I went to buy this Ellesse watch with Mom today. Mom had discount for it cuz she bought a Titus watch not too long ago.. Oh well, my new watch is REALLY NICE. I ADOREEEEEE IT!!! wahahahaz... It's dark blue in colour and it has a nice letter "e" in the middle formed by little crystals. The dark blue colour contrasts really well with my tanned skin. WeEz... LOOOOOVEEEEEE IT!!!!!
Something feels amissed.. hmm... Was it something I said... Or is it that I'm thinking too much? I don't know... I was really scared that it was something that I said last week that had caused that special connection between us to go south... I don't know... Feeling worried... and scared too...
Sometimes I feel like I have split personality.. haha.. I always contradicts my thoughts... One part of me love to be faced with challenges and hate monotonous life. I want to be out to experience new stuff... Then again, another part of me hate changes in life. So.. Ain't I contradicting myself? I guess that's why I always end up with mixed feelings about things...
Also... After thinking about stuff.. I realised that I should not always let opportunities slip by me. When it comes, I have to grab it before I lose it. I shouldn't just let fate decide when I see that I have to go and achieve it... But then again.... haiz.. I don't know... Sometimes being too ambitious about certain things... seems not good.. haiz... I really don't know... Sometimes we says that when we want something, we must do our best to achieve it... But then.. Sometimes the outcome is just not what we want... So sometimes, you think that it would have been better if you don't try... But... Some may says.. You never try, you'll never know... haiz... So, sometimes, this kind of decision is hard to make...
Wahaha... KY got me Mean Girls and Cinderella Story.. Maybe I should watch some movies..
Thursday, December 16, 2004
1:22 PM
15th December 2004
Winamp buzzing: Lin Jun Jie - Chi Bang
I didn't sleep well last night. I was really tired but I couldn't sleep.. Don't know why.. Rolled on my bed for a while before I fell asleep.. Then I kept having weird dreams that made me all exhausted in the morning.. Didn't sleep well at all.. I was super scared that I over-slept my interview at Mediacorp too.. ahh.. Felt so stressed..
Basically, I woke up with a headache. Dressed properly and took my stuff and left home at 8am to head down to Mediacorp.. I decided to take cab down cuz I don't know how to get down by bus.. Cost me $14+... I got there an hr earlier.. soo.. yea.. Waited at the reception for an hour.. The receptionist took out this map and gave me directions.. I was like.. "HUH.." Mediacorp building structure damn gu-gu lor.. As an idiot at directions, I was so prone in getting lost, but I followed behind this lady who seemed to be heading to where I was going. Wahaha.. She's really heading the Chinese Drama division too. Well... I went to meet Chun Hua.. If I'm not wrong, she's the director for "Happy Fish"... Well.. The interview was in CHINESE.. Quite uncomfortable with it, but okay.. Everything went well... She told me about the irregular working hours.. I know about it too... Oh well.. She's taking me in, so ya.. I have a job at Mediacorp. Reporting for work on Monday..
As for my job at World of Sports right.. Yusheng is sort of taking over me till Xmas.. (THANKZ DUDE!!!!!!!!!!) It's like just nice he wanted a job, and I'm giving up my job.. So might as well.. Yesterday was my last day at World of Sports. wahaha.. Working with Jimmy and Lenn. WELL, working with Jimmy was actually QUITE nice.. Considering he's quite alright.. But he was really strict about work.. zZz... I was really tired yesteday and wanted to sit down. Lenn was like saying if Jimmy sees me he will scold me.. OH WELL.. I still sat down anyway. He wasn't watching! Something about Jimmy that I don't like is that he smokes.. I can always smell the smoky breath of his when he talked to me.. YUCK.. I hate people who smoke..
16th December 2004
Winamp buzzing: F.I.R - Revolution
Woke up feeling tired.. Didn't sleep enough.. Going to sleep again later...
Been pondering about the work at Mediacorp.. The irregular hours... The group of people I'll be working with... The job I'll be doing... Don't know.. Mixed feeling.. Irregular working hours... That means I will not be at home most of the time.. Feeling really sianz about it.. Cuz I'll miss my mom.. I'm quite sad actually.. It sounds really funny hor... Mommy's girl.. But I am lor... I like being with my mom.. Can't stay home to accompany her.. I quite sad... But then again, I kept telling myself that I've to learn to be independent.. I kept asking my parents if they're unhappy that I'll be going to Mediacorp to work.. They were like saying they are not unhappy, and as long as I like the job..
Another thing is the travelling time to Mediacorp.. Wah.. Damn sucky la.. Even though I've direct bus here at my house, but the journey is long.. I was discussing with my parents about the journey.. I told them that I may be considering to take train to Clementi and then change to bus.. They were like telling me that taking 157 at Boon Lay will be better.. Cuz if I add in the waiting time for the bus and train.. It will amount to approximately the same time.. Quite true.. wahaha.. It rocks to discuss with parents about things.
