. Oh well... Investiture.. Something that really left me with fond memories.. Looking at those councillors in their council uniform, somehow, I felt quite jealous.. Cuz I know I won't have the chance to be in that attire anymore.. A lot of memories just flashed back to my mind.. like those events.. how we rushed in the toliet during our events.. haha! So fun.. Next Friday will be the 6th Investiture for PJC.. Really hope to be able to go back as Senior and attend the investiture.. I miss school too.. Hope to use that chance to go back with friends too.. Hopefully I'm not working on that day... *cross finger* Hopefully...

Our very rare council family photo with everyone in it. It's taken on the day of our stepping down investiture..
Ok.. About work yesterday, it was basically better.. Time seem to pass more easily yesterday. I didn't stone that much compare to Monday.. haha.. It had to be the people la.. I was taking Boon's 8 Days magazine, and busy reading the Star Wars Special while the tapes were rolling. haha! We have free sample of those publication in MCS... If you all didn't know.. haha.. Kwek was suddenly very into his HP yesterday, and we all suddenly using HP to take photos.. This is a pic Kwek had taken using my HP of me and Martin, the Floor Manager (FM). It's taken professionally cuz Kwek is a cameraman.. haha.. Just that my HP is not professional enough.. haha!

Oh! As promised, some photos taken during Sentosa tanning outing with my friends!! These are photos out of Alicia's digicam.. REALLY NICE!!! =D

This is taken as the "logo" of sentosa. Nice right! Just that the people can't see properly..

Lena, Sigmund, Kolay and me with volleyball in water.

Kolay, Jocelyn, with me sitting.. I looked miserable cuz they were actually pushing me.. ahaha...

Jocelyn and me! Nicely taken right!
Here's some photos taken outside the... toliet. LOL

Artistic photo of ours.. We're doing crap.. haha!

Another artistic photo

Normal sweet group photo.. I look funny.. haha!

Alicia asked me to give her a pose that I'm enjoying the bread.. And I gave her this pose, ended up looking quite.. funny. haha!

Group photo outside Cafe Cartel. Geez.. We look healthy with a tan!!

Group photo outside Cafe Cartel again!

4 feets.. namely mine, Lena's, Jocelyn's and Shi Ting's.. It's taken with some effect that I'd learnt in MCS.. haha!
Here's the photos of the Slaves for the day.. haha!!!!

Slave Number 1: Sigmund

Slave Number 2: Yong How
That's all for the photos!!!!!! hahaha... Waiting for Jocelyn's!!! hahaha!
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
9:58 AM
Radio buzzing: Jay Chou - Fen Lei
I need some "Jay Therapy", that's why I'm listening to his songs now.. Feeling quite depressed the moment I woke up.. Yea.. It has to be the blues I'm feeling cuz I'd to go to work later..
Should be going to watch the final installment of Star Wars tomorrow evening with Felix, and probably Yi Long. We just can't take the wait. haha! Maybe this will be something that will keep me cheerful for the whole day? haha.. Hopefully... Hope Felix won't sms me and tell me that he has gotten yet another corner seat like the one he had taken when we went to watch Kingdom of Heaven.. haha..
Really feeling quite sian.. When the number of days get lesser and lesser, time just seem to crawl.. Time just passes by SO SLOWLY.. This week passes by like snail... I'm feeling really grumpy and depressed!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
11:29 PM
hmm.. Just want to put some of my thoughts down before I go to bed..
Just want to say... I'm sort of missing someone.. suddenly.. Cuz suddenly thought of the good times we'd together and stuff... Ya..
We were having a short sms conversation just now.. Were trying to fix this broken plan that we'd.. There's a lot of 'nevermind it's ok, you go ahead with it..' and stuff from both of us.. For several messages, I realised we were both saying the same thing over and over again to each other. It's still 'never mind it's ok. you go ahead with it..'
I realised some things that I said don't make sense to anyone.. Not even to me.. Just a lot of things running through my mind right now.. Oh well..
6:30 PM
I was watching CSI: Miami on AXN the whole afternoon. After which, I watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Star World.. It's showing the first few season... When there's still Oz.. Today was the episode when Oz discover that he's a werewolf.. haha.. Oz is played by Seth Green.. Ok.. He's quite short, but he's quite cute in the show.. Especially when he's a werewolf.. haha! =)

<<=== guess anyone who watches Buffy will remember him with Willow, and his van.. haha!
10:47 AM
Winamp buzzing: Lin Jun Jie - Yi Qian Nian Yi Hou
*Grinz* I just watched the top 10 clips from the Star Wars Saga. You all can view those clips via this site: especially like the one which shows the Emperor trying to kill Luke. Darth Vader couldn't bare to see his son being tortured by the Emperor, and he actually picked up the Emperor and threw him down the tower. hahahahaha!!!! I found it rather hilarious when Vader actually threw the Emperor down. hahahahaha!!! I'm a sadist... HAHAHA!
OFF DAY TODAY!!!! hahaz... At work yesterday, I was quite grumpy.. Quite SIAN... You know.. Especially when you had a long break.. And you need to go back to work again.. Seriously sianz... Moreover.. Haven't go into studio for so long.. All a sudden, don't know what to do.. Kept stoning around.. haha.....
33 more days!!!! wahahahahaz... And, the Force will be with us in 2 days!!!! Cheers!
Oh ya.. Just a bit of info.. The 2 dramas which I was and am still involved in the production, Ying Cha Yang Cuo and Tong Xin Yuan will be air in May.. In fact, Ying Cha Yang Cuo was air from last night onwards.. It's pretty nice.. Do support!!! Tong Xin Yuan will be air on 23rd May, at 7pm on Channel 8.. It's a rather entertaining family drama... Do support!!!! Yup..
Monday, May 16, 2005
8:41 AM
I'm feeling sian... After 5 days of break from work, I really dread having to go back to work again.. See those faces again..
Having those Monday Blues now.. I don't wanna go to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never mind.. Think of it this way.. I'll be having off-day tomorrow, and my job is ending in a month's time...
Not feeling any better...
Ok.. I'll be watching Star Wars Ep 3 in 5 day's time...
Ok.. That feels better... LOL!
Update again at night.. when I'm back from work.. Ciao!
Sunday, May 15, 2005
10:08 PM
Winamp buzzing: Lin Jun Jie - Mu Nai Yi
I'm currently having fun with MSN 7.0! haha.. Kolay's brother told me that the drawing function is actually in version 7.0 and not beta, so I went to download it! haha.. So fun.. I'm trying to find targets for me to post my pretty drawings to.. haha! I'm so wu liao.. Sorry..
Anyway, today was quite fun. I went to KBox at CCK with Weide, Kuan Yong, Gavin, Kolay, and Eunice. The day started in a rather funny way. Both KY and I didn't know we were on the same 172 bus until we alighted at CCK interchange. It was then everyone else started to have those 'ORH!' stuff... So stupid right! Gavin went to the wrong KBox!! He went to the Clementi branch. When he arrived, Weide actually sang "Waiting For You" for him. haha!! It was ultra funny cuz Weide changed the lyrics and all.. hahaz.. It was rather funny la~
After that, we headed down to Jurong Point.. Eunice wanted to buy some stuff, Kolay wanted to cut hair, Weide wanted to buy some computer stuff... We basically left Kolay with the hairdresser and we went off.. We went to Long John to eat and chat.. So nice..........~
OH! Watched Deep Blue Sea on channel 5! haha.. Quite nice..! I think I watched it somewhere.. Quite familiar.. But don't know where I watch it from.. Half way during the show, Eunice called me to ask me to solve a Maths question for her brother.. WOW.. It has been ages since I last did a Maths question.. Luckily I still managed to get the answer.. haha! Feels good to be doing Maths questions again.. Somehow feel that I'd gotten the type of life I should be having for a while.. Miss it! I miss school!
I just can't wait for school to start... Job is ENDING! wahaha.. No more working for me in a month's time!!! This is something I'd been looking forward to... Yay...
12:57 AM
Winamp buzzing: Tension - Our Story
I'm feeling quite sleepy but my hair is all wet and I can't sleep with that.. *yawnz* Gonna use this time to update my blog..
Well, I went to Sentosa with Shi Ting, Lena, Jocelyn, Kolay, Alicia, Jian Hua, and Sigmund! heez.. Been such a long time since I last saw them!!! So happy... Basically, they are there to get tanned, but I'm not. Pretty dumb to say such a thing when we're going to the beach right.. haha! The amount of sun block that I put is crazy! haha.. Just call me fully-equipped to protect myself from those rays! I applied 130 SPF sun block on my face and arms cuz I always tan those areas when I was at work.. There are areas that I want to tan but not burnt, so I applied the 20 SPF sun block.. And I got quite nice tan.. HEE!! I was trying to even out my tan, and it sort of worked! We were in bikinis, so I managed to tan my stomach area, chest, back area, and legs!! wahahaz..! So happy! I was equipped with cap and shades to protect myself from the sun too.. hee hee! I'll post the photos we took at the beach when Jocelyn and Alicia upload them up!
After Sentosa, we went to grab a bite at the hawker centre before heading down to Cineleisure for K Pool!! wahhahaz.. I'm addicted to pool! haha.. Jian Hua's really P-R-O at pool.. His shots are slow and steady.. We all played 1-to-1 with him, and its always 'next better challenger!'. hahhaz!
We waited for Lizhen and Yong How at Cafe Cartel for dinner.. Dinner was greatttt~ Yong How was telling so many lame jokes over dinner.. Really feel like knocking myself against the wall.. haha.. Then, he and Lena had their fair share of telling dirty jokes too.. hahahaz! Really funnyyy~
After dinner, we had another round of excitement by taking neo-prints together!! hahaz!! It was DAMN exciting ok.. Imagine.. We came up with 10 different pose within seconds! hahaa!!
Wee... Great day! Great tan! Great gathering! Great friends! Great neo-prints! Wee..!
Photos...~ From my HP...

Alicia and Jian Hua on MRT!

Shi Ting and Kolay.. with toys on MRT!

Me and Jocelyn on MRT!

Me and Jocelyn (again!) at Cafe Cartel!

Alicia's yummy chocolate cake! It's half gone!

Yumz... I don't know what's this.. Some potatoes thingy..

Food shared between Alicia and Jian Hua

Food shared between Lena and Shi Ting

My drink!!! It's Cappochino Freeze..!

Lizhen's food!!! 1/4 eaten!

Yong How's food! Still look rather complete!