My mom is so funny. She told me what she wants when I got my first pay. It's something to motivate me to go on with the job I guess.. I told myself that I will hold on to this job no matter what.. For several reasons.. Like the experience.. The job.. And.. If say more practically, a nicer piece of resume in future. JIA YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I'm really a spoilt kid. ArGh... I'm too used to comfort that I'd when I was studying.. Haiz.. I need to get use to it..
Aiyah.. Actually the World of Sports job is not as bad as I said la.. The people there are nice.. Just that I think I wanna give up my job at the start of the job cuz of the call from Mediacorp.. You see.. When people are given a better prospect, people will go for it.. So.. I'm so grumpy then.. Cuz I was afraid that I couldn't get myself out of the WOS. Then, also, I kept telling myself that it's a golden chance for me to grab.. I mean.. Look.. It's like so super surprising that I having a job at Mediacorp now.. It's like so rare to come-by.. Might as well grab it since I gave it a try when sending out my resume..
*Sigh* But I guess I'll need to take a lot of scolding during the job.. Confirm.. Either by those stars or by the director, which is my boss... You know.. Usually this kind of artistic people have weird temper.. And, those stars, some will think they so big.. Ahh.. So afraid of them actually. Moreover my job need a lot of interaction with them.. Confirm will meet those nasty ones.. Maybe next time I can tell you all who are the snobbish ones...
Now I understand why people have been saying studying is much better than working.. Studying is soooooooooooooooooooo much more better.. Working is an experience and you get to earn money.. It's really hard-earn lor.. Mediacorp paying me a thousand a month.. Having a 3-month contract first.. If my big boss still wants me.. She will re-new my contract till June..
Why is it that I'm always so excited about achieving something. But once I'd achieved it, I seem to think twice about things... Do I go for the adrenaline rush of trying to achieve something? hm.. I also don't know... Also, I feel like I'm like one of the more ambitious kind of people.. The rest of them just looking for simple holiday job, but seems like I'm not... ArGh.. I feel so... ArGh...
Oh well... I hate mixed feelings... People are impressed when I told them I got the job at Mediacorp... Oh well.. Everything seems to go on too smoothly. Don't you think? It's was like.. I send resume.. They shortlisted me, and asked me down for interview.. I pass the interview and I'm employed. So....... It's like... Too smooth..... Feel so weird...
And.. I think my big boss.. That is the director Chun Hua.. She's not an easy person to deal with... I've to be extra careful and I CAN'T AFFORD TO BE BLUR!!! Ahh... I'm scared of her.. Actually, I'm scared to get scolding... haha...
Oh well... Educate me.. Tell me that making the decision to go on with this job is the right one...
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
11:34 PM
Winamp buzzing: Backstreet Boys - I Promise You
I'm dead tired... How hear me grumble about my job. I'd decided. I'm going to quit this job at the end of this month. I mean it SO BADLY. I really can't see myself doing this job until June. It will KILL me, or set me into depression, or maybe let me just die of tiredness.
I really don't know why I'm so tired. Maybe it's the standing and the climbing up and down and searching for those shoes. Firstly, I really don't know where everything is put. I don't know where the Nike shoes are, I don't know where the Adidas shirts are, I don't know whether this is a running shoe or whatsoever, I don't know if this shirt is suitable for running, I don't know if this pair of shoes are for males or females or Unisex. I DON'T KNOW. They didn't teach me anything or inform me anything. I feel like a dumbo when asked. I was SO DUMB-FOLDED when in front of customers. I was so embarrassed when I don't know anything, feel so totally stressed up when I saw that the pair of shoes that the customer took is actually for ladies when I told him it's for guy. ARGH.. Everything seemed so WRONG. I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. I FEEL SO AT LOST. I HATE THAT UNTIDY AND DUSTY STORE ROOM. Everything is in A BIG MESS inside the storeroom. It's SO HARD to find shoes inside. Everything was not in order of the code and it's SO HARD for people to search for it. The stack of clothes are in a MESS too.. All the And1 shirts are messed up. I hate the storeroom cuz it's DUSTY.
I feel so lonely when at work. No more fun and laughter in my life. I found no one to talk to. I need the element FUN in my life, and now I am deprived of it. I can't get along with my colleagues well... I mean, they are nice people.. But we just don't click. To tell you the truth, me and them are totally different people from different world. I found it extremely true when now I'm out at work.. When a college student like me go for such jobs, the people look at you at a different light, especially when you are going for positions like Sales Assistant. They tend to make remarks like, "Wah... You so clever ah..." You will be like, "Er.. Okay..." Sometimes, when they asked you to do certain things like tagging price tag on the things, and you are thankful for the work cuz you are dead bored when there's no customer in the shop, you will ask yourself, "Why am I doing this??!?!?!?!!??!?!!!!?!!!!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Let me complain about my colleagues... FIRSTLY, it's my stupid manager.. I hate him. Stupid Jimmy. I really hate him. I hate him cuz he didn't want to grant me leave tomorrow. Instead, he put me in afternoon shift. I'd to rush like MAD from Mediacorp to IMM.. I hate him cuz I think he's damn strict. I HATE HIM!!! ARGH... I just hate him la... Some people when you see him you will hate him. No reason. I still have to bear with him tomorrow cuz evening will only leave me, him and another girl Lenn.. Lenn is a nice Filipino girl on attachment.. She's nice la.. But cuz she's Fillipino, even though she's 19-year-old, we don't seem to have a lot in common.. zzz... Then.. There's this girl Shu Hui. I don't like her too. Know why? Cuz she don't want to change off-day with me. ARGH... Her off-day is TOMORROW.. OH DAMNIT... She said she didn't want a week-end off... OHHH PLEEEEEAAAAASSSSEEEEE... I'm having off on Saturday lor... Weird girl. Even though she's 20 years old, I have nothing to talk to her about. Different set of thinking in all... Then, my Supervisor Wai Wai. She's 24 years old.. Didn't have much to talk to her too cuz of the age gap, and she ain't local too... But I thought she's nice. She encouraged me to stop working there if I found a better job.
WAHAHAHAHa... And I'm going to stop working there end of this month... WAHAHAHAHA... I have made up my mind. It will be an experience anyway, but it's a bad one. It's an entirely BAD BAD DREAM... ArGh... I'm going to PRAY DAMN HARD that MediaCorp will employ me. If not, I will go and teach tuition or do relief-teaching.. My application is approved. I always plan alternative for myself.. WAHAHAHA...
I sounded like a totally spoilt kid ah... I don't care how I sound.. This is what I feel...
Sometimes it's good for you to do this kind of random jobs.. It gives you experience, and tells you what kind of job suits you...
I WANT TO QUIT MY JOB. I'm not suitable for this job... For anyone who thinks that you can do this job, and will like to replace me... Please contact me.. Cuz I'm thinking of giving up my job to another person...
Monday, December 13, 2004
11:59 PM
Winamp buzzing: Jay Chou - Yuan You Hui
Back from first day of work.. My leg feels "sour" now after standing for the whole day... After today, I seem to know alot more about those sport brands than I initially do.. Wow... I saw this really nice basketball shirt for Men... It says "I will blast your arse off." whahahhahahhahaha... It's black and dark blue.. SO NICE... I think if I continue looking at that basketball shirt, I'll buy it for myself.. I really like it!!! Too bad it's guy wear... And I don't know anyone with the right build and body to wear those basketball shirt... haiz... SAD...
Then... Need to learn to climb ladder... To get shoes... I thought it was really scary at first.. But.. having to try it myself.. Feels alright la.. Got this customer kept asking me to get for him Mizuno shoes.. Need to climb up and down SO MANY times.. And really damn hard to find....
Quite tired actually.. But I'm working afternoon shift again tomorrow. wahaha.. The rest of the staff are so funny.. They were so sick of listening to those CD.. And I told them I'll bring my collection of CDs tomorrow.. Too bad I cannot play Chinese CD.. If not I'll blast Jay Chou for the whole day.. WAHAHAHAH... Bringing lots of CD tomorrow. HEE... Going to blast my favourite tunes tomorrow!!! WEEZ~
Need to beg Jimmy to give me off day on Wednesday... He's off today... ZzZzZz.... Really have to beg him~ ahhh~
10:21 AM
Winamp buzzing: Dashboard Confessional - Vindicated
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG.... I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that guy was pretty nice to me already... Initially he asked me to go down to MediaCorp for an interview tomorrow. I was terribly upset cuz I'm starting my first day of work at World of Sports. But it's like a DREAM COME TRUE for me!!!!! OMG... I can't believe my luck. I told him I don't know if I'm free tomorrow. So, he was like, "Er... Okay... I'll get back to you again.." I was like... "SHIT... I JUST BLEW MY CHANCE AWAY..." We hanged up the phone, and I was REALLY TERRIBLY UPSET... I felt sick in the stomach... So, I decided to call back the number that he called me just now... I didn't know his name, but I just called to try my luck... And IT'S HIM AGAIN... I told him about my job attachment, and really hope that I will be able to go for the interview too... wahahahaha... I told him I was terribly upset when I couldn't make it for the interview. He laughed. He told me there's nothing to be upset about, and asked me not to worry and he will re-arrange another day for me to come down for the interview. I was like SOOOOOOOOO HAPPY to hear him say that.. I hope he's not just saying it for the sake of saying it.. I'm just sooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy to get a reply from MediaCorp... OMG OMG.... It's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo unexpected.
Okay.. I didn't apply to be an actress la.. haha... In case that's what you all are thinking.. I applied to be Assistant Producers (Chinese Drama Division).. What this job is about is that one will assist Producers in TV Productions by managing talents and crew both in studio and on location, requisitioning of props and costumes, ensuring sets and props are ready on time for the show. One will also prepare production reports and camera scripts together with Producers, see to crowd control and perform any other duties required for the completion of productions.
Cool ehz? =D
That guy is super duper nice... He just called me to tell me that he re-arranged another interview for me on Wednesday. OMG... He's SO NICE.. After the conversation of telling me the details, he even asked me not to be upset. hahha.. SO CUTE!!!! WAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHA.... I'm on cloud nine now... It's MAKES MY DAY!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to ask Jimmy to let me off on that day. I'll be even willing to work full-shift for the rest of the week... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...
I'm so excited. SO EXCITED... SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE LET EVERYTHING BE SMOOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG... AM I DREAMING????? AM I?!?!!??!?!?! AM I??!?!?!?!!?!??! NO RIGHT?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??
I'm so excited.... I think this excitement is going to reach it's peak on Wednesday. Cuz I'm going to MediaCorp on Wednesday for the interview!!!!
But how to go ah......
Don't know... I forgot to ask.... Maybe I'll take a taxi down... The interview is 10am in the morning!!!!!!!
Sunday, December 12, 2004
10:09 PM
Winamp buzzing: S.H.E - Hou Niao

I'm liking this song more and more.
Today is a pretty boring day, but I sort of liked it.. Just slacking at home... haha.. Went for breakfast in the morning with dad and went home to watch 7th Heaven and Smallville till 11am... Read the book "Ransom" by Danielle Steel... Helped mom to mop the house... Go and play neopets games... Watched "Big Momma's House" at night... wahahhaha... A damn hilarious show. Watched a bit of Star Awards too... Saw 715!!!!!! Erm... I mean Qi Yu Wu.... HE'S SO SHUAI..... *droolz*
Starting work tomorrow.. I'm quite nervous and scared... I don't know... I mean.. I'll be seeing a whole new bunch of people.. It's workplace afterall... Somehow feels different from school... And it's like... I don't know... I'm quite scared that I'll screw things up there... Ahh... I'm so scared... I hope I meet nice people.... Ahh... Pray for me...
Ahh... I want to go and play those neopets games again... They are fun actually...
Saturday, December 11, 2004
6:11 PM
Winamp buzzing: Nichole Kidman feat Ewan Mcgregor - Come What May
I'd a long talk with him last night on MSN. It was a rather depressing chat.. Cuz we were talking about things that are bothering him now.. And some of mine. I tried to beat around the bush by talking in circles. I asked him a question which was in a less obvious manner. And like he'd always been able to read me, he said he think he knows what I was saying... It was no surprise to me, but I was still wondering whether what he was referring was what I was referring.. I tried to ask him again if he's sure that he knew what I was referring.. He then asked me to say out what I wanted to ask... It was terribly difficult. So, I turned around to ask him what he thought I was asking... So, it ended up both of us unable to tell each other what we think the question is... So.. Oh well...
Don't understand what I was saying? haha.. Never mind. It's not meant for anyone to understand. It's for me to sort out my thoughts...
The talk last night wasn't pleasant. It was depressing cuz he wasn't feeling fantastic. Sort of affected me too. I wasn't sure that if I were to post that question right into his face, will it add on to his problems or not... Really not sure. I'd the message saved in my handphone. It's just the matter if i were to send it, or not. I have the whole morning to decide.... Oh... Half of the morning is gone...
Going to KTV with some people later... Hope it will lighten my mood.
Or, perhaps, we should come what may.
Time: 9.52am
Winamp buzzing: Five - Until the Time is Through
Well, I sent the message afterall.
I went for a KTV session with Weide, Kuan Yong, Jasper, Kolay and Clara. I think I sang a lot. *Ops* Sorry guys... I think the guys were quite bored cuz mostly were "girl's song". But I didn't manage to sing the whole list of S.H.E songs that I'd chose...
After KTV, we went for a bite at the market place. Then, some of us headed down to IMM to see Wilbur Pan, all thanks to Kolay. She asked us along. I wasn't a Wilbur fan. When we reached there, it was so filled with people. But we managed to get a place rather front to see. wahaha.. Its so scary when all the girls scream. Omg.. Scary... Even though I'm not a Wilbur fan, but as a girl, I must say he really very shuai in real life... He looked towards our direction for quite a number of times, and omg... Wo bei dian dao le... 100000000000000000000V... hahaz... *Yes Kolay, he's shuai, but no need always say one...* We listened to him sing 2 songs and we went off.. We waited for him for... around 20mins.. He was late... Haiyoh... hmmm... Okay la... He very shuai la... Really nice eyes.
haha... =P
Friday, December 10, 2004
4:59 PM
Winamp buzzing: Remy Zero - Save Me
Today had been a great day. Know why? Cuz today is the reunion day for .S.H.E. SiStAs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super happy...
I was crapping on the phone with Valz last night. We were stoning together. Talked alot.. And I meant A LOT.. I kept talking non-stop, while she kept forcing me to talk about lots of things... Valz agreed to accompany me down to Ossia Building today for my job appointment. WeEz.. Really glad that she would be able to accompany me to the my job appointment down at Tanah Merah.. We talked A LOT on the way... wahahhahaz... SiStAz RoCkZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ossia Building isn't that hard to find at all. Really thankful for that. Well, the lady was rather nice too.. Well.. Got my attire for the job.. Just t-shirt and track pants.. hahaz.. Well.. I'll be working at World of Sports, IMM from next week onwards. Just telling you all... But don't go down and disturb me.. I'll KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL anyone who go and disturb me...
We called Yunz to meet at the Burger King at Westmall, and the 3 of us just sat down there and talked our hearts out. SO NICE!!!!! Like usual, they kept teasing me AGAIN.. haiz.. They kept forcing me to do something!!!!! I know they are giving me the courage and encouragement to do it, but I just can't bring myself to do it!!!!!! AhHh.... Stupid Valz and Yunz.... *Glare at them*
*SiGh* I really don't know okay... Those words just feel as if they were at my throat.. But I just can't bring myself to say.. I just hope that I can swallow those words down again... But.... It almost feel as if it's going spill out... AHHHH... People... Stop asking me to say... I can't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*SiGh* Don't know... Don't know... Don't know....
Thursday, December 09, 2004
10:54 AM
Winamp buzzing: Nichole Kidman and Ewan Mcgregor - Come What May
Photos speak a thousand words. So, before I say anything, I'll show you all some photos of Grad Nite 2004 from Lizhen and Clara and Weide.
IQ Zero: Angeline, Lena, Shi Ting, Kolay, Me, Eileen (from left)
SICKO: Alicia, Xiao Wen, Lizhen, Jocelyn, Jean (from left)
SICKO + IQ Zero = Sickening IQ
Me and Lizhen
Girls at my table
03S13 class photo
Clara, Eunice, Kolay, Me
I don't know how to really update.. It's hard not to have any fun at all cuz everyone prepared soooooooooo much for it.. Buying of clothes, and making ourselves pretty. It's an unforgetable night. It's soooooo once in a life-time.
We all took soooo many photos. I developed my photos already. I'll try to get a scanner somehow somewhere.. And I'll post more photos. Well... I'm not going to say what EXACTLY happened.. Just briefly...
The food was alright only... Didn't eat alot too.. If you want to ask me is the food worth $75? Nah.. It's not at all... Not even filling. The programme was not bad. Perhaps it was due to the participation of the people. Yup.. It's rather nice. wahahahaz... Xiao Hui was selected as one of the Prom Beau norminees. Actually he brought a lot of laughter to the crowd.. Especially something that he did when he was asked to "propose" to one of the Prom Belle Norminees.. wahahaz... We are all gonna tease him with that for quite some time... Prom Beau for this year is Gavin Chew, and Prom Belle is Ya Fen. It's sort of expected. They did a slow dance with the song First Love.. It's SO SUPER NICE... haha... Well.. Took lots of photos again.. etc etc..
After that.. I went to the esplanade area with the council gang. Coincidentally, my class people went there too. So super happy cuz I could be with my class and council at the same time. They all bought some alcoholic drinks. Well, we all drank some, but not drunk. Super nice night..
Before we went back to our hotel room at Marina Mandrain, some of my class girls and I went to play with the lift at Pan Pac. LOL... Yong Hao asked Xiao Hui to bring the card down so that we can take the lift. wahhaa.. When Xiao Hui knew that we were going to take the lift up and down, he was like -______-""""" wahahah.... We took from level 2 and up to level 37. SUPER NICE... Can see all other buildings... wahahhahahahz... Reminded me of how the Grad Nite com played with the lift last year when we came to see the ballroom.. wahahahaz...
It was a nice.. and unforgetable night.. Lots of things happened.. Ahh.. Everything happened so fast... But yet somethings that I thought I should have done, I didn't do...
Okay.. Other updates... Quarrelled with my brother yesterday. I really hate having to quarrel with him.. I was super upset yesterday that I cried the whole afternoon.. It just felt as if my whole world came crashing down.. It's not only because of the quarrel, but also due to other things that's bothering me that I suddenly just feel so saturated that I broke down.. I hate that feeling.. When my brother came back, it made the matter worse.. I broke down again.. I cried the whole night again.. Never did I cried so hard.. My nose was so block that I thought I was going to suffocate myself to death.. Sms-ed some people.. Thanks Kolay.. For talking to me.. Thanks lots woman.. Thanks Xiao Hui for replying my sms and calling me to ask me if I'm alright.. Thanks lots man..
Then, something pleasing happened to me this morning. I got a job!!!!!!!! wahahhaa.. I'll be working at World of Sports.. Yup... So happy... Finally got the retail job that I wanted.. THANK YOU!!!!!
There's so many people that I want to thank this Christmas.. For being there for me... And for being there to love me... Thank you...
Monday, December 06, 2004
5:54 PM
Winamp buzzing:
I'm feeling grumpy today... *SiGh* I feel soooooooo.... sick of everything... I'll rather be studying... Really... This is why..........................
I went to this Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) Scholarship talk at Swissotel The Stamford this morning. Honestly, the scholarship is super tempting for me... I'd been eyeing on this scholarship since after O Levels... What you think... It's like so near yet so far... Then, they gave us this form to apply.. For as to apply using Prelims result first.. I was like "DUHZZZ"... My Prelims results SUCKS LIKE SHIT... haiz... Sucks sucks sucks sucks.... AND IT'S STILL SUCKY..... haiz... Really don't know whether I should just apply... But it's so.... crazy... Maybe I should just wait after I get my A Levels result... But it may be too late.. They are already starting the internship programme... haiz haiz haiz..... Sianzation.... It's was like super stressful at the talk... Everyone was from top JCs... It's so intimating... Alicia was like saying the whole hall.. maybe 1/4 of the audiences were from Nanyang Girls... OH WELL....
After that.. Kolay and I went present hunting.. Nothing much.. Went back to Jurong Point, Fish and Co. for job interview... *SiGh* Seriously, I'm quite conservative about getting job in the F&B sector.. Firstly, it had to be the injection.... It's scaring me... Then.. It's the training.. The Fish and Co. one was alright... Oh well... I prefer retail and promoting jobs... haiz... But what to do... They are not employing me... YET... Non called back... Sickening... Then, Tonkichi Restaurant called to say that they want to employ us... Should be rather happy about it right... BUT.. The uniform criteria was super weird can... BLACK COURT SHOES and STOCKINGS.... Question marks? Yeaaa... ME TOO.... Those attire reminded me of council attire only lor.... Maddness... Don't know... *SiGh* Mom wasn't too happy with the location due to the travelling time.. I was a bit sianz about it too, but what to do? It's always like that lor.. It's hard to get job at Jurong Point itself.. Though it's super ideal... Well... Me and Kolay will be going down to their Suntec branch tomorrow to have a look at the attire.. It still puzzle me... BLACK COURT SHOES AND STOCKINGS??????????? hMmMm.... Need to stand for 8 hours per day.... 6 days per week... OMG... My legs will break..........................
*SiGh* I'm soooooo sianz about finding jobs... I hope those retail ones will call!!!!! Please prayyyy that they call!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH..... I'm going mad.... I'm so grumpy....
Sunday, December 05, 2004
10:02 PM
Winamp buzzing: Huang Pin Guan & Liang Jing Ru - Ming Ming Hen Ai Ni
*SiGh* Don't know why.. Maybe I'm too free, and have nothing to do.. I kept thinking about the past.. Like what had happened in secondary school and junior college... About those important people in my secondary school life and junior college life... I'd been reading my Opendiary.. which started the lowest point of my secondary school life... It's amazing to read how I actually got over the entire saddening incident and moved on with great help from my friends.
Ahh... I'm feeling like.... memories over-flow...
Saturday, December 04, 2004
10:39 PM
Winamp buzzing: Sly - Kiss from A Rose
I'm feeling "sianz".. Now I sort of understand how hard it is to get jobs.. Due to lack of qualification, it's really hard to get jobs. Then, those service and retail jobs.. really hard to get them now.. Sad man.. Kolay and I went for this job interview at World of Sports today.. Well, seems like the job is a bit gone cuz they are looking for 1 person, and there are other 2 applicants.. We went around to seek for jobs again. Well, Coffee Bean at Jurong Point wanted to hire us a part-timers at $4/hr.. sianz.. I'm not really keen to take up the job as it's part-time, and the pay is not that high esp when it's part-time.. THEN, I need to go and take an injection too... sianz.. I decided not to go for this job.. Waiting for others to call me.. hopefully... I sent my resume to other companies too.. Hope can get job... Yupz...
Friday, December 03, 2004
11:11 PM
Winamp buzzing: Ashlee Simpson - Shadow
*Sigh* I'm sianz... I tried looking for the song "That's what Friends are For" that is re-sang by the Singapore Idol finalist... But that server is SO BUSY and overloaded... I'm current ranked 41... Sianz....
I'm really tired now... I went Kbox with Clara and Kolay. It's been so long since I last went Kbox! There's SO MANY new MTVs... There's the MTV for Yuan You Hui!!!! *_* It's so cute and sweet!! I'm so in love with that MTV. Watched the MTV for Jiang Jun, Wai Po... etc... WEE...
After KBox, we went down to Mambo Pool at Bukit Timah Plaza to meet Sheng Qiang and Xiao Hui for pool. 2 extremely funny guys.. They were off-form!! It's so funny.. Sheng Qiang tried to do the breaking, but his que just went off. LOL.. Then, Xiao Hui tried, and his hit made the white ball flew and hit Clara. That was really hilarious. LOL... We were all kinda off-form cuz it's been a while since we last played pool. Today, Xiao Hui made the white ball flew off 2 times, and hit the 3 girls.. LOL.. He should be ashame of himself!!! LOL...
After pool, we walked down to those Malay Shops opposite Beauty World for dinner. WAHHAHA... CHEESE PRATA... *Drools* We all ate prata and we ordered this large crab mutabak.. YuMz... But.. Really a lot.. So, we ended up having to go a few rounds of "zhong ji mi ma" to finish it.. LOL.. Xiao Hui and Kolay ate the most!!! WAHHAHA... Xiao Hui tried to "sabo" me to eat it, but to no avail!!! WAHAHHAHAA~ *laugh even louder* Clara and I got this "bandung" incident.. We tried to remind the guy about one more bandung drink, and the guy was taking order from Xiao Hui. So, when he paused to scribble the order, Clara and I were like, "erm.. There's one more bandung." Then the guy no respond, and continued talking to Xiao Hui. When he paused and scribble again, Clara and I said the same line again. The guy had no respond again!! He just turned to take order again... The third time, when we said the same thing, he finally responded, and said, "I know I know. You all said 3 times." LOL.... It's so embarrassing..
After dinner.. We didn't go any other place cuz no where to go, though really don't feel like going home so early.. I went to Jurong Point to meet my parents and I bought a nail polish!! wEez.. It's quite nice.. And it has the effect that I want..
*Sigh* I'm quite sad now... Jason from Billy Bombers at Heeren didn't call us today.. Haiz.. Job gone.... I guess, unless he calls tomorrow. World of Sports called me and Kolay to ask us down for an interview tomorrow... Hope it will be successful.. Nevertheless... I still hope to get some job to earn some money to replenish those that I'd spent!!!
Thursday, December 02, 2004
9:51 PM
Winamp buzzing: Five - Until the Time is Through
Ahh.. My legs hurt, and I'm really tired...
I went job hunting with Kolay today. We went around asking for vacancy for jobs.. It was an experience. We went to this Japanese Steak restaurant.. Kinda high-class.. Stressful working environment.. And, the attire sucks.. The manager seemed rather keen in employing us. But guess what! Kolay and I were kinda... not keen. For me.. It's due to the environment.. It's fine-dining, so it's like... stressful.. I'm not those kind of person for those fine-dining stuff... Then, we walked around, and we actually went to Billy Bombers too. The manager seemed very keen to employ us too. So happy!!! He said that if he wants to employ us, he will call us tomorrow!!! OMG!!! Please please please call us!!!! *PRAY REALLY HARD*
We had "tea" at Cafe Cartel. OMG.. Their cappochino ROCKS... IT'S SO NICEEE... After that, we went SHOPPPPPPPPPPPPING~ It was then we received a call from SQ to ask us to meet him and XH at Lucky Plaza.. We were at OG Orchard okay... And we walked ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL the way there......... Tiring siaz... Then ended up saying "HI! Enjoy your dinner! We're having dinner at home! Bye!" -_-.........
So tiring...
I'm going for KBox and Pool tomorrow!!! WeEezz!!!! And, XH is going to treat dinner tomorrow!!! WAHAHAHAHHAA.... =X
Time: 9.00pm
Winamp buzzing: Lighthouse Family - Free
Actually.. I'd been thinking of quite a lot things recently.. haha.. What to do? Nothing much to do now, so tend to think too much..
Lots of thoughts come across my mind after 4D1 class gathering. I really think that the 4D1 people are a bunch of friends that are hard to come-by.. After knowing each other for so long, we can still sit together and laugh at lame jokes. It's so heart-warming. And, they are the people you know that they will be there.. That sort of thing.. Then.. For certain people, even though we quarrelled or didn't get along last time, we still get together as friends.. Something like burying the hatchet.. Well.. We were all so young then.. Just forget about some mistakes.. BUT.. There's still something I couldn't really forgive someone for doing something life-threatening to me.. (some of you will know what I'm talking..)
It always take 2 person to clap.. Friendships are to be maintained by both.. I am just surprised that some people can see love as something more important than friendship.. *Sigh* It's so totally unfair.. Then, it is so hard to even maintain a friendship.. I'm just sad that I seem to have lost a friend.. Someone closed to heart who once was important to me.. Someone whom I like.. *Sigh* Sad case..
Then, there's also some decision I'd made then that I seemed to be regreting now.. Oh well.. I told myself that I will not turn back once I made my decision then.. So, I'll just have to live with my regrets.. I also know that I'd caused people to be upset because of me.. I'm really sorry.. It upsets me too.. Until now... *Sigh*
And I'm glad that I still have my sistas with me.. Even though I didn't get to see Valz much, we still talk, may it be over the net or phone. She's still the sista who knows me best!!! It's still amazing how we can read each other's mind, and help each other despite being separated with each other for so long!! Love ya! Then, there's Yunz. A sista who has changed over the years. From someone tom-boyish to someone who's a woman! wahaha.. We still click real well when we were gossiping. wahahahaz.. And also disturbing people. Sista Yunz.. Please be happy.. That's what sistas are for.. I really hope that you will get your happiness, and not see you cry. Sista Valz too.. I believe I made a great "consultant" to your Valz.. But in the end, it's all up to you..
Then.. JC friends.. So many.. 03S13 people.. IQ ZERO people!! wahaha... We are a bunch of mad girls... SICKO!!! wahhaha... Together, we get SICKENING IQ.. lol.. We are a bunch of dangerous girls. REALLY!!! Guys who met us, and approached by us really have to be careful.. We are deadly.
Council friends.. a bunch of people who I went through thick and thin with.. Some of them were my close friends.. and some have taken that special place in my heart.. I think we will all be very good friends for very long time. Through council.. We seemed to know each other so much more than anyone can know anyone in 2 years.. We practically see and talk to each other everyday.. A special bunch of people...
Then........ something was going through my mind too... I just don't want to miss chances that I will regret in future....... And also make decisions that I'll regret in future too..... don't know.....
Just some thoughts about life so far....
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
11:24 PM
Winamp buzzing: Michelle Branch - Goodbye to You
*Sigh* I can't deny that I was a bit disappointed and upset with the result of Singapore Idol. I'm sure that those screaming and crazy fans of Sly in pink over at the indoor stadium must be crying like crazy.
Well, I think Sly sang better than the previous weeks. It's like it's his best performance so far.. Though I really like his Wildcard Episode and Big Band Special. Among the 3 songs that he sang, I liked An Jing BEST!!!! haha.. Not because it's a Jay Chou song, but because he sang it really well!! As a Jay fanatic, I can safely say that he hasn't spoil and disfigure that beautiful song at all. In fact, he sang it well. He wasn't immitating Jay at all, but with his own style. WeEz! Love that song even more now! Then, I thought that "Dream" song.. I forgot the name.. He sang it like a rock ballet, which I really like a lot too. Well, just that I don't really like the song "It's My Life".. I thought he sounded a bit.. weird.. Ya.. Just too bad the judges chose that song for him.. Which is a rather difficult song.. If they had chosen something from Firehouse, maybe he will sound better.
Overall.. I think he sounded great.. And.. Being NOT a crazy screaming fan, Taufik wasn't bad too (not that I'd stop disliking him..). I just think that Taufik and a Hoobastank song don't click at all.. Oh well.. haha.. Whatever that is, it's all over. I wasn't too particular about the result though I voted 3 times (but this is so puny compared to other people..).. Just wait for their songs to be other.. And we'll then see how it turns out...
It seems like lots of people we scared that I'll be sad. After the result was released, I received that.. MANY sms-es telling me not to be upset.. LOL.. Don't worry people, I'm not those crazy girls. I'm not upset to that kind of extent!! haha... I'm COOL~
Alright~ No more Singapore Idol for now. American Idol 4 is up next year!
5:37 PM
Winamp buzzing: Simple Plan - Don't Wanna Think About You
I'm not used to my new hair colour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH...... I think I look like a piece of crap now.......................................................................
I dyed a brownish base colour, but I don't know why I think it looks so light... I highlighted a blondish colour, but I don't know why it looks orange-ish...
DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just can't get use to my new hair colour. The hair itself looks good.. But I think I look weird in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......
I'll just learn to get use to it..
10:04 AM
Winamp buzzing: Lin Jun Jie - Chi Bang
OMG... I was really tired last night.
Yesterday, I went to Sentosa with some friends (Kuan Yong, Gavin, Weide, Jasper, Sidney, Wilkson, Edward, Theresa, Aili, Kolay). I was supposed to meet Kuan Yong and Gavin at Boon Lay MRT station at 9.20am, but I was late. Sorry guys... Then, seemed to me I was latest AGAIN today, and the whole lot of them boarded the train at JE just like how my class girls had. I was late 2 days in a row... So sorry pals.. The MRT ride was super duper "sianz". I don't know why, they started to talk about Jay Chou which really irritated the hell out of me. They purposely said things to irritate me.. Especially Edward... haiz... Used to it already.
We were super late to meet Jasper and Weide at Palawan Beach cuz we went to the food centre to grab a bite, and we spent around 20min on the monorail. When we reached there, we played beach volleyball. Well, I really don't know how to play volleyball, so I either stoned or just "siam" the ball when it comes. Sorry guys.. =\ The rest then went down into water while Sidney, Kolay and I went to walk around. We went to the bridge and we kept shaking the bridge. wahahaz.. It was actually quite pretty when we went up the "tower" thingy. The sea is sooooo beautiful. It started to rain, so we went to wash up. Quite nice la..
We went to grab a bite at Yoshinoya, when the rest went down to Jasper's house and I went down to Marina Bay MRT station to meet my secondary school friends. I wasn't the earliest! Jia Jun was as early as me, and we were like laming to kill the time. Boon Kee, Hui Min and Jenny then arrived. We waited for quite long when some other people appeared. Let me see... Who were there.... For girls, only Boon Kee, Hui Min, Jenny, Ting Ting, Yun Ling and me. For guys, Jia Jun, Felix, Benny, YKL, Millard, Yong Cheng, Eric, Calvin, Wai Kit, Keng Hwang, Yi Long, Sau Yan, and Terence.. Did I missed out anyone? It was quite fun actually.. We ate steamboat, and talk trash.. We went down to the esplanade area to talk trash too after that. We went off at around 10.45pm. I reached Boon Lay station around 11.30pm. I missed the last 172!!! I thought I'd to take taxi in. But luckily Eric reminded me that I still have 199 to take back home.. haha.. I'm quite a road idiot.
I'm so glad to be able to see most of my secondary school friends again... Miss them lots.. I have lots to say.. But I need to go off.. I'm off to dye my hair.. whahahahz... Need to go.. Mom is getting angry.. LOL